MUJI Skincare Giveaway WINNER!

It’s all treats tonight, no tricks! 😛

A joke from the most recent podcast episode. 😉 Source.

And the winner of the MUJI Skincare giveaway is:

Congrats to Kristy of hippylip!!! 😀

Here’s what she will be receiving:
And a few extra bits. 😉

Enjoy your goodies, Kristy! I’ll be contacting you for delivery details.

Thanks to everyone who entered! ❤

27 thoughts on “MUJI Skincare Giveaway WINNER!

  1. WOW!! I am in pure shock. Thanks to all the lovely people who congratulated me. Stash, I’ve been drooling over MUJI since you first posted about the brand. I feel so honored to be the winner. I cannot thank you enough for your amazingly funny blog posts, hosting this giveaway, and introducing me to MUJI.
    Much Love,

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Today is our powerball lottery and you have a good point! lol I am coming to Canada if that happens!! I actually got the email but did not see the post yet so thank you very much for sending me the link. The best part in all of this is that it’s 2 brands I’ve never tried from 2 amazing women/bloggers. Have a great day 😘

        Liked by 1 person

          1. And much less likely to win anything. Lol. The odds are so low that it’s like throwing money away. Years ago my parents won about 400 thousand USD (not the powerball). and we joked that they probably spent that much on lottery tickets in the 30 years prior to winning. I never play unless I’m feeling lucky or something strange happens.


  2. OMG!!! It came!!! Soooooo much loot, I don’t know where to begin other than photos!! Thank you so much!! I already know I love MUJI the packaging already has me sold. Oh and thanks for the key to Canada 😜 and your super sweet note!! The day before recording how awesome is that?? Now I have much waaay too much to talk about. 🎉😘.

    Liked by 1 person

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