Blogmas Day 10: Holiday party looks

I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that I don’t attend a lot of holiday parties.  BUT I love the idea of dressing up and looking at party dresses. 😛 And who is a better inspiration for party dresses than BARBIE?!
Look at how glam she is!  No sure if this is what my Babes in Blogland had in mind when they suggested this topic for collaboration, but today, I’ll showcase Barbie’s holiday party looks. 🙂

Here is the first Happy Holidays Barbie in 1988, sporting a voluminous shimmering red tulle number:

The following year Barbie’s dress could double for a winter bridal gown:

Pretty traditional with a deep green velvet gown in 1991:

Love this gold lamé number from 1994:

omg WHO was Barbie’s stylist for 1995?!  They should be fired!

I guess that stylist wasn’t fired, here’s the ensemble for the following year where Barbie possibly visited Russia that year for Christmas?

In 1998, Barbie went for a sleeker look – this black gown and the fuchsia stole really screamed “fashionista!”  I also suspect the aforementioned stylist got canned. 😛

Barbie rang in the millenium in another gold lamé gown, but with a faux fur shrug – how 2000 of her.

This berry coloured gown in 2002 was a refreshing departure from the more traditional Christmas-y colours:

Bob Mackie designed this dress for 2006…  Cher from 1986 called, she wants her dress back!

2007 Barbie was channeling Santa.  She wanted to be Santa, but sexier:

In 2009 Barbie went non-traditional again, with a fairy-inspired gown of pale pink satin and gold chiffon overlay.

And that brings me to the 2015 Holiday Barbie. I think this is my favourite of the bunch!

Which Holiday Barbie party look was your favourite?

Images for this post taken from here and here – for a detailed list of all of the Holiday Barbies, please visit this site.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Babes in Blogland for their picks of holiday party looks:
♥ Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom
♥ Kaily of Hello Kaily
♥ Sharon of Sharon Beauty Prime

38 thoughts on “Blogmas Day 10: Holiday party looks

  1. I don’t know where you find these ideas but they are so great !!! Did I miss the part where Barbie became royalty or went on Miss America 😀 1995 is quite awful including the hair and the makeup; it’s a far cry from 2009.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well Barbie’s obviously RICH and well connected, so they has infinite disposable income to spend on lavish clothing! Unlike us! 😛
      I don’t know how I come up with these ideas, I honestly just thought… hmm what would be fun for party looks? BARBIE!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww, this brings me back to being 5 and asking my parents for all of the Barbies in their big ball gowns!

    I just noticed that you can tell which decade the Barbie is from just based on the hair. The first three have hair that’s so 80’s! 2015 is my favourite too, but I also enjoyed the 1989 Snow Queen look.

    Fun post! I wish I had Christmas events where I could wear these crazy party dresses to 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I feel like such an ass I totally forgot today was the holiday party look day… BUT OMG am I dying over your post! ’95/’96 Barbie sucks for real, and I agree that 2015 is the best of the lot. I like the one for 2000 too 🙂 But nobody dresses like this in real life… for ANYTHING.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw I thought you were like, screw ya’ll suckers, I’m doing my OWN thing! You can still do the holiday party looks for Saturday / Sunday / Monday! Remember tomorrow’s topic is Holiday Traditions! 😉
      Yeah these dresses are OUT OF CONTROL. But as a kid, omg they were SO fancy! ❤


      1. Shit, it’s like you can read my mind! Seriously though, thanks for the heads up on tomorrow… I literally just got finished editing a Holiday Party Looks for tomorrow to make up for sucking at life. I would have looked like a total fool posting that tomorrow when you guys all share your best traditions.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. That is SUCH a cool idea! I definitely love the Russian one! Last summer I put a stripper barbie into his birthday cake – she is now swinging it on his kitchen lamp (still naked the poor thing)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You’re my idol. I died. EVERY SINGLE CAPTION. I’m your #1 fan stashy! You’re actually absolutely brilliant, I kid you not! ” I also suspect the aforementioned stylist got canned. ”
    “She wanted to be Santa, but sexier”
    the 2015 one looks like its wearing some prom dress

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Five year old me would have actually loved all of these. I particularly love that first red tulle number. So fancy! What was up with Barbies hair in the mid nineties? Is she sporting a BamBam style top knot? Who’s idea was that‽
    I really think that as far as Barbie is concerned, the gaudier the better, when I was a kid I would have killed to have a gold lame full skirted dress possibly with fur and sequins 🙂 ok who am u kidding, I still kind secretly want a dress like that 😀 in real life though I’ll probably wear jeans and a t-shirt to my office Christmas party. But there WILL be glitter!
    Such a fun post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know. The gaudy dresses WERE the best. MORE = MORE!
      We have a Christmas party today at work and I’ve got so much highlight on my face it is almost a reflective surface LOL. And I’m wearing a top that has SEQUINS! But paired with jeans so it’s not too over the top! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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