Sephora VIB Rouge Sale Shopping List Fall 2017 Edition

Hey! I’m back. 🙂 Just in time for the Sephora sale. In a way, this is a bit of a cheat post since it was much easier to prepare than a review – ease my way back into blogging, right? 😉 If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I was on vacation for a portion of my time away from the blog. Here are some more of what I did in the past month:

• Visited some cities in Alberta (Calgary, Banff / Canmore, Jasper and Edmonton) – the Canadian Rockies are truly incredible and I highly a recommend visit! ❤

• Attended my first “by invite only” L’Oreal warehouse sale – don’t get excited, since I was on a No-Buy I didn’t get makeup, but my friend went nuts for the $1 nail polishes. I got several bars of Kiehl’s Coriander exfoliating soaps which were limited edition from Christmas – yay! (Kiehl’s Coriander is one of my all time favourite scents)  The most interesting part of attending the sale was seeing all of the brands that L’Oreal owns (besides L’Oreal): Maybelline, Essie, NYX, Lancôme, Shu Uemura, Urban Decay, YSL, Givenchy…

• Went to Canada’s Wonderland (amusement park) to ride the roller coasters – our favourite rides were Leviathan and Behemoth. Fall is the perfect time to visit since it wasn’t too hot and the line-ups weren’t long.

• Donated blood – it’s been years since I last donated because I almost fainted the last time. This time, everything went smoothly, although I did develop a large bruise that’s the width of my arm afterward. :/

• Cleared out old mementos, photos, clothes – just stuff – from our storage locker – there were some hilarious gems… ah memories 😀  We’re doing some significant refurnishing soon so we need to make room – new couch, dining room table / chairs, shelves for the spare bedroom, etc.

Finally finished the entire series of the Sopranos. It took us about 10 months to get through all 6 seasons (more like 7 seasons since season 6 was split into part 1 and 2). I’m not a fan of this show – I did not like the characters and the story line was only mildly interesting. I was so happy to be done with this show. Guess what? Now we can order Netflix! 😀 😀 😀

It feels great to be typing up a blog post again. At this point, I can’t promise that I’ll be posting as frequently as I was previously, but I’ll try my best! 🙂

Onward to the Sephora VIB Fall sale!

The early access for VIB Rouge will be November 3rd – tomorrow – until the 6th, with 20% discount off the whole store (use code 20FORROUGE online). The sale will then be available to VIB (20%) and BI (15%) as well, between Nov 10th to 15th. I didn’t receive a notification card in the mail this time around but I did just receive a “save the date” email last night (and I’m not alone, online chatter seems to indicate that Sephora is sending the cards out randomly).  I’m officially off my No-Buy now and normally I go nuts at this sale because it’s the highest discount offered at Sephora (the Spring sale is 15% off only), but I’ve decided that I really, truly do not need or want any more makeup!  So, I’m focusing mostly on replenishing items, and only buying one key piece.

100% Likelihood I’ll buy these:

Lavanila The Healthy Deodorant in Fresh Vanilla Lemon – $17
I get one of these every sale. I was worried last time that Sephora wasn’t going to carry this anymore but it seems like they’re back in stock and with more scents.

Clinique Purifying Cleansing Brush Head Refill – $34
I got the Clinique cleansing brush back in July and I’ve been using it almost daily in the shower in the mornings. I’m really enjoying it – provides a gentle exfoliation and lots of lather for my face wash. I figured it’s time to change out the brush head but at $34 each, it’s even more expensive than the Clarisonic replacement brush heads!

Surratt Artistique Cheek Brush – $125
I’m finally going to bite the bullet and get one of the Surratt brushes! The face powder brush is $250 so I’m going to get the cheek one for now. 😛

Smashbox 24 Hour Photo Finish Shadow Primer – $26
I’m in the market for a new eye shadow primer since my Nars Pro Prime one is almost finished. The Nars one performs well but I dislike the wand applicator. This one is showing as out of stock right now so I might have to opt for another brand – any recommendations?

