Hauluary 2018 – Post-Holiday Sales

I know, I know. I just posted about makeup decluttering and here I am, showing stuff I’m adding to my hoard.  Never did I once say that I wasn’t shopping anymore! (I was just making room? 😆 ) And, I didn’t go as crazy this year with post-holiday sales.

This is called self control in my books! 😉

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Rexall Beauty Blogger Event

Last Thursday, I was invited to attend a Beauty Blogger even at Rexall located in downtown Toronto. It was to celebrate their remodeled location at Yonge and Richmond (in the heart of the Financial District in Toronto – think of it as Wall Street in NYC).  It was a lovely event and I also received some loot!

I posted a bunch of IG Stories of the event (if you’re not following me on Instagram, here is my account!) and I’ll share some of the videos here as well. 🙂

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Hauluary 2017 – Makeup and Skincare

When I look at it all together like this, I think I got a bit carried away with makeup hauling…
But when you pick up a little bit here, a little bit there, it doesn’t seem like it’s that much! 😉  I wasn’t able to go on actual Boxing Day to shop but many of the deals are available for the whole month of January – basically when stores sell out of stuff is when the sales end! 😛

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Hauluary 2017 – Bath & Body

It’s the magical month known as Hauluary when I have no holds barred on shopping!  I hauled so much in the past few weeks that I decided to divide my haulage into 3 posts: body care, makeup and nail polish. 😛 Today I’ll tackle the body care stuff:

This isn’t everything because I couldn’t fit it all in the frame. 😳

It didn’t help that the Bath & Body Works store near my work was closing down so they put almost the whole store on 75% off clearance. 😳

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Random makeup haul: Shoppers, Rexall, Faces, etc

By now you’re sick of my hauls, right?  I’m sorry, but you realize January was NO HOLDS BARRED month, and I just came off a yearlong dry spell, so every makeup item looked mighty tempting.  This is the LAST of the January hauls (until I receive the items I ordered online).  Here are some random bits and pieces I picked up that I haven’t covered in my previous posts:

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