Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by My Eclectic Muse ages ago, sorry for the delay in posting this!  I’m fairly new to her blog but she has a mixture of fashion and beauty posts and a unique sense of style.  Thank you! 🙂

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award recognises the unique voices of women bloggers around the world.

1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 10 questions your nominator has provided.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination.


1. Using three words, how would you describe yourself?
I cheated and asked my friend and she described me as: charming, friendly, and patient 😉

2. What is your favourite time of day, and why?
Morning, because it’s a fresh start and the day is full of possibilities.

3. What was the thing that made you the happiest in the last few weeks?
Finalizing our little road trip for our vacation in July!  We’ll be driving to northern Ontario including Algonquin Park, and then a little stop in Ottawa, which is Canada’s capital.  I used to visit Ottawa regularly but I haven’t been there in ages.  We’ll be staying at various Bed & Breakfasts along the route so it will be a nice change of pace for us city folks. 😛
4. Where would you travel to if money was no object?
A grand tour of Asia to places I haven’t been, including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Beijing, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore!
5. What advice would you give to new bloggers?
Genuine engagement – don’t just reply to comments on your own blog, read other people’s blogs and post real comments, not to spam them with your blog’s link.

6. What is your favourite dessert?
All of them! I lie, anything except for rice pudding (rice ain’t got no business in dessert!), crème brûlée and pastries with too much whipped cream.
7. What was the last book you read and would you recommend it?
Ugh I don’t like reading books. The last real book I read was Life of Pi back in November while on vacation. And yes, I wholeheartedly recommend it.

8. What song/s or musician are you currently loving?
I’ve been really fixated on the song “California” by Delta Spirit. I heard this playing at the Gap and Shazam’d it (honestly, what would I do without Shazam?), and I really like the video too:

9. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I’ve been asked this question previously and I think I said invisibility, so now I’ll go with the ability to teleport.  I just hope I don’t teleport into a wall or something.

10. Do you prefer coffee, hot chocolate or tea?
Coffee! Tim Hortons regular roast.

Nominees: (I did not check to see if you have been nominated for this before, so if you have, feel free to disregard!)
A Girl with Pink Cheeks
Infinitely Awkward
Beauty by Burdess
Glam Necessities
Glam with Sam
Shareen Zahira

1. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
2. Who has been your biggest role model?
3. What’s the ringtone on your phone?
4. Have you kept in touch with any of your childhood friends?
5. What are your favourite burger toppings?
6. How many days until your birthday?
7. Vampires or werewolves?
8. How many pairs of sandals do you own?
9. Have you ever flown a kite?
10. What is your signature perfume / scent?

28 thoughts on “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

    1. Oh you really should go visit – it’s a shame we’re so eager to travel abroad when there are so many wonderful places to discover in our own country! I haven’t been to Algonquin Park in years but I do have fond memories of canoeing and portaging through it! (but lots of mosquitoes omg)
      Yes, Tims every day!


      1. I don’t know how I completely overlooked your comment, but I did..ooops haha. I think I may head up this summer to Algonquin or to Muskoka…I love it up there and it is great to get away from the city, This country is so beautiful, I just wish it was cheaper to travel across!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ugh, don’t even get me started! We are flying out west for a friend’s wedding in Sept and it’s costing us more to fly there than it would cost to fly to the UK! Or spend a week at a resort in Mexico! It’s highway robbery! 👿


    1. Well then, we’re a good pair – you can eat all the desserts that I don’t care for! 😛
      My apologies for saying that I don’t like reading books, Ms. Librarian… haha!


  1. Thank you for your nomination, I’ll definitely enjoy doing this! Also, good song and I hope you have a good trip!
    P.S. teleporting would be cool, only if you could teleport really far distances. Imagine all the countries you could visit 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh I remember that episode! We were trying to rewatch all of the X-Files from beginning to end a while ago, but we gave up about 3rd season in. We should really get back into it!
      Singopore is on my priority list to visit – but the boy has been there so naturally that bumps it down a notch. I should just go myself! 😛
      Looking forward to reading your answers!


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