That’s it. 😮 Is there something wrong with me?  But, as is with tradition, I’m going to list some “maybes”:

25% Likelihood I’ll buy these:

Surratt Beauty Artistique Blush in Rougeur – $35
This shade has been on my wish list for ages and I just saw that it’s finally back in stock! Tempting…

Nars Soft Matte Complete Concealer – $37
I’ve been eyeing this but I have too many concealers to use up first.

Make Up For Ever Lustrous Blush Palette – $178
This is a brand spanking new release but it enticed me so much. Just look at this beast of a blush palette! There are 12 shades with 5g each! It has a value of $400. I could throw out all my blushes and just keep this! (as if, LOL 😆 )

I didn’t even list a 50% likelihood section because I am fairly certain that I won’t be buying any of these items. 😛

There’s a cute tote available in-store on the first day of the sale. I always snag one but never use them. 😛

What about you?  What have you been up to? Will you be getting anything during the Sephora Fall sale?

107 thoughts on “Sephora VIB Rouge Sale Shopping List Fall 2017 Edition

  1. I just stumbled on the code too didn’t realize it was TOMORROW either. No mail card, and random e-mail at 3 PM yesterday. Honestly I’m ok if they do away with the snail mail if they just consistently sent it on one platform.

    Going to splurge though and finally try the Tom Ford dual ended eyeliner $57 gulp.

    “Spend $694 to maintain your ROUGE status through 2018” haha I don’t think I’ll make it this year and that’s ok! Gotta get all my free makeovers in before year end I guess.

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    1. I kept checking my [physical] mailbox nightly looking for that card! After I received the email, I figured that I didn’t make the cut for a card. Ah well. Yes, if it’s going to be strictly email from now on – stick to it!

      What’s so amazing about the Tom Ford eyeliner that it’s worth the splurge? 😛

      I personally do not think Rouge is worth it at all. I only hit that level because I offer my discount to friends and coworkers. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah they replied to my tweet with the link and apologized haha. Did you make your 100% purchases already?

        Oh and for TF we’ll see when it arrives! I’ve just seen Tati/GlamLifeGuru and a bunch of other beauty gurus recommend it along with the reviews on the website saying it’s the best plus it doesn’t run dry for a very long time. Ordered it with no problem! Ugh I hate in the past if you’re getting sets or hot items they always tend to go OOS quickly.

        That’s awesome your friends take you up on the offer. I do too but no one seems to want to take me up hahah. Oh well!


  2. It’s so nice to see you pop up in my inbox!! I loved following along with you vacation adventures on Instagram – the west coast is absolutely breath taking and I’m glad you got to experience it 🙂

    Welcome back!

    As for the sale – I expect to pick up a few of the holiday sets and replenishing like you. I’m leaving it up to the makeup Gods to decide if I’ll go nuts (I probably will lol)

    Nice to ‘see’ you again!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Belinda! 😀 It was my first time in the heart of the Canadian Rockies – we’re definitely going back.
      The sets are definitely good value! I’m debating whether to brave a bricks and mortar store today or not…

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        1. LOL! I did not make it to an actual store! I didn’t feel like facing the crowds on Friday. 😛 So that means I didn’t pick up a tote this time around. I have, however, placed several orders online over the weekend – don’t get too excited because the majority of the items are for friends / coworkers who I extended the discount to!


          1. Awww that’s so sweet of you! It’s funny because I stumbled across Joyce’s video about being a makeup addict and saw you commented that you have tons of products that you don’t even open – they’re just sitting there. Anyways, I just mention it to say that I’m not surprised that you’ve decided to avoid going hog wild with this sale 😉


    1. My SO likes the rides but his stomach can’t handle them! Usually I start getting a headache myself from being jostled around.
      I know, those Clinique replacement brush heads are so pricey. I am hoping there will be no-name knock-offs available soon on AliExpress or eBay soon – I’ve seen loads for the Clarisonic.


  3. The Rockies always look amazing in photos! One day… Hope you had a great, relaxing time!

    I can’t believe you watched all of The Sopranos if you didn’t really like it! That is a really big commitment. I have only seen a few eps (and I think they were probably out of order); it never really hooked me, either.

