Nicole by OPI in Sing You Like a Bee

This manicure was actually worn last year around October but I had to hold off on posting it because my choice of the “random item” was a gift to my sister and I had not seen her yet to give it to her! 😛
Now I can finally post it without spoiling the surprise! 😉 So consider this a throwback Thursday post!

Sing You Like a Bee was a 2014 limited edition collection that was a collaboration between Carrie Underwood and Nicole by OPI.  I don’t care that it was a Carrie Underwood collection, I was in it for the colour – it’s a stunning white jelly base with dense gold fleck shimmer.

The bottle design of Nicole by OPI polishes always baffled me. It reminds me of a short baby bootie. I’m not sure why they’re designed this way except to look distinct among other polishes on the shelves?

I can’t decide if the shade name Sing You Like a Bee is a play on the words “sing” and “sting” as in “Sting like a bee”, or, if it’s about the show The Singing Bee? 😕
The shimmers registers gold but if I inspect it very closely there’s yellow gold, orange, and even green – it’s so beautiful!
I was expecting this to be really sheer, but the base – a white jelly – and the shimmer are both visible even after only one coat.
I was happy with the look I got with 2 coats. It’s a delicate effect that is a bit challenging to capture on camera. Here’s the best I could manage with a close-up of my thumb:
There is a faint texture to this polish due to how densely packed the shimmers are.
I did experience chipping on my index and middle finger – however, since this shade is so light, it’s not too noticeable. 😛
This polish was on my list of favourites in the third quarter of 2016 – I have a fondness for these types of sheer shimmery polishes. They’re easy to apply – pretty much foolproof – but look really put together and effortless.

The random item I grabbed was this enamel elephant trinket holder that I picked up in Turkey during my cruise:
It’s quite substantial and heavy – the tourist shop sold other animals like horses and frogs, but this one was really colourful and had a unique design.
When you lift the trunk, it reveals space to hold small items like jewellery or coins.
My sister really liked her gift! 😀
What’s your “foolproof”, effortless nail polish?

51 thoughts on “Nicole by OPI in Sing You Like a Bee

  1. I would completely cast my eye over this in a store, in the bottle it looks frosty and not my thing, but it has an almost opalescent feel on the nails, I like it.
    Also not a fan of the Nicole OPI shades here, you only ever see them in CCOs I have 1 from the Carrie Underwood (Carried Away? I think) and two from the Justin Beiber Collection, like you because of the shades not the celeb attached – although would like to maybe get one or two from the Modern Family collection cause I’m a fan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I snagged this on clearance – whenever I see a polish now, I always google nail swatches. It’s impossible to know how sheer or pigmented something is just from the bottle. What did we do before google?!
      Yeah, you’re right, the tallness of the Nicole bottles are super annoying but I’ve liked a few colours that I’ve picked up from them. I have 2 others from the Carrie Underwood collection (Southern Charm and Sweet Daisy). All the collections are annoying though… I’d purposely NOT buy something because it’s a collab with Justin Beiber! 😛

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      1. Me too most of the time (providing I haven’t ran out of data!) – I’ve written in a few reviews before, if you’re googling this shade in a shop step away it’s horrible!
        Haha, the JB shade was too pretty to leave otherwise I’d be with you there, and I think it came in a duo, so I had to have the other one:

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my gosh, that is STUNNING! I usually try to avoid the Nicoles because I hate the bottle shape. HAHAHAH. I mean they look OK, I just hate the way they line up in my shelves.

    Meh to Carrie Underwood. Nadia Turner was my fave finalist that season. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I still don’t understand why OPI has the Nicole line… I guess Nicole is available at drugstores / mass, whereas OPI official is only through salons / beauty supply stores?
      I never watch any of those competitions, I think I would get annoyed because it’s not about talent but popularity… 😛 As is life…


  3. Ooh, this is really pretty! It probably would not have caught my eye in stores because it looks more like a topcoat, or too white – but it’s such a pretty golden shade! The upclose shot is stunning. A little off topic, but I’ve been struggling with nail polish shots lately – no idea why, but it’s seriously so frustrating!

    I thought that the polish name would’ve been a play on words of one of her songs, but I tried googling it and nothing came up. Who knows!

    Love that elephant, it’s so colourful and pretty. I like that it can hold things!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Polish photos are so hit and miss. I took 4 shots to get that close up and I really couldn’t tell if it turned out or not until I uploaded it.
      I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Rexall was clearing a bunch of colours in this collection so I grabbed a few (surprise) but I did google them to see how they looked on the nails. This one seemed to have good reviews online too.
      I tried googling her songs too haha! I only know a few, especially “Before he cheats” and “Jesus take the wheel”. 😛
      I was tempted to pick up a figurine for myself too but we really do NOT need “dust collectors” (as the SO puts it).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I also always try to google swatches in stores if I see one that I haven’t had my eyes on for a while…yet somehow they can still end up being disappointing, haha!
        LOL, I think those are the only two Carrie Underwood songs I know too!
        Haha, figurines are TOTAL dust collectors…but they’re so pretty!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. telling you
    golds and yellows suit you so well xo
    it’s the year of GOLD FOR STASherooooooo
    That little baby elephant OMG so cute
    he is so special …… xoxoxxo
    Love xo Love and More Goldens on You xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t even THINK about the gold factor! 😛
      I will look at my stash to see what other gold polishes I have – it’s tricky because some of them clash with my skin if they’re too yellow. ⭐

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  5. This shade is pretty! I’ll admit it’s not one I’d immediately go for but seeing it on you it looks really lovely! In the coat one picture the nail polish kind of looks like it has an ombre effect. The elephant trinket is adorable – glad your sister liked it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes the colour shifts depending on the angle so sometimes it does look more yellow and other times more white – kind of ombre effect!
      My sister loves bright shiny sparkly things – I picked up the brightest one I could find! 😛

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  6. I agree, the light shimmer shades are more forgiving with mistakes and they still look complete/clean. This one is unique with all the different shifts of color. I always wondered why OPI had a regular
    line and the Nicole line. Nicole is much cheaper here.
    NICE close up pic. I can really see all the reflections of color.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do wonder why OPI has both their regular and Nicole line. Their prices aren’t that different here.
      I need to practice my macro shots more! I just have a point and shoot camera, nothing fancy but it can do decent photos.

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      1. We have OPI, Sephora by OPI, and Nicole by OPI. With Price ranges from $8- $13. I can’t compare quality because I rarely paint my own nails.
        I have a macro lens and I still can’t get a perfect macro shot with products. I have a pic of a butterfly on a flower in NYC and you would think it’s professional, but makeup…..nope. Lol. When there is light reflection involved like glitter….forget it. That’s why I thought your pic was good, so many different shades reflecting.

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    1. Well, then YES you do need this when you list out all the reasons!! Me, I was just thinking I love the colour! XD
      I hope you find this, since it was from 2014 but I often see random collections at Rexall.


  7. I did not think this was going to get opaque, but it looks beautiful! Do you think it would work as a topper with one coat or is the white base too opaque?

    Liked by 1 person

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