Zoya Free 4 You sale

I caught wind of this deal through fivezero, who regularly features nail polish deals on her blog. For the past year I have not been able to partake in the sales but not anymore! This Zoya nail polish deal was too good to pass up – it’s for 4 free nail polishes, and the only cost is for shipping!

I just placed an order for the following:

Pasha – soft, pale, taupe-kissed beige nude with silver frost and the barest hint of silver microglitter. (swatch image from here)

Jules – sparkling neutral light taupe with gold, silver and champagne metallic shimmer. (swatch image from here)

Faye – bronzed mauve with purple and brown undertones flooded with bright gold sparkle. (swatch image from here)

Zara – vivid blue-toned light purple with strong golden duochrome shimmer. (swatch image from here)

Pasha and Jules have been on my wish list for ages. Yup I ordered mostly neutral colours, shocker. (I was mesmerized by a magenta shade, Blyss, but I know in my heart that I will never wear it). I think Zoya make some of the prettiest shimmers.

It’s my first time ordering from Zoya.com so I’m interested to see how their shipping and customer service is. 🙂  I normally don’t post about products until I’ve received them but I wanted to spread the word about this deal – it is only available until January 13th!  Go forth and shop! 😀 (No, this is not my first makeup haul of 2016, tomorrow I’ll be posting about some stuff I bought last weekend.)

37 thoughts on “Zoya Free 4 You sale

  1. OMG. I want. I picked all my polishes, started the check-out process, and then backed out because of my low-buy LOL. I guess I have till the 13th to decide…hopefully they don’t sell out.
    Really great polish choices! I realized after I left the website and came back to comment that I was going to get Jules and Zara too, and Pasha and Faye were also in my basket but I took them out because I already own similar polishes. Too many pretties to choose from!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I almost didn’t order it but then I was like to heck with it! I always read about these deals and don’t take advantage of it. Funny that we have similar tastes in polish colours! Yes it was overwhelming to choose from but I was glad I had 2 of my wish list items fulfilled! You still have until the 13th!


        1. Nah, I felt that way too. It was like I mentally resigned myself to be disinterested in new makeup. I became VERY critical of the prices and value. Even now, I have SO many wish list items but I’m really rationalizing what I should and should not get – like those Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powders – I think I may pass on them for now.

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          1. I just realized how much products I really have and it’s true about being mentally resigned … (in a good way !)
            Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Highlight (in 01) is WAY better than the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powders !!! You should try it next time at Sephora !


  2. I believe I have the first three of those untried (LOL) and Zara is on my w/l!

    Great picks 😉 and I’ve never had an issue with Zoya shipping to Canada (no duties, even, but I keep the orders small ~$20-30). But I haven’t ever had to contact them about anything, either.

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    1. What ratio is your untrieds to trieds? I think I’ve whittled mine down to 1:5 now. I was probably 1:3 last year! I’m actually thinking of increasing the frequency of my polish changes. I’ve always been a once a week polish kinda gal but I think I need to do a mid-week polish change out and keep the proper mani once a week.
      Good to know about Zoya’s shipping! Can’t wait.

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      1. The ratio might be something like 1:5, only b/c I really have so much older stuff. It just got worse, though, because Rexall had a Revlon sale ($2.99) and I had coupons (buy 2, get $3 back). YUP. I got 7, I think.

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  3. I got an email about this from Zoya, and it was definitely tempting, but I had to pass since I just bought some polishes from them in December when they were doing 3 polishes + a mini mani set for $20. All four of the polishes you bought have also been on my wishlist, so I’ll be looking out for any thoughts you have about them!

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      1. I got Tinsley, Hermina, and Nimue. I like Tinsley; it’s a lot outside my comfort zone, but so beautiful I’ve worn it anyway. I wasn’t super impressed by Hermina (it was a little too frosty for my taste), but I haven’t tried wearing it for a full manicure yet so maybe that’ll change my mind. Nimue is the star of my order; I’ve been wearing it pretty much nonstop since Christmas.

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        1. I just looked those shades up and they’re ALL gorgeous especially Tinsley and Nimue! Yes I could see how Hermina might come off a bit frosty. I worry about that with one of the shades I’ve ordered, Pasha. I guess I’ll see how it applies.

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  4. There was this Zoya color called “Charla” that I was in love with a few years ago, it’s really similar to OPI Catch Me in Your Net.
    I’ve really been into nude colors for nail polish lately, so I love Pascha and Jules ❤

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    1. When I first started out with nail polishes, I only wore Zoya because my esthetician friend’s salon used that line, and she gave me a whole bunch of them. But then I started to branch out to other polish lines and realized that Zoyas didn’t last as long on me – they would chip and peel much faster than say, an Essie. So I ended up giving most of my Zoyas away (I kept Delilah and Yasmeen) a few years ago. With this order, I’ve effectively increased my Zoya collection by threefold! 🙂 I hope they work for me now!

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