    The MUFE palette looks beautiful—I am trying to imagine you chucking out all your old blushes for it. Hahahaha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I suffered through the Sopranos because the SO liked it. He also held Netflix hostage until we finished the whole series! Don’t get me wrong, the show had its moments but from Season 4 on wards, it started to drag on for me.

      Can you even imagine me tossing out 150+ blushes… yikes, that reminds me, I need to do another massive makeup purge.

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      1. When the husband wants to watch something I don’t care for, I just let him watch it while I do something else. He’s watched stuff like Marco Polo, Entourage, and Banshee this way. (I actually think Banshee’s great, but it’s—shockingly—a little violent for me.) The flipside is me watching The Crown and Downton Abbey while he has his noise-canceling headphones on. LOL.

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        1. The weekly Sopranos show was our “special tv time” – can you believe that otherwise we do not sit down to actively watch tv? He likes having the tv on in the background but it’s usually random show like Border Security or the millionth time of The Martian… 😛


  4. Lovely wishlist! That Surratt brush loves so beautiful. I want to try that pot Nars concealer as well. I love the Nars eyeshadow primer, but my other fave is from the Balm and Sephora doesn’t carry. I am using the YSL one now, it is pretty good and it comes in a pot. Can’t wait to see what you get! 🙂

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    1. Oh I did not know theBalm has an eye shadow primer – maybe I’ll check that out. I like how it’s in a squeeze tube! Yes, a shame Sephora doesn’t carry that brand but I do have a gift card to the drugstore that carries it! Thanks for the rec! 😀

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  5. Yay, you’re back!

    Are you going to do a vacation post? I’d love to see where you guys went!

    I can’t believe you went to a L’Oreal warehouse sale and didn’t purchase anything. I’m so…in awe of you right now. LOL. Teach me your ways!

    Ohhhh man, you’re finally making the plunge on that Surratt cheek brush! How exciting! I can imagine the angels singing up above as you apply your blush with it.

    That blush palette is so OTT and I want it now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hadn’t planned on dedicating a post to my trip… are you willing to wait another month? 😆 I haven’t even downloaded all my pictures from my camera.

      I was worried about the L’Oreal sale! My friend begged me to go with her so I could advise her what was good or not to purchase. There were some tempting items BUT I kept asking if I was willing to break my no-buy for just an eye shadow or a nail polish? I. have. so, 😮 I think part of the influence is that we are clearing out a lot stuff at our place, and I couldn’t in good conscience buy more crap…

      Oh yes, that Surratt brush is coming home to mama! ;;;Mr Burns hands:::

      Maybe I should put that MUFE blush palette on my Christmas wish list for my SO – he’d choke. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hehe, no pressure from me to do a vacation blog post! They are actually surprisingly a lot of work.

        I am so impressed by your determination to stick to your no-buy even in the face of so much enticement, LOL! I would’ve gone wild in there.

        Looking forward to seeing what you got in your VIB haul!


  6. I have to wait for the Just VIB part of the sale. Not sure if I’m going to get anything. I’m really trying my best to behave. I saw a Marc Jacobs lipgloss set that caught my eye. Was thinking about the Cane & Austin primer but even 20% off it’s still WAY too expensive, which sucks because I really like that primer. And they don’t make a travel size of it either. I’ll just have to drive almost 100 miles to Orlando to get another sample (the Sephora at Disney Springs is the closest one to me that carries Cane & Austin in-store)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe, I saw your list! Looks like you’ve caught the shopping fever. I guess time will tell when Nov 10th rolls around if you’ll pull the trigger for all of the items on your list. I’m not familiar with Cane & Austin – I just checked and the Canadian Sephora does not carry it.


      1. They’re a spendy skincare brand. I saw Casey Holmes use the primer in a lot of her videos as it’s one of her favorites & she’s an oily skin girl. So I wanted to try for my t-zone and it’s great. But $56? Ugh!

