Zoya Meadow

I received this from the lovely Polished and Inspired when we met up in May! Thank you again for this polish, it’s so “me”! 😀
With the summer days winding down, I thought this was a nice summery shade to wear before the heat died down!

I’m a fan of how Zoya describes each of their nail polish shades and even provides standard information for each:

Meadow by Zoya can be best described as a frosty, golden peach with a copper flash. This golden, flesh-toned shade is a perfect sparkling nude for warm skin tones!
Color Family – Nude
Finish – Metallic
Intensity – 4 ( 1 = Sheer – 5 = Opaque )
Tone – Warm

This is very helpful especially for people ordering online. I wish all nail polish companies did this!
I’d say Zoy’a description is pretty accurate, although I would say the copper flash isn’t just an intermittent thing – it appears quite strongly at all angles / lighting conditions.

I was worried about streaks due to the frosty nature of the polish and the first coat was streak-city:
But it pretty much smoothed out in the second coat, phew:
The polish applied flawlessly and dried very quickly.
If you Google this polish, there are photos online where the polish looks almost pink-toned – for me, this polish leans much more golden peached toned and in some lights, I feel it’s almost straight-up coral. It’s so pretty!
Here’s what it looks like after a full week of wear:
It looks ok if you don’t inspect too closely. Sadly, this polish does chip similar to my experiences with Zoyas before – I used my usual Orly Bonder as base and Poshe as top coat. There were noticeable chipping / peeling on my left middle finger, and my right thumb:
The chipping occurred on day 5 so it wasn’t terrible.  😦 Overall, I’ve noticed that Zoya polishes seem to not wear as long for me and shows tip wear much faster.

Here’s this week’s random object shot:
Gorilla Glue! I happened upon this in our “crap drawer” which was a goldmine for all things random. I don’t recall buying the Gorilla Glue or if we ever used it but we have it for “just in case!” 😉
I’m sure every household has a drawer like this where random batteries, membership cards, paperclips etc go to live. Tell me what you have in your crap drawer! 😛

60 thoughts on “Zoya Meadow

    1. No no don’t be silly! I had already planned on giving Zoya another try this year. I bought 4 Zoya polishes back in January to give them another whirl!

      Zoya Free 4 You sale

      Plus, no other brands do such interesting colours than Zoya – damn them! That’s why I’m gutted it doesn’t play nicely with me or my base / top coats! I do know from trial and error that the Zoya Anchor base and Armour top coat DO work really well with Zoya polishes. But the top coat is not fast drying and I’m not buying them just to use with Zoya polishes!
      Thank you for the polish! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hehe, I remember when you bought he Zoya polishes! You chose some really pretty shades I had missed the sale because I remembered just as it hit the deadline of the sale 😛
        Yup, no point in buying a top coat just for the Zoya brushes if it’s going to dry slowly!


    1. Oh I didn’t even think about Nars Orgasm. I do have that in polish form:

      It’s very peach – and it’s really sheer though. I will do a comparison post one of these days!

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  1. I love the shade, almost makes me want to paint my own nails. 😬 I don’t know where to begin with my “junk” drawer, batteries, candles, mini flashlight, menus, super glue, nail file, and key chains from all over the world. Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to know we’re not the only ones with the junk drawer – I also found so many twist ties and elastics in there! And random manual for remote controls…
      Yes you should paint your nails! It’s fun!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. This polish just screams summer, doesn’t it?
      And I suppose Gorilla Glue is a North American thing… 😛 Their commercials are funny and features a guy dressed in a gorilla suit!

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  2. Gorgeous shade! Reminds me of a metallic creamsicle haha. I’m going to look up the other swatches for this polish- i’m now interested to see how it pulls on different skin tones!
    I totally have a junk drawer- if someone says they don’t they are lying:-) I try to organize it once it gets too hard to close- but it never stays organized for long!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Metallic creamsicle haha! That’s the perfect image!
      See this, it look SO pink compared to mine:

      Haha, I feel like a junk drawer is a universal thing no matter what social background, what culture, what type of lifestyle… we try to throw things out but we always talk ourselves into keeping something for “just in case”!


  3. Ah, the crap drawer! An international phenomenon. Known to every man and woman. It exists in every country, and every culture.

    Our crap drawer is full of… crap. I’ve got no idea what’s really in there because my husband is in charge of it. But I’m sure it’s full of broken sunglasses and half-used glue sticks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why is your hubby in charge of the crap drawer! Ours is jointly owned – we try to clear it from time to time but never sucessful to rid the drawers completely of crap. I do have to say though, there really are useful items in the crap drawer like tape and twine and gum… 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can’t remember the last time I’ve actually checked what’s in the drawer. It may have been 2 years ago. Who knows? My husband can store what he wants in there. I think our crap drawer is probably the closest he’ll get to having a man cave! 🙂


  4. I’m sorry to say it, but now I’m more interested in the “random object shot” when you post about a nail polish than the actual review😂 … I go straight to the last picture 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha that’s awesome! I personally now look forward to the selection of the random object more than deciding on what polish I’m going to wear for the week! 😆


  5. Love this shade – I feel like the colour is worth the chips! 😉

    Our junk drawer is my arch nemesis – my hubby throws everything in there – money, unopened mail, keys, important receipts. So technically not really a junk drawer but its always a huge mess and a mash of important things that we actually need or need to deal with. 🙄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, I do think the chips aren’t so terrible. I’m going to try other base / top coats to see if it performs better.
      Haha, at least we don’t have any money in our junk drawer although maybe we still have some Canadian Tire money hiding in there! Perhaps people’s junk drawers are a reflection of their lives? 😛


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