Nail polish stash

All right, here’s the stash that started it all.  If it wasn’t for my growing nail polish collection, I would have never tracked any of my makeup in a spreadsheet. And out of everything I hoard, I would say that buying nail polish is the most compulsive for me.  They’re just so much fun!  No guilt. No commitment. And nail polishes don’t go “bad” per se – they can ALL be revived with thinner even if they thicken over time.  The oldest polishes in my collection are from the 90’s!  I’ve done a lot of purging over the years of duplicate shades or formulas that I don’t care for.  My current collection stands at 498 but if I count all of the ones I’ve given away (yes I track those too so I don’t repurchase by accident), the number would be closer to 570.

I keep them sorted by colour in clear airtight bins.
The larger bin measures approx 12″ x 8″ x 4″ and the smaller one is an inch shorter.
Overhead view of a bin – one bin holds approx 60 nail polishes
I have a few smaller bins for random colours.

Keep reading for more pictures of my nail polish stash