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    1. Thank you! We hadn’t gone to Wonderland in a few years. I don’t think I’d ever go back during the summer months any more – the longest line up we had was for Leviathan and it was only 30 mins. 🙂


  7. Welcome back! (for now). Your travels sound like a lot of fun, all of your pictures were lovely! Sorry to hear about your bruise when you donated blood, I get little bruises when I have blood tests, we must have very sensitive skin 😛 I can’t even imagine what mine would be like if I donated blood, chances of that happening are slim, I hate hate hate needles!. The new house stuff sounds fun, clear outs are always good! Sounds like you’re going crazy in the Sephora sale… NOT.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t have any issues with needles and I seem to have a high pain tolerance so that’s why I don’t mind donating blood. 😛
      It’s surprising how STUFF just accumulates at our place – I sometimes scratch my head as to WHY I even kept some random thing in the first place.
      I originally planned to order everything online from Sephora but I think I might pop into a physical store on the way home tonight to see some items in person. I haven’t been in Sephora since my birthday in July when I picked up my free birthday gift. Maybe I’ll get tempted?

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  8. Welcome back!! This was a fun read, and I’m glad you shared what you’ve been up to during your hiatus. I actually just made it to VIB… I didn’t think I’d make it! But now that I’m here, I have no idea if I’ll be buying anything from the sale… If I do, probably just one or two items and nothing too expensive. I’m going to RuffleCon next weekend and will probably shop there. (Trying not to spend any money, but I’m bound to buy at least SOMETHING…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! 🙂
      Congrats on making it to VIB! I know what you mean though about now that you’ve achieved the level, not knowing what to buy. I think you’re better off buying what you really want rather than getting sucked in just because of a discount. Have fun at RuffleCon! 🙂

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  9. I watched those roller coaster videos and had flashbacks to riding the Cannibal at Lagoon… I think I still have nightmares about the less than 90 degree drop it had, glad that you find that kind of thing thrilling! And now I know to keep away from those unless I feel like having a heart attack :]

    I think I’m going to be staying away from this sale… the amount of stuff I have that I need to use up is unreal. I like your planned out approach to it! Glad to have you back :]]]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When we were teenagers, on some of the less popular rides, my sister and I would ride the roller coaster, then run back to the line up and get right back on. I think we managed 5 consecutive rides once! But, it’s not for everyone. And I’m sure my neck & back are starting to protest!

      I’ve placed my order and I’ve been really restrained. I’m hoping for some good sales for Black Friday!

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  10. Your traveL photos in Instagram reaLLy made me yearn for the mountains and cLean air and a pooL of cooL water
    And and and if I ever had a chance to go to Canada, pLease take me to Canada’s Wonderland ^^

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We do have a lot of open space here in Canada! Although, the majority of the population is concentrated in the big cities, it’s nice to have to option to get away.
      Canada’s Wonderland is super fun – they also have carnival foods like funnel cake (we had one) – here’s a photo of what it looks like (not mine):

      When we were there, they had a limited edition Pumpkin Spice flavour but we opted for the classic strawberry. 🙂


  11. Welcome back!! The wishlist post is perfect to ease your way back into blogging. The Nars Soft Matte concealer and the MUFE blush palette are items I’m very interested in! I didn’t even know about the MUFE blush palette tbh! It looks gorgeous!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Nice to be back! 🙂
      Nope, I did not like The Sopranos. I’m definitely in the minority. Whenever those lists of “Best TV shows of all time” come up, Sopranos are always on those lists. 😛 In terms of serial dramas, I like The Wire and Breaking Bad much much more.


  12. I’m so jealous of this Sephora VIB sale. We don’t get anything like that here, although I guess sometimes when I’m online-shopping on FeelUnique they always have discount codes for makeup, haircare and skincare. (They especially love releasing them on pay-day weekends, haha!)

    and LOL that’s dedication to finish a show you don’t really like. I would never finish a show I didn’t like. At least not 7 seasons. XD

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    1. I heard a rumour that Sephora is coming to the UK? I used to be super jealous of Americans before Canada got Sephora. Now… I feel like it’s very routine. Funny how perspectives change!

      I wanted to be supportive of my SO… we don’t watch much tv at all and the weekly Sopranos viewing was “our time”… 😛 He knew that I didn’t like the show but that I was making the effort.

