Sandie’s Stash Giveaway Prize!

Yes yes, I’ve been extremely lucky lately, winning a few giveaway in quick succession! 😀 I won this NYX Highlight & Contour Pro Palette from Sandie’s Stash:
I’ve never owned a highlighting and contour palette before.  I love the notecard that Sandie included – thank you!. 🙂

Here are a few more glamour shots of the palette, the front:
I noticed that there are notches beside each pan so curiosity got the better of me, and it turns out each pan can be popped out! They’re not magnetized, they just click in place (quite snugly, I might add):
It would be handy if I wanted to put them into a customizable palette (I’d have to add a magnet or double sided tape) or if I run out of a shade, I can replace them (they’re sold individually for $6 CAD each).

Check out Sandie’s review of this palette on her site. If you’re not following her blog, I highly recommend it. I just had to follow her blog because she’s a fellow Canadian, and of course she’s got the word “stash” in her blog name too! 😉

And here’s something funny relating to this palette: when I opened this parcel to show my bf the prize, he says, “didn’t you just receive another one like that?” (meaning the Carli Bybel palette) to which I said, NO! They’re not the same at all! 😮  He says, “Well they’re almost the same, they both have brown colours in them and come in a tray thing.”
A TRAY THING! 😆  I guess he’s not wrong… 😛

52 thoughts on “Sandie’s Stash Giveaway Prize!

    1. Thanks! I used to be envious of people winning too – I think it just comes in waves. I don’t enter a ton of contests, just whenever someone I know is holding one, I’ll enter to support them. I’m really surprised that I’ve been so lucky!

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  1. Yay! While you’re on a winning streak, you should go buy a lotto ticket. NYX’s contour palette looks awesome… enjoy!
    Your SO’s tray comment made me laugh! First time my fiance ever went into Sephora with me, he was like “$26 for one pencil crayon?! 😲” when he saw the UD pencil liners 😆

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Totally agreed! I don’t tease him for not knowing anything about makeup, or bug him about his spending on gadgets, because I have little understanding of his gadgets, and he doesn’t bug me about my spending money on makeup either. It’s all fair!

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    1. Also ‘tray thing’ hahah – I found a dupe for the MAC amber times nine palette this weekend and was boasting to Ben about how similar it was, and he was like ‘sorry, you’ve bought something that’s the same as something you already have – I don’t understand’. They’ll never understand!

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    2. Oh man! How annoying. I am patiently waiting! 😉
      I’ll do a review once I’ve had a chance to play around with it thoroughly! I’ll be trying it as eye shadows too.


  2. Happy it got to you in one piece! I look forward to reading your thought s on the palette after you get to play around with it. I noticed the notches to but than promptly forgot about it, nice to know they are to hard to get out.

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    1. You packed it really well! 😀 Yes, I had to dig a manicure tool in the little notch and I was worried I was going to crack the pan but it was ok. I wouldn’t be popping those out too often! Thanks again Sandie! 😀


  3. Congrats on your win! This palette looks awesome. I love that ELF makes customize-able palettes too. Hmmmmmmm I wonder if NYX makes a blush one? I’ll have to scope it out. Contouring is a no go for me. My cheek bones are waaaay to high as it is, but I can get away with the highlighting part of this palette, lol.

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  4. Brown colors in a tray thing, LMAO! 😀

    Congrats – have fun playing with the palette! I love that the pans are removable, and there are notches in the palette. (Come ON, MAC, jeez.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Didn’t the old MAC palettes have notches? I’m trying recall off the top of my head. I have a couple at hope and I remember you can actually use something to pop them out. The new ones are a pain in the butt, I know.

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  5. Oh men! LOL! Have you seen that meme? For all those men who think women wear makeup to impress them…
    “I don’t have 40 MAC lipsticks to put on makeup for a man that does not know the difference between MAC Ruby Woo and MAC Russian Red”.


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