The Face Shop: Paraffin Nutrition Nail Pack

I was in The Face Shop store to stock up on more of my konjac sponges and came across some new mask offerings they had at the store, including this Paraffin Nutrition Nail Pack.  It was only $2 per pack.  I had recently removed gel nail polish which left them quite dry, so I thought it would be a great time for me to test the paraffin treatment to help re-hydrate my nails.

The nail pack comes with 10 pieces of nail covers which are soaked in the paraffin treatment.
It is recommended that the treatment be left on for 10-15 minutes.
The package comes with 2 compartments, marked “left” and “right”, it honestly doesn’t really matter which side you use for what hand as they contain the same assortment of finger covers.  Each side contains 4 of the smaller size finger cover and a larger one for the thumb:
As with the foil polish removal method, putting these on the fingers is easy peasy for first hand, but when you go to apply the second hand… it’s a bit tricky.  An option would be to do one hand at a time, but that would mean the treatment would take a total of half an hour, and who’s got time for that?  The covers are made of a quilted paper material on top layer, and a plastic material for the bottom layer.
Here’s a before shot of my nails. I purposely left my cuticles untouched and as you can see, I suffer from peeling / splitting nail tips which I have yet to find a solution for!  I normally just peel off the split and buff the surface smooth. Any advice to prevent them would be welcomed.
Here’s a shot immediately after I removed the covers – it is recommended that the remaining treatment be massaged in and left on.  The treatment feels like a slimy essence and has a soapy scent.   My fingers were a bit prune-y after being in the covers for 15 minutes:
After the treatment dried – my cuticles do look moisturized:
It was a good temporary fix but not very long lasting effects, very similar to sheet masks for the face.  I could likely achieve the same results by applying hand cream. I would only recommend these if you want a nice pampering treatment for your nails if they’re dehydrated, but don’t expect miracles.

• inexpensive one time treatment
• easy to use
• hydrating as claimed

• wasteful packaging and covers
• effects are only temporary

Stash worthiness: 6/10

Along with the Nail Pack, I also picked up a couple more “unusual”, new-to-me masks; Goodbye Smile Fold Modeling Gel Patch and Smile Foot Mask ($4 each):
The SA was quite insistent that I try the Smile Foot Mask, saying that it was essential for summer, so I obliged.  I have used – and LOVED – the Holika Holika One Shot Foot Mask which is an AHA peeling foot mask, but this one is more for moisture, so we’ll see.  As for the smile file mask – anyone who knows me in real life knows that I have a wee fixation on my laugh lines which I want to eradicate, so I really hope the Goodbye Smile Fold Modeling Gel Patch works!

Also, a PSA, theFaceShop launched a loyalty points program called the Beauty Circle.  For every $1 spent in the store, 5 points is earned.  Every 100 points is equal to $1 off your purchase.  To simplify, it boils down to: spend $100 to get $5 off.  It’s not great, but at least it’s something.  Also, if you register your card, you get a bonus of 300 points (value of $3).

Have you tried any paraffin nail treatments before?

15 thoughts on “The Face Shop: Paraffin Nutrition Nail Pack

  1. Never tried this before but to prevent your cuticles from being dry and peely, just use a cuticle oil at night a few times a week + a hand cream. I’ve found that when I don’t use those two products at least once a week, I end up with dry cuticles with small hangnails! The worst.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah cuticle oils definitely help with the cuticles – my main issue that I can’t resolve are the peeling nail tips. I seem to just get new peelies every time I do my manicure. I need a better base coat or nail strengthening product, methinks.
      I’m pretty bad with remembering to use hand cream though – thanks for the reminder! 😛


  2. Those finger masks look neat! I’ve seen a couple reviews on them and think they would be fun to try. I also want to try feet masks! lol. 🙂 xo

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      1. I am going to! I heard about a brand from another blogger that sells them at Target I believe, so I am going to look for them there next time I go. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I have tried the Puderm version ( and the Julep version ( I agree with you they are a temporary solution I actually enjoyed The Face Shop Rich Hand Special Care Hand Mask, but it is pricey. Probably will stick to cuticle oil, lotion, and gloves at night. Cheaper. Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Good to know there are other brands out there. I might try different ones out in the future. I get so lazy with the cuticle oils and hand creams… and gloves at night will just be not possible, I can barely keep my socks on (I have a tendency to kick them off in the middle of the night!) 😛

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  4. Never tried this before but I’m somewhat intrigued. I think my nails would enjoy a session of pampering. A shame it doesn’t last, though. At my workplace, we have some cheap versions of feet masks either with tea tree or argan oil, they seem to be very popular but I was never really convinced by them. Goodbye Smile Fold Modeling Gel Patch sounds such an odd treatment, hopefully it works well for you!

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