Winners Finds – May 2016

I’m really back-logged with my posts as you can see, as this was meant to be posted before I left for vacation, but I didn’t have time to take photos. Ah well, better late than never! 😉

So I wasn’t really planning on doing much makeup shopping before my trip but I’ve been finding some AMAZING stuff at Winners! I just couldn’t NOT buy this stuff:
Burberry! Armani! Nars! Paul & Joe! Nail polishes from the newest collections! I couldn’t even fit everything into the frame.  😀  I’ll start off with the craziest (aka the best!) things:

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Project Focus 10: The Final Chapter

This is the final summary post of the Project Focus 10 collaboration! Firstly, I want to thank the awesome collab crew of Ingrid, Joy and Jodi! It has been so much fun doing this project with you! 😀
So, how did I do in the Project Focus? If I was to grade myself in terms of sticking to using the items I chose, I’d give myself a B. It’s a solid grade but it isn’t going to get me on the Honour Roll. 😛 Unlike some of my collab buddies, I did not finish any of the 10 items up during this project, but I intend to continue working on them! Here’s a recap and current state of things.

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Project Focus 10: Orly Nailtrition

It’s Two Two Two Day! (February 22nd; 2-22, heh) I totally just made that up. Maybe the world will end when it’s Feb 22, 2222.  None of us will live that long anyway, so no worries. 😉
Today is the halfway point of Project Focus 10 series and I’ll be reviewing Orly Nailtrition Nail Strengthener & Growth Treatment:
I’ve been using this as my nail treatment since mid-December, so I’ve had this on my nails continuously for about 2 months. I bought my bottle from Sally Beauty Supply (the only bricks and mortar store that sells Orly near me) for $17 for 18ml. (NailPolishCanada also stocks it)  It is made in the USA and has a recommended lifespan of 3 years from opening.

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Collective Nail Polish Acquisitions

As you’ve seen in yesterday’s post, I’ve been hitting up all the Winners and Marshalls within a 10km radius of my home last month. I also visited my favourite salon supply shop that sells polishes for cheap – they still had the Essie buy 4 get 2 free offer, and it was extended to the China Glaze polishes too!  And I also found someone who sells Avon so I had to get some polishes – it’s been years since I’ve bought Avon polishes (they’re great quality). So I somehow ended up with more polishes…
There’s no feeling in the world like hauling a whole whack of nail polishes!  If that’s wrong, then I don’t want to be right! 😛  (These do not include the nail polish hauls already posted here and here and here and here.)  Brace yourselves…

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Collab: Project Focus 10

New year, new collaboration!  This is another brainchild of miss Ingrid (aka Curly.Spring.Blossom) who approached me with a 10 week long blog series called Project Focus 10.  The idea of this series is to focus on beauty products to try to either use them up, or give them more attention:
• 10 weeks
• 10 beauty products we have never reviewed, that we want to focus on or hit pan
• 10 different product categories
There are 4 of us doing this collab so that means we’ll be showcasing 40 products!  How awesome is that? 🙂

Today is the introduction to the 10 products! Mine are:

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Blogmas Day 1: Red & Green

Today I’m excited to announce the launch of my first ever BLOGMAS!  Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom came up with this idea and asked if I’d be interested! So, Ingrid, Kaily of Hello Kaily, Sharon of Sharon Beauty Prime and myself (we’re calling ourselves the Babes in Blogland) will be posting 25 consecutive days for the holiday season.  Our Blogmas will be primarily focused beauty topics with a Christmas spin.  Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday all 4 of us will be posting about the same topic, so be sure to check out each of our take on the topic du jour! 😀

Our topic today is RED & GREEN stuff (or Red & Green sh!t as the classy Kaily called it). I’m interpreting this topic as a showcase of red and green makeup items from my stash.
It would have been a bit of a cop-out to just feature nail polishes so I did make an effort to include actual makeup stuff. 😛

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