Body Shop Canada Flash Sale: 50% off Makeup

While getting my morning coffee this morning, I walked by the nearby Body Shop store and learned that there’s a flash sale for 50% off makeup.  This includes makeup, brushes, nail polishes and even makeup & polish removers!
*sigh* And what’s a makeup addict to to? I haven’t bought anything yet but I plan to stop in at lunch or after work. Here’s what I’m thinking.

Concealer Stick
I’ve been wanting to get a chubby pencil concealer for a while now. I’ve eyed the L’Oreal and the UD one but this one looks decent. I’ll have to see if I can find a shade match.

Honey Bronze Bronzing Powder
Everyone seems to love this, so I’ve got to get in on the action!

Colour Crush Nail Polish
Yeah yeah I need more nail polishes like a hole in the head! But I’m eyeing A Grape Affair and Mint Cream.

Retractable Blusher Brush
I like Body Shop brushes and have wanted a good quality retractable one.

I’m not sure when this sale ends, all it states on the site is “limited time” and when I asked the SA at the store, she said it’s only for 1 day.  The exclusions are on the new releases so the new Fresh Nude Foundation, Shade Adjusting Drops, or Kiss of Colour Lip & Cheek Stains are not on sale. I also have the Love Your Body Rewards card so I get an additional 10% off!

Any Body Shop makeup recommendations for me to check out?

28 thoughts on “Body Shop Canada Flash Sale: 50% off Makeup

  1. I got that email this morning and already decided I’m ordering more nail polish! 😀 I have a few of theirs and they’re surprisingly good, esp at that sale price!

    I’d go in store but…SO HEAVY now. lol

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The challenge for me is that I’m leaving soon. And the last time I ordered off the Body Shop site, there was a bit of a run around with Purolator shipping. So I don’t want to risk it. But yes, ebates would apply too. So potentially 50% off, +10% rewards, and then 15% ebates! omg! Basically free makeup at this point. 😮

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    1. I used to have a few of the shimmer cubes but I found the pigmentation to be lacking. Or maybe mine got dried out. I did really like the concept. Also, you get SO much product in each cube!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly! 😀 Because they lack in pigment, I use them for highlights or over my fave matt shades for a new look. Works great for the camera for collar bones and cheeks. Wait, were they meant to be used alone? I use them as an enhancer item since it launched. Wahaha, maybe I am using them wrong.

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        1. That makes a lot of sense. Yes, they’re good “toppers” in that sense. Unfortunately I’ve gotten rid of all of mine. And I didn’t pick up any yesterday – the sale is over now. 😛

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    1. I’ve honestly not tried a whole ton from their new line up. I like their new foundation (which is unfortunately not included in this sale). But other than that, I am not too familiar with their current makeup selection!


  2. If you want me to give The Body Shop recommendations, then I will write a comment worth a “blog” name lol. They have a lot of good products. So far I only haven’t liked is their Instablur products.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I guess I can’t go wrong! I did pick up a few things – I’ll post about what I picked up soon. I’m not too familiar with their makeup line anymore since they revamped it a few years ago. I did really like their eye shadows in the old formula.
      I almost picked up that eye / brow gel liner that you showed on your blog before… but I held off since I have other gel liners I need to use up. The sale was only for one day so it’s over now! 😛


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