Muji haul

I’ve been semi-naughty and bought a few things from Muji.  Nothing is outright makeup, but it’s all beauty related items that I don’t really need.  In my defense, I’ve been after these Muji items ever since they opened their first Canadian store last November.  But it was mayhem after the opening: line-ups to get into the store, crowds, and out of stock / empty shelves for months.  Finally, it seems things have quiet down and when I stopped into the store yesterday, they had everything I wanted in stock, and I didn’t have to shove anyone out of the way or “accidentally” bump into them with my shopping basket…
My loot!

Here are the items I got:
Eyelash curlers: the traditional style ($8.50) and the portable travel version ($6)
I’ve heard a lot of good things about the Muji eyelash curler and it’s been out of stock for ages. The sales associate was just stocking these so I grabbed both styles.
Sensitive Skin Cleansing Oil ($14.50 for 200ml)
Another famous Muji product which I’ve been curious about. I have absolutely NO business in buying yet another cleansing oil, but eh, I do use them up with regularity so I’m not concerned. I was also partly influenced by Abi of auberginereverie and her Muji skincare haul.  Muji also offers a regular version which has mineral oil as its base, rather than olive oil based like this Sensitive Skin version.

Linen blend facial blotting paper ($2.50) 75mmx99mm
I’m a blotting paper fiend! I’m actually planning on doing a blog post on my blotting paper stash, so this will be included in that post. 😉
Cotton pads: cotton puff ($2.50 for 158 pcs) and cut cotton, ecru ($3 for 140 pcs)
Not sure if you’ve noticed, but I love trying out new facial cottons! 😀  The ecru one I’m hoping is comparable to Shiseido’s as recommended by Liz of Beauty Reductionista and MK of Skincare Dreams Come True.  (side note: omg Muji sells plain sheet and eye masks that you can soak with your own essence / serums – I’m going to look for those next time I’m in the store!)
Portable Soap Dish ($5)
Random item, I know. But I bought this specifically for a facial exfoliating bar that I want to keep separate from my body soap.  I really like the mesh liner which allows the bar to air dry.
Lastly, the pièce de résistance.  I’m looking to reorganize my makeup area, and the first step is replacing some of the drawers that I currently have – I’ve cobbled together bits and pieces here and there, but they don’t really work well collectively.  Muji is famous for their acrylic cases, and in my mind, I thought they would be very expensive.  But in fact, they’re quite affordable, this 5 drawer unit was only $25:
Items inside for scale reference only, it did not come with them! 😛

What I like about this is that the drawers are shallow so products aren’t being stacked on top of one another – this way I can see each item clearly.  I’ll be getting more for sure!  I want to get the 2 drawer style and maybe drawer tower for eye shadow singles.  They even sell liners for the acrylic drawers so they can be used for jewellery as well.

I’ll do reviews on these items and a post devoted my makeup re-org! 🙂

Are you familiar with Muji?  What are your Muji favourites?

44 thoughts on “Muji haul

  1. LOVE the 5 drawer unit, it’s gorgeous! I keep trying to put myself off buying one for some bizarre reason but the more I see them the more I want one *sob* lol Great post huni XXX

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  2. I’ve been to the Muji store once and it was so fun. I could spend hours there. Those makeup drawers look awesome. I know someone who has them and she even has one drawer just for lipsticks! They fit perfectly in there. Muji even has clothes and furniture! I want to replace my makeup drawers too. I thought the drawers would be expensive too! $25 ain’t that bad 🙂 lovely haul!

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    1. I’ve been to Muji in other countries but since I was on vacation I couldn’t really buy much to bring back with me. I was SO excited when they opened in town but so bummed I wasn’t able to buy anything for months. This visit was so fruitful and I’m considering buying 1 unit for my lip products too – the drawers in the 5 drawers unit are only about an inch high so they would be perfect for lipsticks. They show how makeup products fit into the drawers on the site:

      We should play a game to guess what each of those items are, lol!

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        1. I visited the one in Richmond when I came to Vancouver – spent 2hrs in the store, LOL. I’ve also visited the one in San Fran and Hong Kong – I know it’s really just a dollar store but they have some neat stuff. I’m sure if one opens near me, the novelty will wear off! 😛

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  3. i have the drawer tower! It is one of my most valued purchases ever. I use them to hold my eyeliners, pencil lip products, concealer pens, etc. Anything in stick form basically. Love love love. I want another one. I cannot recommend that enough. I also love that you can rotate the drawers so it stores vertically or horizontally.

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        1. Haha I was just chatting about Daiso in a comment above – no, we don’t have Daiso and it is very very sad! I’ve been to their stores in other cities though and I think they would do SO well in Toronto! I’m not sure whey they haven’t opened here.
          Muji doesn’t have makeup per se – mostly skincare and accessories – it’s a fairly small section compared to their stationary and home stuff. They sell makeup brushes though! I was eyeing them but they’re make in China and not really that impressive and selling for around $20 each.


  4. Gosh I lurrveeee Muji! There used to be a store right where I lived but it closed so I haven’t been able to go there in a while 😦 I own the 5 drawers unit and stack it on top of the 2 drawer one, it fits 90% of my make-up I’d say. I didn’t know they did plain sheet and eye masks, will have to get my hands on them soon 🙂 Jay xx

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  5. Wooowww I ‘m too late to leave comment, all the things I would like to say are here already! lol
    You’ve got a lot of great / useful things, can’t wait for your reviews 🙂
    I used to go Muji almost every weekend before, now you got me to go back there again :p

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  6. Ahhh nice haul! 😀 I love the idea of those acrylic drawers. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a couple, but then it means I have to go through my m/u and decide what gets to go in them! SO HARD.

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          1. Here it’s the retailers who mark-up the prices (UAE has one of the most expensive retail spaces in the world), so almost everything is over priced 😦 Muji is a more high end brand here..

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  7. I have the much smaller Muji two drawer but I’m thinking of either getting another one or upgrading to the 5 drawer. I don’t have much space to work with but it would only be a matter of stacking, I suppose, rather taking up more counter space so to speak. 🙂 They’re aren’t any Muju stores here (or many others brands actually) but I not opposed to ordering online. 🙂

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