Miscellaneous Makeup Purge

You may recall that last year I did an epic makeup purge!   And earlier this year I posted a base makeup and a lip product purge – the common theme on those 2 product categories is that they’re liquid items, with typically shorter lifespan than powders.  Today I have a mixture of various product categories including eye, lip, and skincare products – many of which are also liquid or gel formulas.
The reason why these are in a separate purge post rather than included in my Trash Stash is because none of these items are finished / empty. Some items I loved but are too old to use anymore. Sadly, the majority of them will go into the garbage!


Beyond Belief ABH Exfoliating Scrub – I used to love this skincare line from Sally Beauty Supply but then they reformulated the line and it now sucks. This scrub doesn’t contain many beads, and it turns out the beads are polyethylene (aka microbeads). So I’m tossing this rather than having them go into water system.
NeoStrata Invigorating Solution – I received this full size item for free as a gift with purchase. They’re pre-soaked pads like Stridex and are basically 100% alcohol – it stings my skin. I ended using this to clean my underarms but it’s even too harsh for that. And I noticed that it’s now discontinued, rightfully so.
Eucerin Aquaphor – I did really like this for my lips as an overnight treatment, but ever since I discovered the C.O. Bigelow Supreme Shine 2X lip balm, I haven’t touched this.
Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream (above) – this smells disgusting. But, I do have to admit that it does sooth and protect skin very well in the winter months. I might consider getting the fragrance-free version, one of these days.
Lucas’ Papaw Ointment – an Australian coworker brought this back for me since it’s a cult beauty product. I didn’t find it to be a miracle product.

Nip + Fab Lip + Nip Fix – this is touted as an all purpose balm (for lips and nipples!) and I found it was just ok. I think this contains mostly lanolin, which I might be sensitive to. This product looks to be discontinued also.
Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1 in Coconut (above) – this expired in 2014! I did used to like these lip balms once upon a time but now I find them a little too greasy. Also, SPF of 4 is laughable.

Eye Products

Unlike lip products, I have a much stronger attachment to these eye products. Some are favourites of mine but they are just so old – I know for a fact that the MAC Fluidline in Ostentatious came out in October 2006 as part of the Rockocco collection! 😮

Gel liners: I love the idea of gel liners but in reality, I use pen type liner much more regularly since I don’t need to use a separate brush. (coughlazycough)
Mary Kay Gel Eyeliner in White Daisy – I got it in my head that I’d use this as a base to do colourful liners by putting pops of colour eye shadows on top. Never did it!
Sedona Lace Eyeliner Gel in Rumor
Kate Gel Eye Liner in BR-1
Essence Gel Eyeliner in 02 London Baby – Essence gel liners are amazing. Even more amazing is how inexpensive they are.
MAC Fluidline in Ostentatious (above)- this is actually still fresh, amazingly. But it’s nearly 10 years old!  I absolutely adore this colour and formula – it’s a taupe colour with blue / green shimmer!!! 😮 I may have used 15% of the pot. *sigh*  It will live on in whatever Back to MAC item this will go toward.
Physicians Formula Shimmer StripsCustom Eye Enhancing Gel CreamLiner – these are part of 3 full stacks in various colours. They’re just not colours I use often (black, blue & purple).
I’ve kept only 2 brown colours for my stash. These are really good gel liners, by the way.

Cream shadows:
Milani Shadow Eyez in 09 Cafe au Lait – I still remember buying this in Halifax at Lawtons. Sadly, this creases on me.
Essence Bloom Me Up! Duo Eye Pencil – these are meant to be brow bone and inner eye highlights but the texture is too dry for the eye area
Stila Smudge Pot in Jade
Bourjois Survoltee Waterproof Eyeshadow in Parme Électro
Sephora Jumbo Liner 12hr Wear in #32 White Glitter – this was part of a set, there are always 1 or 2 shades that no one wants and this is one of those
MAC Paints in Magrittes – I can’t believe this has finally dried out.  RIP, I will miss you (swatch of this and my other Paints / Paint Pots here)
Almay Bright Eyes Color Cream Shadow in Golden Gleam – I love these cream eye shadows and of course they’re discontinued. This has dried out but I still have 2 other ones which are still going strong.
CoverGirl Intense ShadowBlast in 815 Brown Bling – loved this but it’s getting old (also discontinued)
TIGI Longwearing Creme Eyeshadow in Brown Sugar – love LOVE this but it’s drying out
Mary Kay Eye Primer – this didn’t work to me to prevent eye shadows from creasing
Milani Eyeshadow Primer – also didn’t work for me

