50 things that make me happy

This tag has been going around so I’m (finally) jumping on the bandwagon!

Like the Book of Awesome, I’ll just be naming random things and not family & friends because that’s just obvious. I’ll also not be naming makeup stuff because, well, it’s understood that makeup makes me happy, mkay? 😉

50 Things That Make Me Happy

1. Creamsicles
2. Scalp massages
3. Peeking through people’s houses from the street when they don’t draw their curtains
4. Snagging the last sale item on the shelf
5. Books on knitting

Stitch Encyclopedia Knitting
6. Handmade greeting cards
7. Reversible clothing & accessories
8. Throwing crumpled tissue into the garbage can from across the room and getting it in
9. Lindt roasted sesame dark chocolate bar
Lindt Roasted Sesame chocolate bar
10. Good hair days without trying
11. Being the first person to walk on fresh snow and hearing the crunch of snow under my feet
12. Scones, especially blueberry ones
13. Fresh warm churros
14. Wandering around my neighbourhood with nothing in particular to do
15. The smell of freshly baked bread
16. Watching animals eat
17. ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’ soundtrack
Oh Brother Where Art Thou
18. The movie Spirited Away
19. Bead stores
20. Finding money in a random pocket
21. Assembling Kinder Surprise egg toys
Kinder Surprise
22. Using a brand new notebook
23. Cola flavoured candy, especially gummies
24. Cute stationary
Poop pens
25. Finding a lost / misplaced item
26. Restaurants that provide thick, high quality napkins
27. No one sitting within a 10 seat radius around us in a movie theatre
28. Big bowl of congee with thousand-year egg
29. Remembering to use a coupon (or a coupon code online)
30. Temperature changing items like mood rings or those nail polishes that change with hot / cold water
31. Bubble tea with soft chewy tapioca (my favourite is from Chatime)
32. Breakfast food for dinner
33. Gum that lasts for more than 15 mins (Stimorol from Denmark FTW!)
34. Getting a good shot on camera

Catching a geysir at the beginning of an eruption
My photo of a geysir at the beginning of an eruption in Iceland

35. Finishing a knitting / jewellery project
36. Mochaccino lattes
37. Recognizing a song on the radio after a couple of notes
38. Beating my own high scores
39. Lego
King Tut in Lego
40. Fancy drinking straws
41. The accomplishment of untangling yarn or necklace chains
42. Clearing my inbox
43. A litter of any baby animal
baby pandas!
44. Spicy ginger tea
45. Discovering an accessory is a perfect match for something I already own
46. Customizing a new O/S to my liking
47. King size hotel beds
King size hotel bed
48. Making lists / checking things off lists
49. Travelling to a new city
50. Peeling off price stickers without leaving residue

And those are 50 things that make me happy! What about you? 🙂

Announcement: I’ll be away next week – we’re travelling to the east coast for a friend’s wedding! We’re making a mini vacation out of it by visiting a few places beforehand, and eating a lot of seafood!  If you want to keep tabs on me, please follow me on Instagram @stashmatters

I’ll only have one scheduled post going up during the week (a collab with the fantabulous StyledWithJoy!), but I’ll be back the following Monday. Have a great week!

77 thoughts on “50 things that make me happy

                    1. I know – u know how u have a no buy thing – for me IG is dangerous – i see too many things that make me wanna buy – it’s like a catalogue – lol …… But i will more ……. and just focus on friends …………. #musthavesomerestraintwithproducts ….x

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. for me it’s IG danger – i can handle it everywhere else …Lol ….. and i end up spending hours there – i am more twittery – but i think u know that xxxxx have a gorgeous pumpkin latte saturday x

                      Liked by 1 person

  1. I want a Bubble Tea so badly !!!(We have none here 😩) … If I don,t make lists, I get totally disorganize 😀 What do you know : Knitting, it’s super cool but I don’t have the patience !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You POOR thing! No bubble tea?! There are THREE bubble tea places within walking distance from my place and I must have it at least once a week.
      Yup, I knit. I’ve been taking a break with it lately – I had some carpal tunnel issues with my wrist and letting it rest is probably best for long term health! I’ve been told that I have the patience of a saint… 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think I live in the wrong province … Oh! the patience of a saint; I don’t know why but nobody have never told me the same compliment! 😈 I should learn how to make a bubble tea, it must not be rocket science 😀


  2. This is so wonderful and makes me feel so warm and fuzzy. I agree with you on: 1, 2, probably 3 (not sure I want to admit that), 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 (I hate gummies, but cola flavoured is the only one I’ll eat!), 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 (there was a point in my life when I used to have time to make sure ALL my messages were read, seeing that I have unread messages lost in my inbox is such a peeve), 43, 47, 48, 49, 50.

