Stash Dash: Oct 16 – 22

This was a BUSY week on the blog!  If you’ve missed some posts, I don’t blame you. Here’s what happened:

PP12: The Body Shop Fresh Nude Foundation in 020 Bali Vanilla

Finally, one of the Project Pan items that actually shows visible signs of being used up. 🙄

Guest Post: Ephesus – Turkey

My first guest post over at Local Girl Foreign Land – it’s not about makeup but it has pretty pictures! 😀

MUJI Skincare [+ GIVEAWAY!]


China Glaze Hot Flash

Perfect colour for my toes while I was on vacation!

Cruise Life – My Experience

Read about what I liked, what I didn’t like on my 7-day cruise to the Mediterranean. Beauty Podcast: Verbal Debauchery

If you haven’t listened yet, what are you waiting for? Early reviews include, “I snorted wine out of my nose” and “who knew Stashy had such a potty mouth?” 😉

Also, don’t miss the giveaway that Cat is hosting – it ends tomorrow!


• We had a mini heat wave here in Toronto. Monday and Tuesday were in the high 20’s°C and with the humidity, it was in the 30’s°C (that’s close to 90F). Our condo building had shut off the A/C last week – we had trouble sleeping from the heat! Yesterday, the temperature dropped down to high of 9°C (48F) o_O

• On Friday night I went for a facial – it’s been quite a while since I’ve had one. There’s a promotion in Toronto right now called “Beautylicious” which is a similar concept to Summer- / Winterlicious (restaurants offering prix fixe menus). Hair salons, spas and wellness centres offer cheaper packaged deals to introduce new potential customers to their services. I’d been in the market for a new spa place since the last one I went to closed.  I was really pleased with my facial on Friday and already booked another appointment for November.  Aside from the fantastic facial, the thing that sold me about her was what she said, “Your skin is your home, you’re going to live in it until you die, you need to take care of it. Good skin takes work.” Truth! 😀

How was your week? ⭐

17 thoughts on “Stash Dash: Oct 16 – 22

    1. We’re now probably about the same in terms of temperature now! There’s been frost warning and the forecast for next week is around 10C. I don’t hate winter… so bring it on!


  1. I love your ‘schtuff’ section!
    WTF? Heatwave in Toronto? We have firmly been in 15 degree weather (if we’re lucky) and under since the beginning of September. Send some heat over, please!
    The Beautylicious idea is a great idea. I feel like I’d try a lot more salons and spas if we had this available here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think we bout of heat is done for the year! I just checked and next week is all in the 10’s and rainy.
      Yeah, I think more cities should offer Beautylicious type of offers. The spa I went to said it’s been a great way for them to reach new clients and even if a small portion return, it’s worth it to them for the long term investment. Do you have the restaurant deals there? We have Summerlicious and Winterlicious – where a whole bunch of restaurants offer lunch and dinner prix fixe menus. We’ve discovered a bunch of restaurants that way too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like your weekly recap – definitely helps me get caught up on your posts when I get behind.

    So jealous of your summer weather – we finally had some seasonal weather this week. We haven’t had temps in the 20’s since early September, and even then it was low 20’s. 😦

    This week was crap for me – glad it’s over! Here’s to a new, better week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you find this helpful! I see you’ve caught up on my blog posts from all the comment alerts I received!… 😛
      It’s cooler here now, I’m glad to be wearing a scarf and a trench coat today. 🙂

      Here’s to hoping you have an AWESOME week this week Nicole! ❤


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