Pencil Liners:
Bourjois Queen Attitude Khol Kajal – too smudgy for me
Sephora Liner Electro in 09 Electro Choc – this has no staying power
Mary Kay Luxury Liner in Classic Sable – loved this colour but the formula was too watery
Senna Cosmetics Linear Eye Liner in Smoke
Maybelline MasterDrama in Coal Commander – this is actually nearly finished, I really like these pencils but I prefer the taupe colour more
Prestige Waterproof Automatic Eyeliner in 14 Sepia – I found this to tug at the skin
Hard Candy Concealer Pencil in Medium – not an eyeliner but whatever. This didn’t match me and wasn’t that good.
Jordane Cosmetics Browliner in Earth Brown – this came out of a friend’s makeup kit from her esthetician course. It was my first ever brow product. Basically my friend pinned me down and drew brows on me because I’d never filled in my brows before (and I have sparse brows). I really liked this pencil – it’s not waxy and the colour is the perfect match. It’s dried out now and I’ve moved onto the Shu Uemura pencils. But this will always have a special place in my heart!
Quo BFF Super Shaper Eye Wand in Denyse and Trina – this is super old. The eye shadow (Denyse) was quite nice but the liner end (Trina) was useless. And omg the names of the shades! 😆
Make Up For Ever pencil in No 0 white – this thing is ancient. And look at how long the pencil is still. I keep getting it in my head that I’d line my inner lash line for that “awake look” but I never do. I still have a few white liners in my stash.
CoverGirl LiquilineBlast (above) – once this sets, it does NOT budge. Too bad it dried out in the casing though.
Palladio Shadow & Liner Herbal Pencil in Raspberry (above) – this is dried out completely, the lead inside has shriveled up and is loose in the wood casing.  I pulled out the lead slightly in the picture. 😛

Lip & Cheek Products

Estee Lauder Pure Color Gloss in 06 Magnificent Mauve – this was a gwp item. I used up the mascara end but never used the gloss. It’s way too shimmery / frosty for my liking.
Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Gloss in Nude – bought this due to hype and the funny name. This so goopy and sticky. And the pungent sugary chocolate smell is gag-inducing.
Rimmel Apocolips in 101 Celestial – I really liked these liquid lipsticks, unfortunately, it has turned bad.
MAC Lipgelée in Moistly – while I detest MAC’s Lipglass, I love their Lipgelées. And of course, they’re discontinued! This tube is So. Old. The vanilla scent has disappeared although it doesn’t smell bad. MAC needs to bring Lipgelées back permanently!
MAC Cremeblend Blush in Something Special – I’ve had this for 4 years and its texture is too dry to apply onto my face now. It’s going Back to MAC (and I now have enough empties for 2 B2M items – woot!)

And LASTLY, a very special mention:
Mirabella Outshine lip gloss in Illusion – this was one of my PUFU (Project Use it the F*%@ Up!) items but I ended up neglecting it again.  This is probably my favourite gloss formula but this tube is just too old (more than 5 yrs 😮 ).
The last measurement of this was 2.60cm and now it’s at 3.20cm from the top. Goodbye, old friend. ❤

Getting rid of old makeup is bittersweet! While some items I didn’t much care for, many were great favourites that I wished I had paid more attention to so that I could have used them up completely.  I hope that one day I’ll get my collection down to a manageable size so that I’m able to do that.  Do you need to do a beauty declutter? 😉

Set your alarms!

The MyLipAddiction.com Beauty Podcast will be airing a new episode tonight at 7pm (EDT) featuring none other than Miss HippyLip. 😀 I’ve created a new category on my sidebar to display all the links to the MyLipAddiction.com Beauty Podcasts so you can listen any time! 🙂

67 thoughts on “Miscellaneous Makeup Purge

  1. Woohoo! I’m thinking of doing the same, I was going through my eyeshadows last night looking for dupes in the Violet Voss palette and some stuff I was like why the hell am I keeping this I’m not going to use it! Surprised you Rimmel Apocolips has gone bad mine are still as good as when I first bought them!
    Do you know what’s on your B2Mac list yet?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What, are you getting rid of your Violet Voss palette or the other dupes?
      I’ve had the Rimmel Apocolips since 2013… so 3 years, that’s not very long lifespan, is it?
      I’m drafting my B2MAC list… to be posted tomorrow! 😛


  2. This kind of post makes me so sad !
    I’m trowing in the garbage beauty products all the time and I get mad (and sad) about it … I feel I’ve put “a trip” worth of makeup in the trash in the last two years !!! I’m getting way better with my purchases but it’s not enough 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice, that is a more than decent amount of products to get rid of! Just means you have an excuse to replenish your stash… 😀
    I’m the same way as you with gel liners…love the idea of them, but had to stop buying them because I realized I was too lazy to pull out a brush and deal fuss around with all of that. Pen/pencils are easier for travel, too!
    Do you know what you want to pick up for your two B2M products yet? Takes me FOREVER to collect items because the only MAC products I finish “regularly” are the Cleanse Off Oils…and by regularly, I mean only 2 bottles a year 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha at that rate, you’ll be Back to MAC-ing in 3 years! 😆
      I’ve been drafting my B2MAC list and will be posting tomorrow for your input! 😀
      I do like that gel liners give a really dark, solid line but yeah…. the hassle of a brush!
      Yes, this purge plus my birthday… ahem… next week you’ll see some of the damage done! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ughh, exactly! Although I do have 2 things I haven’t used up that I want to get rid of, so maybe this time it’ll be two years instead of three, haha!
        Oooh, can’t wait to see your B2M list (and your birthday haul…teehehe)


