The Lipstick Tag

Yay, my turn, my turn!  The spectacular Sam of Glam with Sam tagged me for this. If she hadn’t tagged me, I would have made up some fictitious person who “tagged” me just so I could do this Tag!  Thanks Sam, for keeping me from having to fabricate online pals! 😛

The Rules

  1. TAG 3 bloggers to answer these same questions.
  2. Those bloggers will TAG 3 more bloggers of their choice with the same questions & rules.
  3. No tag backs

I will preface this by saying that out of all the makeup categories, lip products are my least stashed item. I have naturally pigmented lips so even if I have NO colour applied, I get questions like “What lipstick are you wearing?”
“Au Naturel.”
“What brand makes that?”
“Mother Nature.”

The Questions

1. How many lipsticks do you own?
Precisely 79.

2. What was your first ever lipstick?
It was from a drugstore brand called Caroline. Not sure if anyone has even heard of it.
The lipstick packaging was amazing – it had a push down lever similar to that of the Guerlain Automatique! (it was not gold but a silvery grey plastic tube)
It had the same vanilla scent as MAC lipsticks. I don’t recall the shade name but it was a frosty mauve-y plum colour that was very “in” back then.

3. What is your most worn lipstick?
Currently, it’s Elizabeth Arden Exceptional Lipstick in Breathless (#17). I bought a bunch of EA lipsticks for $6 each when they were clearing them out at Shoppers Drug Mart a while back – otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered with EA since it’s not a brand I find myself attracted to normally.
But man! This lipstick makes me want to toss out my whole lipstick stash and just wear this for the rest of my life. It is smooth, pigmented, stays on well, and very comfortable on the lips – and it’s a perfect MLBB shade for me. But alas, it is discontinued. And I have no back-up. *cue frantic googling*

4. What is your favorite brand for lipsticks?
I’m cheating, I will name TWO that I love: Guerlain and BITE Beauty. Guerlain for its luxe packaging and beautiful formula. It’s expensive, so I’m also throwing in BITE Beauty as another favourite. I mean, lip products is ALL they do, so they better be darn good at it!  I love the colour range from BITE Beauty and how their lip products use only food-grade ingredients. I wish BITE Beauty would open up a Lip Lab in Toronto!
5. What is your favorite finish?
I like satin or sheer, but nothing too high shine – and no frost or glitter!

6. What is the last lipstick you bought?
Anna Sui’s new-ish Lipstick V, in Pink Beige (#301) and Lipstick M, in Charm Deep Pink (#371) back in October 2014.  Look at the bullet shape! And the packaging! Surprisingly, I have actually used both of them – I thought they’d be like my Anna Sui Minnie Mouse one that I’ve left untouched.
7. How many lip products do you currently have in your bag?
I try to clear out my bag nightly but I’m not always successful.  Currently I have 3 lip products: Caudalie lip conditioner, Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips, and Estee Lauder Pure Color in Crystal Baby (yup, this was a Pixiwoo influenced purchase).
8. What lipstick do you use to rock a red lip?
I rarely rock a red lip, but on occasion, I will bust out Elizabeth Arden Color Intrigue Effects Lipstick in Poppy Cream (#01) – another $6 score during the clearance sale.
9. How do you store your lipsticks?
Scattered around in various makeup drawers and acrylic containers.  I have an area for my most used, and then a drawer for my least used.  I would like to eventually have them all kept together.

10. What lip products are you currently lusting over?
I swear I’m not being paid to say this, but I do want to get a Nars Audacious lipstick (Anita or Vanessa – they appear very similar).  I also want to try one of Hourglass Opaque Rouge Liquid Lipstick (Rose or Canvas).

That’s it.  That’s all she wrote!  Ok, the rules of this Tag is that there are no tag backs, which is challenging considering the tight circle of WordPress makeup blogs. How about this: if you haven’t been tagged and you want to do this Tag, please post a comment below and I will edit this entry to officially tag you!  Fair? 😀

Edited: I’ve got takers!  I tag the following lovely ladies:

31 thoughts on “The Lipstick Tag

  1. EA Breathless (the color, anyway) should still be around! I think they have just d/c their Exceptional Lipstick formula. I just posted about a bunch of EA GWP/PWP going around in Canada, and most seem to include Breathless, but in a new formula, Beautiful Color Moisturizing Lipstick.

    I’ve wanted to get one of those Anna Sui star-swirly lippies just for the style and packaging. SO. Awesome.

    I am totally doing this tag 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah! Tagging you then!

      Oooh thanks for letting me know about the Breathless shade in the new reincarnated formula. I shall have to check it out – I hope it’s comparable! But the bullet is super flashy, omg it’s their red door perfume design, yikes.

      Those Anna Sui lipsticks are actually quite nice if you like like hydrating lipsticks. I’m always surprised at the quality of AS stuff given the cutesy packaging.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. yay! love your lipstick tag. With all honesty, this is one tag that I would definitely love to answer in the future. I really love seeing your stash! The feeling is like walking through Queen B’s closet. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Then I’m tagging you! 😀 I love to see what everyone’s favourites are… that’s how my wish list grows! I’m going to have to create an eye shadow tag, since that’s my true love!


  3. hahahahaha! I am so glad I was here to rescue you from conjuring up some imaginary friends to tag you for the lip tag, but who would have known lol! I do love bite beauty myself, the colors are beautiful and very moisturizing on the lips. I am lusting over the Nars Audacious lipsticks, the thought of paying $32 for a lipstick in insanity to me.

    Liked by 1 person

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