Sephora Order: Clinique, Surratt, Sephora Collection, etc

It was only a matter of time before I placed a Sephora order! Initially I was lured onto Sephora for the final day of the Double Points offer on skincare – I wanted to get the Clinique Moisture Surge Face Spray.  But then a few other nagging bits from my Lemmings list urged me to get other things…
I just couldn’t wait until April for the VIB sale to get the Surratt Beauty – I had every intention to wait, but my resolve has been weakened by Hauluary. 😛

One thing I will say is, holy, there’s so much packaging with these items, this is what the above items look like removed from their cartons:
Even the eyeliner came in its own box – ridiculous!

Well firstly, I did get the Clinique Moisture Surge Face Spray (woohoo, double points! 🙄 ):
The Surratt stuff:
surratt beauty Relevée Lash Curler
The lash curler has been a lusted-after item for ages – way before the brand became available in Canada. I’m super impressed by the presentation – I’ve never had a lash curler come with its own pouch before!
surratt beauty Artistique Eyeshadow in Marron (upper left in pan)
surratt beauty Artistique Eyeshadow in Fee Dragee (upper right in pan)
surratt beauty Artistique Blush in La Vie En Rose
surratt beauty Artistique Custom Palette Case Petite
These are sold individually and goes into the customizable palette. The powders feel SUPER silky. I can’t wait to play with them! On my face! 😀

The other stuff:
Lavanila The Healthy Deodorant in Vanilla Grapefruit
I’m transitioning from antiperspirants to deodorants this year and wanted a few options – this came highly recommended.  I’ll be posting about my experience with my first deodorant soon.
Lancôme Drama Liqui-Pencil™ Longwear Eyeliner in Pluie
I’ve been hearing good things about this and one of my all time favourite eyeliners is a limited edition formula from Lancôme called Khol in Love. I’m hoping this will be a suitable replacement – this is exclusive to Sephora.
Sephora Collection Oil Infusion Color & Care in 06 Bubbly Grenadine
I read that these are a good dupe for the YSL Volupté Tint-In-Oil so I had to give it a try. Lip oils were all the rage for 2015 and I missed the boat – it’s catch up time!
Sephora Collection Long Lashing: Contoured Eyelash Comb
You know I have a wee bit of an obsession with eye lash paraphernalia so I’ve been eyeing this lash-rake™ until I could no longer resist it.  You’ll know when I use this if it’s a success or not by the presence of a pirate eye patch.
Victoria Beckham x Nails Inc. in Bamboo White
I can’t believe I paid this much for a bottle of nail polish but I’d seen the duo set on various blogs (namely, on StyledbyLauren) and I was genuinely curious about the polish quality.  The presentation of the polish is topnotch – even the bottle itself oozes sophistication. I hope the formula will basically apply itself.

Not shown: BITE Beauty VIB Rouge Creme Lipstick
I bought this for my friend for her birthday.  She’d wanted it before but I wasn’t VIB Rouge yet – now I have access to it so I got it for her.  I guess it’s another perk of VIB Rouge?

And speaking of VIB Rouge… I got my welcome gift!  It is indeed a Nars blush, in the shade Goulue.  Here’s the unveiling of the VIB Rouge welcome gift:
I would describe Goulue as a rosey plum with a warm sheen.  I haven’t worn it yet so that’s just my initial impression.  This shade isn’t new, it was part of the Guy Boudin One Night Stand Blush Palette in 2013.
One thing to note, despite how tiny the VIB Rouge blush appears, there’s actually quite a bit of product in there: 4.0g for the “mini” versus 4.8g for the full-size!
I neglected to take a photo of the two pans opened or a swatch of Goulue and I’m wiped from taking pictures.  So, I’m just going to promise that I’ll do a comparison and review of Goulue blush coming up, ok? 😉

Do you have any of these items I got from Sephora?  Hauluary is winding down but I have a few more haul posts coming up due some backlog of posts and online orders.  For February, my Low-Buy kicks in and my budget is $50 for the month. 😮

