Blogmas Day 13: The 12 Days of Purge-mas

I was discussing with the SO that I wanted to do a 12 Days of Christmas post today (there’s only 12 more days til Christmas omg!) and he said, “Why don’t you do 12 days of stuff you’re going to throw out?”  Half jokingly. HALF! But actually it was a fantastic idea!  So, today I present to you: The 12 Days of Purge-mas! [sung to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas]

mnote1 On the First day of Purge-mas, I may throw out these:
• A palette that’s lonely
mnote1 On the Second day of Purge-mas, I may throw out these:
• Two lash curlers
• And a palette that’s lonely
mnote1 On the Third day of Purge-mas, I may throw out these:
• Three face creams
• Two lash curlers
• And a palette that’s lonely

[I won’t force to you sing through ALL the verses, so here’s all twelve verses together]

mnote1 On the Twelfth day of Purge-mas, I may throw out these:
• Twelve lipsticks turning
• Eleven nail polishes drying
• Ten brushes too many
• Nine concealers wasted
• Eight gooey lip glosses
• Seven liners hardening
• Six foundations separating
• Four highlighters
• Three face creams
• Two lash curlers
• And a palette that’s lonely

Hope you enjoyed this rendition! 😀  Do you have any decluttering / purging you need to do from your makeup stash?
(these product categories are actual ones that I need to purge from, come January!)
Be sure to check out the rest of the Babes in Blogland for their blogmas post today:
♥ Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom
♥ Kaily of Hello Kaily
♥ Sharon of Sharon Beauty Prime

32 thoughts on “Blogmas Day 13: The 12 Days of Purge-mas

    1. I’m going to purge my lipstick / lip gloss collection too! I figured I should keep JUST the ones I use and get rid of the rest – so many are turning bad anyway.
      Hehehe I always loved the FIVE GOLDEN RINGS line!

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  1. Haha! That’s genius! I’m regularly purging my wardrobe but not that often my makeup stash because I try to buy only things I really want or really need… still got 5 mascaras on rotation though :p …maybe I’m going to have a look a these drawers…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not that EXACT lipstick but I got a Groupon a while ago for a free lipstick from American Apparel and for some reason I chose the purple lipstick. Needless to say, I never ever wore it. What was I thinking?

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  2. Haha! I loved this! It’s so cute!! I have plenty that I could throw out but it can be hard to get rid of things sometimes. Especially when it comes to clothes and makeup lol. 🙂

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  3. I’m still in the process of tossing out a bunch of beauty products. Lately I’ve been reading a book that explains a certain way of how to get rid of unwanted stuff. I’m hoping to finish it before the year ends.

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