Blogmas Day 17: Favourite Holiday Movies

Let me first preface this by saying that I am not into overly cheesy Christmas movies… I’m going to admit something: I’ve never watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” or “Miracle on 34th Street” in their entirety. 😮  Here are the 5 Christmas movies that top my Must-Watch list every holiday season:

5) Scrooged (1988)

Favourite scene: when the Ghost of Christmas Present (this little wee high pitch voiced fairy) beats Bill Murray up.
And I can’t hear the song “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” without thinking of this movie!

4) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)

Not your typical Christmas film but it’s a fantastic alternative to all the feel-good movies out there – this is a “neo-noir crime comedy” (I pulled that off Wikipedia) and the only reason it’s even considered a Christmas film is that it takes place at Christmas time.   Val Kilmer is excellent in this, and Robert Downey Jr… plays himself.
Favourite scene: When Gay Perry shoots his pants gun.

3) Elf (2003)

Favourite scene: The snowball fight. Buddy: “Son of a nutcracker!”
I’ve watched this movie 4 times this season already lol.

2) A Christmas Story (1983)

Favourite scene: so many to choose from! Triple dog dare pole lick… the major prize leg lamp… bunny suit present… “You’ll shoot your eye out!”…  I’ll choose the one at the end of the movie since it’s worth watching it to the end: the Chinese restaurant Christmas dinner.  Need I say more? LMAO

And one that’s not technically a Christmas movie but it’s always shown at Christmas time:

1) The Sound of Music (1965)

I just love this movie through and through.  I know all the songs, I’ve been singing them since I was a little kid. I’ll never pass up the opportunity to watch it whenever it’s shown over the holidays.
Favourite scene: again, so many to choose from. I’ll say ONE of my favourites is the singing of Do-Re-Mi – I just love watching the montage of the Von Trapp children and Maria singing around Salzburg.

What are your go-to Christmas movies?
Be sure to check out the rest of the Babes in Blogland for their lists of favourite Christmas movies:
♥  Kaily of Hello Kaily
♥  Sharon of Sharon Beauty Prime
♥  Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom

43 thoughts on “Blogmas Day 17: Favourite Holiday Movies

  1. I have never seen the Sound of Music in its entirety in a single viewing. Something always happens – I fall asleep, the power goes out, and back in the days of video tapes, the tape ran out, the tape got chewed, the list goes on and on, it is kind of ridiculous! Haha!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Im adding Kiss Kiss Bang Bang to my “to watch” list immediately.
    I haven’t seen The Sound of Music in years but it is such a good film! I need to re-watch it soon, it was absolutely one of my favorites growing up.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We used to watch The Sound of Music all the time as kids, especially over Christmas – my mom loves that movie. I basically know the whole thing – dialogue and all – by heart, I think!

    I’ve never seen A Christmas Story, but I have seen all of It’s a Wonderful Life! It’s not bad at all 🙂

    My favorite Christmas movie (akin to your choice of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which I’ve seen but for some reason don’t remember well) is Die Hard! Yippee-ki-yay… It does take place during Christmas, too!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’ve never been able to watch The Sound of Music to the end, for some odd reason! I’ve always gotten to the part where Maria has to leave the Von Trapp family and then I get interrupted or I fall asleep…lol. Though the parts that I have watched, I do love. The songs are great! I’m going to make it a goal to finish it this Christmas.

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  5. I never thought of including the Sound of Music but now that I think of it, it is a great Christmas movie! I also love My Fair Lady for this time of year too. And Scroogedddddddd! I’ll have to go hunt that one down. Great lot!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Great picks! I haven’t seen ‘Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang’ or ‘The Sound of Music’ (I know…weird) but the other ones you mentioned are some of my favorites! My husband and I are planning on watching ‘Scrooged’ tonight actually!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. But but but but but WHAT ABOUT HOME ALONE! Too overdone for you? The first time I watched Miracle on 34th Street was in grade 12 for an English project (I had to watch it 2 or 3 times), and I was seriously shunned by my groupmates when I told them that I had never seen the movie before 😛 But it is actually such a sweet movie!!
    Your favourite scene from The Sound of Music is one of my favourites too!

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