AliExpress Brush Dupes: MAC Oval 6

I bought a bunch of brushes off AliExpress on January 30th and have been patiently waiting for them to be delivered for the past couple of months.  Finally, the packages started trickling in mid-March and I received my final parcel last week.  Here is the Real Techniques Bold Metals set:
And here are the “dupes” next to the real thing:
Overall? I’m REALLY impressed with what I received! 😀  Today I’ll review and compare the MAC Oval 6 brush dupe.

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I bought a few things off AliExpress…

Happy Groundhog Day! I think it’s going to be an early Spring this year!

Out of sheer curiosity, I placed orders for some makeup accessories off AliExpress:
This cost me only $13.97 for all 7 brushes! 😮 (all prices are in Canadian dollars)  I’ve been wanting to try the Real Techniques Bold Metals brushes for a while now, but at $35 for just the Flat Contour brush, I couldn’t justify the purchase.  It would have cost me $205 before taxes for all 7 brushes from the Bold Metals collection. I mean, aren’t RT brushes meant to be a cheaper alternative?

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