Taking a Blog Break

Hello! I’m taking this week off blogging to give my wrist a rest.


I’ll still be around commenting, I just won’t be posting! Have a great week – see ya!

Tony Moly Pocket Bunny Moist Mist

I got this cute little facial mist in January from a local Korean market.
The TonyMoly Pocket Bunny Moist Mist cost me $14 for 60ml from a bricks & mortar store but I’ve seen it being sold for around $8 online.

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Sephora VIB Shopping List April 2016 Edition

It’s that time of the year again. The time when desires take over common sense, when the line between “Needs” and “Wants” blur – it’s Sephora VIB sale time! ๐Ÿ˜†
I know that in previous years, my shopping pattern during Sephora VIB sale has been this: I do some online browsing, mentally prepare a list, then I brave the crowds to go to a Sephoraย store and pick up the bulk of what I want. Then I come homeย and do some more online browsing, read some blogs and watch some haul videos to see what other people bought. And then around the final couple of days of the sale, I go nuts and buy a bunch more stuff online. Iย can’t be the only one does this?

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March 2016 Low-Buy Accountability

I felt like I did less shopping and browsing in March just simply due to being busier… but now listing everything out, I did in fact, do a lot of shopping! ๐Ÿ˜ณ
I’ll be listing all of the beauty related items I bought in March, but only actual makeup items will be counted toward my budget. ย First makeup item I bought in March was the Body Shop Fresh Nude Foundation $25:
I’ve worn this a few times now and it’s quite nice. I’ll do a review after I’ve given it a more thorough test.

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Becca Under Eye Brightening Corrector

I learned about this product from – who else – Ingrid. ๐Ÿ˜› ย I’m constantly on the hunt for miracle products to cancel out my dark under eye circles. The Becca Under Eye Brightening Correctorย sounded like it could fit the bill:
I bought this during Hauluary, atย $35 for 4.5g pot. Becca is sold at Sephora and select Hudson’s Bay stores – I bought mine from Hudson’s Bay.

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Project Focus 10: The Final Chapter

This is the final summary post of the Project Focus 10 collaboration! Firstly, I want to thank the awesome collab crew of Ingrid, Joy and Jodi! It has been so much fun doing this project with you! ๐Ÿ˜€
So, how did I do in the Project Focus? If I was to grade myself in terms of sticking to using the items I chose, I’d give myself a B. It’s a solid grade but it isn’t going to get me on the Honour Roll. ๐Ÿ˜› Unlike some of my collab buddies, I did not finish any of the 10 items up during this project, but I intend to continue working on them! Here’s a recap and current state of things.

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Trash Stash: March 2016

No makeup items this month, just lots of skincare, body and hair care again!
You guys must think I eat / drink my beauty products… I swear I don’t! ๐Ÿ˜› Maybe I just slather the stuff on?

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Beauty Hack: Ketchup Face Mask

Here’s a cheap and potentially FREE beauty hack! Did you know that you can use ketchup as a face mask?


No mixing required, just apply straight onto clean, dry skin.

Feature image source.

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