My Current Holy Grail Beauty Products

Happy New Year! ❤

This post idea came up last year when I posted my yearly favourite discoveries.  I did discover some gems in 2017 but I thought it would be more useful for me to list out all my Holy Grail (HG) items instead.

I’m going to force myself to just name ONE item for each category.  I feel like embarking on this project is like choosing a favourite child. I love you all equally! ❤ Continue reading

September 2016 Low-Buy Accountability

I decided not to do a Trash Stash (empties) post for September since I’m so backlogged with posts but I definitely want to squeeze in my accountability for the month. Here are some of the items that got added to my stash:
To refresh, for the month of September, I had -$91.68 balance left in my budget. Yup, you read that correctly, I was in the hole. No makeup spending for me. But luckily, I went on vacation in September so the “Vacation Clause” kicked in, as is universally known. 😉

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MOTD featuring Annabelle and Vasanti

I’ve never done a MOTD post on the blog since I don’t actually post my face, it makes it somewhat challenging. But through the magic of product photos, swatches, illustration, and imagination – I think I can pull this off. 😛
This is the makeup that I wore on Wednesday. It was a day of meetings for me, so I have to look as “polished” as possible since it’s a lot of face time with both internal and external people. Wednesdays are not my favourite days of the week – hump day indeed!

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Random makeup haul: Shoppers, Rexall, Faces, etc

By now you’re sick of my hauls, right?  I’m sorry, but you realize January was NO HOLDS BARRED month, and I just came off a yearlong dry spell, so every makeup item looked mighty tempting.  This is the LAST of the January hauls (until I receive the items I ordered online).  Here are some random bits and pieces I picked up that I haven’t covered in my previous posts:

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Stash Matters’ Favourite Things Giveaway!

Edit: This giveaway has ended!  Winners are announced HERE. 🙂

Since it was my Blogiversary yesterday, I decided to host my first ever giveaway! 😀 These items are some of my favourite things – you may have seen me mention these items on the blog or in comments throughout the year. Here’s a group photo of the giveaway items:


There will be multiple winners, each will receive FIVE (5) items of their choosing (see restrictions below).  I bought some items especially for this giveaway and some are from my stash (since I realize I do not need so many back-ups!) These are all brand new, unopened, full-sized products.  The open product shots and swatches I’m showing are of my own personal items.

Here are the items in more detail:

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Blogmas Day 4: Snow Themed Makeup

Today is another coordinated Blogmas post where we’re pulling items from our makeup collections to create a snowy makeup look.
To me, a snow themed makeup means 2 things: white and sparkly!

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Canadian beauty brands

Happy Canada Day! canadian-flag-banana

In honour of Canada Day, today I’ll showcase some Canadian brands and a few items I own from each.
Lise Watier (Shoppers Drug Mart, online)
LW made her name firstly through her signature perfume, Neiges (which I don’t particularly care for) but has since branched out to colour cosmetics and skincare.  I’ve grown fond of her lipsticks, eye shadows, and concealer.

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Back-up Worthy Items

After being burned one too many times with discontinued or limited edition items that I LOVE, I decided to take matters into my own hands and purchased back-ups of certain products for insurance purposes.  Here are some items I have unopened in my stash:
Anna Sui Dolly Girl Lipstick in Natasha 003 – $25
I’ve already used up an entire tube of this – this is my second tube, plus I have another unopened one in my stash. It’s a gorgeous sheer coral shade with tiny shimmers that’s very hydrating. I use this as a tinted lip balm and it goes with any makeup I’m wearing.  The pretty packaging and bullet design are just added bonus!  This was a limited edition item from 2011.

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Blush stash

Blushes make me SO happy! They’re like candy for my face! 😆

According to my inventory count, I currently have 155 blushes in my collection.  And yet I still wish I had more…! 😛  The highest brands on my wish list are Sleek and Colour Pop – I can only order them online so it’s a case of hard to get = want them even more.

I store the bulk of my blushes in the same clear drawers as my eye shadows, but in the wider format:

This is a picture heavy post (20+ pics)

Eye shadow stash

Here’s the motherlode.  I’ve mentioned many times that I have a lot of eye shadows – over 600 – it is the most abundant makeup category that I own.  I just love eye shadows and it’s the area of my face that I spend the most time applying makeup.  I’ll keep this introduction brief and just let the pictures do the talking.

It took me over 2 hours just to sort and photograph the whole eye shadow collection and probably another 4 to edit everything.  Usual disclaimer: this isn’t meant to show off.  It was actually quite a beneficial exercise for me to display all my eye shadows visually.   Warning: photo heavy post! (50 images)

Brace yourself, eye shadows galore this way