69 thoughts on “Sephora Order: Clinique, Surratt, Sephora Collection, etc

    1. I only used the Surratt eyelash curler so far and OH. MY. GAWD. I’m buying 10 back-ups. I’m buying it for all my friends! It’s the last word on eyelash curlers!
      I can’t wait to wear the eye shadows and blush! 😀

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  1. Woahhh! Lol I am just loving all your hauls!!!!!!! 😄😄😍😍 soooo much goodies! I’ve been curious about surratt so I’m anticipating your review:D I have also been wanting to pick up that Sephora lip tint oil thing lol, I was suuuppppper close at getting the ysl one but since it’s just a tinted oil I contained myself. Oh gosh I can’t wait to hear what you think of the deodorant.. mine isn’t going too well lol!

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    1. I hope I like that lip oil thing – the reviews say it’s good, and I noticed that it’s made in Italy! Such a good price for a high quality product. 🙂
      Uh oh… I am a sweaty beast, I hope I will be ok with that deodorant!

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      1. Then it must be good! Have you seen the Milani ones though ?? They released some lip oil glosses too! Lol.. hopefully it works for you! Fingers crossed!!:)

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        1. No I haven’t heard that Milani released lip oils! Milani is hard to come by here in Canada BUT I recently saw a drugstore that had a little display of them! I’m hoping they’ll offer more products here eventually. Most of my Milani stuff are from online stores.

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  2. 🙈 Nice haul ! (Heu! Not Really) I’m so happy for you (Heu! My nose just grew like a feet long). I’m VIB Rouge (Where the heck is my Goulue???) I think I liked you better last year on your no-buy 😋
    I’m anxious to read your review on the Surratt Lash Curler … and all the other stuff Lol:D

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    1. Haha sorry I’m causing so much angst! 😛 I’m not sure if the VIB renewal gift is the same as the welcome gift? You should ask!
      I used the Surratt Lash Curler and I think I’m going to throw away all my other eyelash curlers… and buy multiple back-ups. I’m telling you! I’m going to review it soon just so I can spread the word on how amazing this curler is!!!


  3. That’s deifinetley a sensible beauty haul. Firstly, the facial spray from clinique is perfect way to get footsteps into the forthcoming warm spring months(I think it is very thoughtful to prep up well before the arrival of Spring). Then, Surratt eyelash curler and packaging looks so awesome. Finally, sephora VIB card and ears complimentary blush looks so promisingly good. Great post and I love those products and pictures. Happy weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I love facial mists – they are so great on the skin before and after makeup. 🙂
      And yes, that VIB blush is really great – I’m just glad it’s not a red lipstick like the past few years!
      Have a fantastic weekend!

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  4. I can’t wait to hear more about the Clinique moisture surge spray. I love the gel-cream gfp I have, but I’ve never used facial spray products before. (And, that’s so nice of you to get that VIB lipstick for your friend).

    I’ve also noticed recently that there’s a lot of excess packaging with cosmetics. Clinique is one brand that has cut down on the boxes (though I’m saving my Paul & Joe boxes because their too pretty to throw out!)

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    1. I’m glad I was able to get that shade for you! That was the colour you originally wanted me to get for you for the Sephora sale but I realized it was limited only to Rouge members. 😉
      I saved the P&K boxes too! Not sure what I’ll use them for…


    1. Spoiler alert on that lash curler – it’s freakin AWESOME! I’m already plotting purchases of back-ups. I’ve used it only for a few days. It’s like someone made it just for me.
      The lash rake thing was anti-climatic mostly because the pins are not sharp at all (unlike the Tweezerman one I have) so I could poke my eyes and not actually draw blood lol.

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        1. It’s flatter than the Shu Uemura. I had that one and it didn’t suit my eye shape so I gave it away. My favourite lash curler (before the Surratt!) was from a Shiseido owned brand called MAQuillAGE which is a less curved shape. What makes the surratt so great is that it OPENS wider and the width of the band is wider too. I’ll do a more detailed review with photos and comparisons! I just might have to buy the Shu one to compare haha.