    Let’s be best friends, okay?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Forget being BFFs – we’re TWINS! 😀 😀 😀
      I have no shame admitting that I like peeking into strangers’ homes. I wear my creepiness proudly. 😛
      I get a little twitch in my eye if I see unread messages, or unchecked voice messages. I don’t know how people can go on living with 1,493 unread messages in their inbox.

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  3. OMG these are the best! I was just talking to someone on YouTube about peeking in peoples windows (while driving by… I don’t hover in bushes or anything) and I love looking in garages too!!! Also, this may sound dumb but is the egg really 1,000 years old or does it just look that way!? Andddddddd I’ve never tried bubble teat :-X But it sounds so good! I make jewelry too! Well, earrings anyways. What do you make!?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I chalk it up to our curious natures! I’m always interested in how people decorate their house and how they organize their stuff, haha. Getting inspirations. The 1000 yr old eggs aren’t that old, they’ve just been packed in some sort of herbs for a few weeks that turn them black like that. It’s got quite a strong flavour… a bit bitter, not really for the faint of heart! Bubble tea has little black tapioca in them that’s like chewy jello – really delish!
      I mostly make necklaces and bracelets. I wish I could make earrings but my ears are allergic to everything! I should post some pics of my jewellery one day – I honestly haven’t done a lot lately though, I go in waves of getting into something and then not doing it for a while, but I’ll go back to it eventually. Same with knitting!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. At least you get back into it. I get into waves of doing something, invest $$ in it, then move on to greener pastures! I like to make earrings cause their easy and their easy gifts for birthdays and stuff. I’m going to have to try the tea. I love tapioca! And I’m with you in the inspiration from other houses! I love watching HGTV to peak into peoples houses too 🙂


  4. I love getting a glimpse of other peoples homes through windows too! Kinda stalkerish but it’s always interesting to see how other people live.
    Churros are the perfect winter treats and those Lindt Sesame chocolates! I love sesame and have yet to see these anywhere!
    Have a wonderful time away!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Totally agree on the king-sized hotel beds, and I love how ridiculously comfortable they always are.
    I had absolutely no idea that Chatime is a chain before reading your tag. Then I googled it and realized they have locations all over the world haha.
    Have a lovely time on your vacation!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 1. Have you tried those Korean Melona bars (at No Frills)? 😀 OMG so good.
    7. Have a really old Kenneth Cole denim tote that is reversible, but I only ever used it one way! That is usually the case with reversibles for me, though I do get suckered in by them now and then.
    9. Just tried this for the first time last week. Not even a huge choc fan, but NOM NOM NOM.
    13. Yes! Ordered in Spain. Got weird looks from everyone in the restaurant. WTF, why is it on the menu if it’s that weird to order churros y chocolate?! Enjoyed mucho.
    28. Oh yeah.
    48. You must be super happy, now! 😀

    LOVED your list! Have a great trip on the east coast!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, I’ve never tried Melona bars! I have to seek them out now! Thanks for telling me about them.
      I have a couple of bags that are reversible and like you, I got suckered into buying them due to “2 for price of 1” idea but I hardly ever use the reverse side – 1 side is always a better design than the other.
      Oh gawd I’m addicted to that Lindt sesame bar… I love it so so much. I want some now!

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  7. Churros and bread, yeah! I like the smell of all bread. It doesn’t even matter if it’s the buttery ones or the yeasty ones. :)) I want to try and list 50 things as well. (Hope I can find 50 without all of them being about food! Haha.)

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    1. Aw man! We’re so lucky we can get it very easily here in Toronto – it’s so multicultural here, we can pretty much get ANY type of food. Maybe you should learn to make it at home?


    1. Well, it’s the houses’ fault for not drawing their curtains – maybe in some way, they’re inviting people to look because they’re proud of their homes! That’s what I’m assuming anyway. 😉


  8. Such a fun post! The O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack is pretty good, I’ve seen the movie a bunch of times. I wish we could but the Kinder Surprise eggs here in the US, it’s so weird that they’re not allowed here. My oldest begs me for them all the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Kinder Surprise law is so dumb – it is some stupid outdated law in the US that stipulates no non-food items can be put into food. I have NO clue what purpose that serves really!
      I’ve only seen O Brother, Where Art Thou movie only a couple of times but that soundtrack, it’s just so soulful and relaxing, I love it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s because people in the US love to sue companies for no reason. Little Bobby Sue got a toy stuck in her throat and now needs to awarded a million dollars. If I’m in NY visiting my mom around Easter I’m able to find the Kinder Surprise eggs in some shops but otherwise its a no go.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Ohmygod, yes! Sadly. lol Also lot of hipsters these day in NY have a habit of name their girl with the middle name Jo. Ugh, I can’t stand it. So there’s a lot of Abby Jo, Mary Jo, they can all hang out with Bobby Sue. lmao Seriously, I don’t know what’s wrong with people. You’d think we’re in the deep south but nope this shit is rampant. I’m from NYC so a lot of my old friends turned hipsters have name their kids these weird backwoods names. Sigh.

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