January 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy Accountability

The title of this post is misleading since January was neither No- or Low-Buy. It was the magnificent month of Haulaury! 😀
I can’t be the only one who succumbed to all the post-holiday sales?

Korean Beauty Haul: Holika Holika, Etude House, Clio

Or, as I call them, stuff that are are so cute, you just can’t refuse them! XD

Hauluary: Bath & Body

This was probably the most colourful post I ever made on the blog.

Hauluary 2017: Makeup and Skincare

I did a lot of damage both in-store and online… 😳

Hauluary: Nail Polish

I can’t wait to dive into all of these!

No tally of the spend but I did count how many items I acquired for inventory tracking purposes, here’s the breakdown (sans bath stuff):

• 2 Cleansers
• 2 Serums
• 1 Eye cream
• 29 Masks

• 5 Foundations (including BB cream)
• 2 Concealers
• 5 Powders
• 1 Bronzer
• 12 Blushes
• 10 Eye shadows (singles, duos, palettes)
• 5 Eye liners
• 5 Mascaras
• 9 Lipstick / gloss / balms
• 8 Tools (brushes / blending sponges)
• 58 Nail polishes (10 minis, 48 full size)

I’m kind of surprised by how many base products (foundations, powders and concealers) I got! 😮 I should note that this isn’t technically the end of Hauluary as I have a few lagging shipments which I’m waiting on – so watch out for a final Hauluary post sometime mid-Feb. 😛

February and March are both No-Buy months and if all goes well, my accountability updates should consist of blank posts! 😉 I’m not sure what I’ll write about at month-end. Maybe I’ll talk about all the temptations I encountered (and link back to the posts to blame!), or about my shopping list / plans for the upcoming Low-Buy?

40 thoughts on “January 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy Accountability

        1. You have 6 of the Liptensity lipsticks?! 😆 Isn’t there only like 12 shades in the range? I only have the one, in Smoked Almond. I really liked the shade Toast and Butter as well. Have you done a post featuring your 6 Liptensity lipsticks?!

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  1. I enjoyed all of the haul posts last month. Felt like I was shopping with you haha. Good luck with the no-buy for the next two months. How is that going so far??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed! I certainly enjoyed it too! 😀
      I’m in day 5 of my No-Buy and I’m hanging in! It’ll be more of a struggle come March when all the Spring launches start popping up and the weather starts to get nicer…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha TRUE! I must say that I’m looking forward to spring. Not that I feel like winter was particularly horrible this year but it’s almost an annual reset more-so then the whole ‘new year, new me’ stuff lol. Stay strong, Stashy…Stay Strong!!

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        1. February is usually the month for me that I say “enough with winter!” so I think I can handle it for a few more weeks… I feel like I need to get some pampering though. A facial or a massage or something!

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    1. Yes, I’m set for a LONG time. I just need to stop reading blogs and watching YT so I don’t get tempted! 😉

      I use face masks about twice a week. I don’t always do sheet / individual masks, I also use masks in tubes / tubs.

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  2. I loved your summary at the end there! 58 new nail polishes!! :O Pretty soon you’re going to have to start painting each nail a different colour!
    Can’t wait to hear what you think about some of these products. Good luck on your no-buy for the next two months!!

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    1. I’ve been playing around with the transparency stuff on my software! (the one that doesn’t work on your Mac, sadly!)
      Now it’s time to chill out with the shopping and review, review, REVIEW! 😀

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  3. Ok I’m not judging (because it’s a recent obsession of mine as well) but I really, really just want to know… how often do you paint your nails? AND how do you keep from getting paint all over you finger!? If you’ve done a post on that then forgive my slackassness, but if not I’d love to see one because you’re basically the polish queen.

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    1. I paint my nails only once a week! It’s my Sunday night routine… 😛 I sometimes change it twice a week for a special event or if something chipped.
      Hmm I don’t really have a tip on how not to get polish all over my fingers – practice? Also I’m somewhat ambidextrous so I’m able to use my left hand for a lot of things (for instance, I use my computer mouse with my left hand). The only tip I would say is to keep one of those wooden sticks close by when you’re paining your nails and if you get nail polish pulling up in the “cracks” you can use that to clean up. And one of those pointed q-tips.
      I’ve never done a post on my nail painting process because I don’t think I’m all that good at painting my nails lol! 😛


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