Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask

Years ago, I used to love an inexpensive enzyme mask from Life brand, which is the private brand of Shoppers Drug Mart (SDM), Canada’s leading drugstore chain. It was called “Dermavive Renew Enzyme Facial Peel” and had just the perfect amount of AHA (in the form of glycolic acid) that gave my skin a bit of a tingle, but wasn’t so harsh that it made my face red.  Of course, they discontinued it. 😥  I, being that customer, actually emailed SDM to inquire about an alternative, but they could not recommend one. SOL, I decided to try to find a replacement.
First, I tried the Freeman Facial Pineapple Enzyme Mask but it was so mild that I could not feel any tingle or skin sloughing effect.  I also tried O’slee Rosehip Peeling Gel which was the rage a while back – the idea is that you apply this clear gel on the face like a mask, and then rub it off in bits like you’re removing glue.  All that manual rubbing wasn’t good for my skin – this left my face red and irritated so I discontinued using it.  That brings me to today’s review; Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask – $12 for 50g (iherb and health food shops):

There’s nice attention to details on the packaging:
The jar is a tinted green, I’m guessing it’s to keep UV light from reaching the product.
It comes with a clear inner lid which provides a tight seal to keep the product from drying out.
The consistency is somewhat like puréed fruit / vegetables aka baby food – it contains little dark bits of something (maybe it’s the cinnamon?):
I apply a thick-ish layer on my skin and leave for 15 minutes – there’s a bit of a tingle but it disappears quickly.  The percentage of acid is not mentioned anywhere on the packaging but I estimate it’s probably around 8-10%.
I’ve used this mask once a week for the past 2 months now and I really like how it makes my skin feel soft and exfoliated. Unfortunately, I’m not a huge fan of the smell since it smells more of the pumpkin than honey – and I don’t like pumpkin too much (pumpkin pie is ICK!).  But overall, this is a fantastic mask with natural ingredients at a very reasonable price – I estimate a jar will last me around 5 months with regular use.

Ingredient list – click to enlarge

• effective chemical exfoliant in the form of glycolic acid
• natural ingredients
• rinses easily and cleanly
• inexpensive
• readily available

• jar packaging is not ideal store store AHA products (but I kept the clear inner lid in hopes of keeping the product fresh longer)
• scent of pumpkin (personal preference)

Stash worthiness: 8/10

Have you tried Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask?  What AHA masks would you recommend to try next?

47 thoughts on “Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Honey Glycolic Mask

  1. hey xxxxx wowy xxxxx
    u read my mind
    i need a new mask xxxx they sell this at the Big Carrot xxx
    Andalou is such a lovely brand too
    Nice one xxx C
    do u think it’s okay for sensitive skin = the glycolic acid ? x
    ❤ C

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This mask sounds so nice! I can’t believe you don’t like pumpkin though! Okay, I can. I hated pumpkin for a long time, and still don’t care for pumpkin pie….. but I love the scent! I’m totally going to try this out. As for that Freeman mask, I’m not a big fan of Freeman. I used them a lot in high school but I don’t feel they do much for my skin. The scent on that one sounds nice though. I love pineapple!

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    1. Freeman masks totally reminds of high school! Maybe they’re like the gateway face mask… 😋
      I actually do not mind pumpkin latte and pumpkin muffins from Starbucks come Fall season but I think mainly because they smell and taste NOTHING like the real thing! 🎃

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      1. Yessssssssssssssss! I love pumpkin muffins and lattes! If they ever discontinue them I will literally die. Oh, and the Cranberry Bliss bar (it’s not pumpkin obviously but they release it in the Winter which comes after Fall which is when they have Pumpkin everything and therefore it totally relates)! So good 🙂

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  3. They really remind me of that baby food. 🙂
    I’ve been wanting to try using glycolic aha on my skin care routine and that determination lead me on researching for the availability of Andalou Naturals and guess what??
    OMG! I found one!! Yay!! Pure bliss!

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  4. I almost bought this the last time I saw Andalou stuff on sale! Didn’t quite pull the trigger, though now I wish I had. Maybe next time! Sometimes I see their stuff at Winners, but I’m not sure if it’s too close to expiry.

    How on earth do you not like pumpkin pie?!?!?!?! 😀

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  5. Oooh! Thanks for sharing. Btw, pumpkin pie RULES. LOL! Don’t you hate when they discontinue your favourite products? SO ANNOYING. Shoppers Drug Mart used to make my favourite tea – a refreshing ginger lemon tea. Of course, Loblaws got rid of the Shoppers brand food products when they took over. Sigh.

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  6. This looks and sounds wonderful! This is perfect for fall. The only problem that I would have is to try not to eat it if it smells like pumpkin. I LOVE pumpkin! 😀 great review! I am totally going to try this out!

    Liked by 1 person

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