  4. Great job! I really need to go through my stash and get rid of expired products, I know I have some, I just can’t bring myself to throw anything way yet! What are you buying at MAC?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am a hoarder by nature and it’s been difficult to shift my brain to part with things. Even when writing this post, I thought, maybe I will keep that MAC gel liner, it’s just so pretty! But I know that I just won’t use it. Better to have it go toward a Back to MAC item. I’m drafting my list for what I want to get – I’ll be asking your input! Will be up tomorrow. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Good purge honey xxxxxxxx
    very inspiring you know why …..
    because you are inspiring mega clean ups …..
    ie – me and a gazillion others
    ur getting more and more HONEST – have you noticed ? More LIKE HERE IT IS

    Liked by 1 person

  6. love the essence gel liner too! thanks for the heads up on the Kiel’s lip balm, “spf 4 is laughable” which i literally chuckled for. Enjoy your back to mac:) let me know what you got from mac as you know i’m obsessed with mac haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I still have the black Essence gel liner in my stash. It’s amazing how a $4 liner can be such good quality!
      I’ll definitely post what I get from MAC! I can never get enough MAC…

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  7. If you want to try salvaging those gel liners, add a couple drops of argan/Moroccan oil in the pot, mix it up with the liner (I use a bent paper clip), then pop in the microwave for 15 seconds. When it’s cooled down the liner is as good as new.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those gel liners aren’t dried out (well maybe ONE of the Physician’s Formulas), I just don’t use them! I might as well get rid of stuff I don’t use.


  8. I love purging my makeup. It’s almost as fun as buying it 😅 I admit I feel a little guilty when I don’t use products up and throw them out half-full, but not every product is a good one

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wouldn’t call it FUN, but it’s quite satisfying. You’re right, it’s the GUILT about products that I don’t use up that gets me. I’m just thankful for programs like Back to MAC!


  9. …. Your stash is so overwhelming 😂😂😂 have you tried the paw paw on paper cut wounds? It heals me over night 😉 the eight hour cream reminds me of my granny? But, it does do miracles for my crazy cracked fat lips lol 😁


    1. I did try that Paw Paw on cuts but it didn’t heal them like everyone said!
      Haha I’m the only person who I know to complain about her fat lips. My friends think I’m crazy. 😛

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  10. I’ve never been a fan of gel liners but I did have one that I used quite a bit and that’s from Rimmel London. That MAC blush shade is gorgeous.. And it’s funny how less these products are. Im sure there’s more in your chest but cannot get rid of. HAHA.. I go with my stash once a year and send them home. I have a tray set aside mainly for that and will be packing them before the end of the year.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do like how gel liner looks – so pigmented and smooth. I think I have Rimmel’s – it’s includes a built-in brush, right? I need to find it lol.
      It’s great that you send stuff home – I’m sure they LOVE the fact that you’re a beauty addict! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I need better organization for SURE. I’m thinking I need more MUJI acrylic containers. I figured I would purge a bunch of stuff before I tackle how to arrange everything!


  11. Great declutter! There are certain things I have that I just enjoy collecting and don’t mind if they go bad before I use them up (palettes) but most things I don’t like the idea of decluttering unless I just don’t like them.

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  12. Oh NOoooo so much to purge. I get so upset when I realize I haven’t used a product before it expires. It just happened with some Lush stuff I had. We need an Excel sheet to schedule product use. Hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

  13. First, I’m sorry for spamming your site. I actually have a few spare minutes and since your blog is on my list of “favorite must reads” I’m binge reading today 🙂
    I keep some of the Eucerin Aquaphor in my gym bag for emergency chapped lips. Also, in a pinch it works if I need unit-chaffing during a work out. That’s probably too much information O_O
    I just picked up the CO Bigelow Supreme Shine lip balm on your recommendation and I LOVE IT. It’s so good! I used the original formula (not the 2x) years ago and liked it but the 2x is seriously amazing. Thanks for the recommendation!
    I have a perverse love for the weird scent of the 8 hour cream. I hated it initially but now I find it really soothing!
    I’ve wondered about the Papaw ointment but committed to not trying it until I use up my current tube of 8 hour cream. Now I don’t have to lol!
    I really really need to purge my lip collection. I keep thinking that I want to do hand swatches of the products that have gone bad so I have a color record but it’s out of control. I have so many reeeeaaallly old lip products.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I kind of wished I had kept that tube of Aquaphor because I just had a skin biopsy done on my leg and the stitches needed either Vaseline or Aquaphor to keep moist… ah well, I’m just using good ol’ Vaseline on it.
      OH yes, the 2X formula is where it’s at with the CO Bigelow! I keep having to emphasize that part. It’s the 2X, not the regular one! I’m glad it’s working well for you!
      That 8hr cream really works is the problem. But the stank. I can’t. I will try the unfragranced version eventually, I suppose.
      Make it your mission to swatch and purge! It can be a series on your blog!


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