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  5. Fab haul! Yay to the VB polish! I love the two shades particularly that one! Hope you enjoy it! I really want to try that Clinique face mist, sounds so nice! I’ve been so into face mists just now too!

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    1. I played with the VB nail polish tester at the store and that’s what convinced me to order it. The formula looks really good. And I’m a sucker for shades like that. So classy. Thanks for posting your impressions on it! This enabling goes around and around, doesn’t it? 😉

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  6. You’ve been a hauling machine, girl!

    I have that lip oil (same shade) and I like it. I also have one in the shade Iced Coffee. They’re an interesting alternative to lip balm.

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    1. Yes, I know I’ve been shopping all month long! 😛 It will soon come to an end. I do have several more haul posts coming up just because it took me a while to photograph everything…
      Ooh glad you like that lip oil – you had me at “alternative to lip balm”!


  7. Great picks! Gah, your palette choices are spot on… are you going to do a review of it? Cause I would love to see swatches! I’ve been dying to try Surratt, but none of the Sephora locations in my city carry the line.

    I’m glad you still have a few haul posts left – I’m going to be pretty sad when they’re over as I look forward to them!

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    1. I wanted SO many of the surratt eye shadows – I toyed with the idea of just doing a quad of eye shadows and no blush but then cooler heads prevailed. But it was a tough decision narrowing them down! There’s a beautiful taupe called Patine that had my name written ALL over it… but I decided to go slightly outside my norm instead. If I like the formula, I will probably go back for it! 😛
      I will most definitely do reviews of the surratt stuff – I took photos of everything in their pristine, unused condition already and then I’ll try them out for a bit before I do my assessment! 🙂

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  8. I’m lmao at your pirate eye patch comment! That lash rake scares me…it looks like some kind of torture device. Very interested to hear your review on it!

    I have Bubbly Grenadine and I’m meh about it. I left it at my desk at work and I forgot all about it. Interested to hear your take on it! 🙂

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    1. Oh I hope the lip oil isn’t a disappointment! I do really love sheer tints that are moisturizing and this fits the bill so I hope it’s a hit for me.
      The lash rake turned out to be slightly less threatening upon inspecting it closer – the pins aren’t sharp at all so even if I poked myself, it doesn’t hurt! Unlike the Tweezerman lash comb which literally has needles for pins. 😮

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  9. Yay Hauluary! 😀
    I love the shades you picked for that Surrat palette. I keep eyeing the brand in general but haven’t tried anything from the line yet.
    I think I might also need a lash rake in my life. I’ll wait to hear your consensus first though. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you won’t turn into Patchmatters.

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    1. Next week will be more hauls too… since I didn’t start posting my hauls until mid-Jan but I’ve been buying since Jan 1st! 😛
      I don’t NEED a new curler, I know… but it’s SO good – wow I love it.

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  10. I’m going to have to make a Sephora order soon too- my Naked Basics palette fell to the floor this morning and unfortunately shattered ALL OVER THE PLACE! It was terrible.
    You are going to love the Lavanila deodorant- it smells amazing, but because it doesn’t help with perspiration, I tend to only use it in the colder months. I’m not enough of a risk taker to use it in the Summertime 🙂
    The eyelash curler looks amazing! I hope it preforms well, I’m on the hunt for a new one!

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    1. Oh no! RIP Naked Basics palette! That’s such an essential palette, I can understand why you’d want to replace it pronto!
      I’ve been trying out another natural deodorant and yes, I’m discovering that antiperspirants really DO keep the sweat at bay whereas deodorants just help with the stink – they weren’t lying when they named them! 😋
      What eyelash curler do you currently use?

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      1. It is! I’m always reaching for it, especially during the work week when I want to do a simple neutral eye with no fuss.
        Currently, i’m just using a Revlon one that i’ve had forever! It’s always done the job, but i’m ready for an upgrade- a more sophisticated curler, if you will 🙂

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