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      1. Aww…I think even if it was coming to the UK, it would be situated nowhere near where I live 😛 (I suppose I would have easier access for online shopping though?)

        Ahh I see. Still. That is dedication. I am not a TV person either…I don’t even own a Netflix account which in all fairness, is probably healthy.


  13. Great list! I was so excited for this sale because it’s the first one since we have had a Sephora here so I could go get the tote, but alas, I’ve been struck down by the flu! But I did place one order this morning and I’m fairly certain there will be a round 2 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no! So sorry about the flu! I didn’t end up trekking to a bricks & mortar store as I wasn’t in the mood – so no tote for me this time around. I have placed a few orders online too. Maybe one more tonight… the majority of the items aren’t for me though!

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  14. Welcome back! I missed ya! I hope that the time away has helped reignite your excitement to write and post!

    I’m only the VIB tier at Sephora so I’m still waiting to take advantage of the sale, but it’s given me lots of time to really think about what I want. So far, I’m only getting face wash and hair care and I’m debating maybe a palette, everything else is gifts.

    I just borrowed the box set of the Sopranos from a friend. I’ve only seen the first season so far but that was a year ago and I haven’t watched it since. It’s my show to watch when there is absolutely nothing else!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hellooooo. 🙂 Yes, being away has helped, although I’m still trying to get back into a schedule.

      Sounds like you’re being smart about the sale – it’s really best to replenish items and buy gifts. I mean, we ALL have enough makeup to last us a few life times over. 😛

      I liked the first few seasons of the Sopranos well enough, but it just dragged on for me and became so senseless. I’m also not a huge gangster / mafia buff like my SO is!


  15. Welcome back! Canadian tourism looks amazing!!

    Major question. How did you managed to resist The invite only L’Oréal warehouse sale? Your friend was right to go crazy for those $1 goodies.

    I’m using the clinique sonic brush too! Strange that in CA it is more expensive than Clarisonic. It’s the opposite over here (and UK).

    That NARs soft matte concealer has my attention too. I have to pan at least 2 concealers to justify purchasing one. I have 6 opened concealers 😅 I don’t use them in my routine at all. It’s a big problem.

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    1. One of the tricks of why I didn’t succumb to the L’Oreal warehouse sale nail polishes was because I already owned most of the shades they were selling! 😛 Plus, I’m probably hovering at 800 nail polishes by now. It’s gotten slightly out of hand. 😮

      I’m waiting for the Chinese no-name brands to knock off the Clinique brush head. When I search on eBay, I see lots of unbranded ones that fit the Clarisonic… it’s a matter of time before they offer ones that fit Clinique, I hope!

      I have at LEAST 10 concealers open right now. I need to purge some of them that I don’t use / like. I do use some of them regularly though. I like different concealers for different purposes. 😛


  16. Welcome back! Seems like you had a good mix of relaxation and busyness on your time off – always a good thing!

    Holy cow those Surrat brushes are expensive! Are they made of unicorn hair or something? 😉

    That blush palette has me drooling – that is stunning! The last thing I need is another blush, never mind an entire palette though.

    Happy Sephora shopping!

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    1. I’m so bummed that the Surratt brush became out of stock when I went to order it! The ONE big purchase I wanted to make and it’s unavailable. I guess it’s the universe telling me that I don’t NEED a $125 brush… for now… (I’m keeping an eye on it, in case it comes back in stock between the 10th to 15th but I am not holding my breath!)


  17. I love that you as A Canadian took A Canadian Vacation. You pretty much came and visited me in my neck of the woods, Literally! Welcome back to blogging looks like you time off was amazing! Your redecorating plan sounds fun!

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  18. Hi sweets!

    First of all, welcome back! Let me say it again… I missed the stash out of you!

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your holiday!
    That L’Oréal warehouse sale sounds interesting. I think I would have picked up a lot of those £1 nail polishes as well. 😀

    It’s awesome that you donated blood. Sorry to hear about the big bruise. xx

    I think I need a storage locker too! What a brilliant idea! Can’t believe it never crossed my mind before…

    I like your redecoration plans. You mentioned shelves for the spare bedroom – they’re for your beauty stuff, right? Please tell me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure you once said that your beauty stuff is stashed away in the wardrobe in the spared bedroom…

    OMG those Surratt brushes are so expensive! By the way, I had to replace one of my Poundland foundation brushes a few weeks ago…

    In the beginning I liked the Sopranos, but I somehow lost interest halfway through the 3rd or 4th season. It’s odd but I just remembered that one scene where Tony had an upset stomach and he drank a can of Coke. But I don’t really remember the context. Is this random, or what? 😀

    I still think Boston Legal was the best tv show ever. William Shatner is the bomb. And James Spader is my McDreamy so… 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! Thanks for the warm welcome back. 🙂

      I did not end up buying the Surratt brush during the sale because it was out of stock when I went to order it. My SO said it was a sign that I was not meant to have it. 😛

      No, actually the shelves aren’t meant for my makeup items; they’re meant for my SO’s BOOKS! Just as I have a makeup problem, my SO has a BOOK problem. 😛 For now, my makeup stays in the closet. 😉

      Ha! I remember that exact episode you’re talking about – Tony went out drinking and gambling and threw up (there was a helicopter?) and the next morning he’s being a whiny baby about it and drinks Coke to calm his stomach. I agree, it was probably the 3rd or 4th season where I decided the show was wasting my time.

      My sister watched Boston Legal, I can’t say I know much about the show. I shall check it out – thanks for the rec!

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      1. Not buying the brush saves you money which might comes in handy when the Black Friday sale starts. 🙂

        I didn’t know your SO had a “book problem”! This is actually quite awesome!

        Yes, please give Boston Legal a try! It’s sensational in every aspect. The show is funny and smart like nothing else. I’m sure you’ll love it!


  19. welcome back !
    i am going to the L’Oreal warehouse sale too and i am really excited for that 🙂

    Too bad that the smashbox primer is out of stock 😦 it is one of the best !
    i got the too faced one but sometimes it separates inside of the tube, i don’t recommend it anymore.

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    1. Have fun at the L’Oreal warehouse sale! I was slightly tempted by some of the higher end brands like Givenchy and YSL but I asked myself if I was buying something just because it was discounted, or did I really want it (stuff that I was never on my radar until I saw it at the sale).

      I’m thinking I’ll pick up the Smashbox primer at Shoppers and use my Optimum Points for it! 😀 Yes, the Too Faced one used to be my favourite but I did notice the formula changed? Too bad!


  20. I loved the vacation photos! So beautiful!

    I think you’re the only person I’ve heard of that dislikes The Sopranos. I personally loved the series. I’ve watched it like 4-5 times. It’s definitely top 5 for me. But I did live in Jersey so maybe that plays a role lol.

    That MUFE palette is gorgeous! I’ve already got my list, but its nothing overly exciting. I usually get my essentials during these sales.

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    1. I know I’m in the minority in my dislike for The Sopranos! I mean, it typically makes it in the top stop for “best tv shows of all time” lists. I don’t regret watching it because a lot of shows are inspired by The Sopranos format. Plus, now I understand more of the references when people mention it.

      Hope you picked up some goodies in the Sephora sale!


      1. I’ve even made a few references on my own blog haha! I get you though. I feel like I’m the same when it comes to The Wire. So many have raved about it, but I couldn’t make it past the first episode. And I did get some goodies for sure!


  21. OMG… that ride looks seriously scary… When I am in Canada I will be sure to visit the park. Ive heard stories about the Behemoth … I went on a the NY NY in Vegas and that isn’t near the size of the Behemoth… When I was on there I’m sure I tasted my p *facepalm* nice write up…!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Behemoth is great but the Leviathan is where it’s at! Bigger and better and for some reason (maybe newer technology?) it was a more comfortable ride in that we didn’t feel like we got whiplash when we got off the ride. 😛

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  22. Stashy, I am so glad you are back to blogging. I checked out some other beauty blogs during your absence, but I prefer yours. I like your writing style and the thought and detail that you put into your posts. Thank-you for all of your efforts.

    Liked by 1 person

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