Bath & Body Works Wallflowers stash

Besides my HG night lip balm, there are just 2 other items I really enjoy – and hoard – from Bath & Body Works: their Foaming Hand Soaps and the Wallflowers.  More than the Wallflower fragrances themselves, I LOVE collecting the seasonal Wallflower fragrance plugs – but very specifically, I only buy the designs that light up:

Currently I’m still using the snowflake design… Spring is coming a little late this year to our bathroom!

Of course, the plugs couldn’t be empty, they need to have a constant supply of fragrance bulbs:

Can you tell that I love the “Champagne Toast” scent? I also love “Snow Day” which was only available in Winter 2013 and I’m rationing this last unopened one I have.  I am hoping they’re re-release it again.

I much prefer fragrance oils rather than candles to fill a room with fragrance. Here’s a shocker: I’m not a fan of BBW candles (gasp!)  Let me clarify – I’m generally not a fan of candles, period.  It’s a weird phobia of mine regarding candles… I am concerned about candles using up the vital supply of oxygen in a room.  Why are we just wantonly depleting our precious oxygen levels by burning scented wax?  I just don’t get it!  Anyway… in addition to my weird phobia, I also feel that candles never smell as nice when they’re burned versus just smelling them in the jar.  So I only own 3 BBW candles: Twisted Peppermint (my very first BBW candle, a gift from my bf’s sister), Peach Bellini (white peach, mandarin & jasmine), and Snow Day (Spruce branches, peppermint & sweet vanilla) – and from time to time I open up their lids to sniff them.  That’s the extent of my relationship with candles.

So, back to the Wallflowers plugs – it used to be that the lights were true night lights in that they had a sensor built in and would only be activated when the room was dark:

The basic Wallflower night light model. Circa 2010

But recently, I noticed that they changed the design so that the plug is lit as soon as it’s plugged in.  I kind of preferred them as true night lights but oh well, beggars can’t be choosers.  Here is my collection, from oldest to newest:

Owl* 2012 | Palm leaf 2013
Snowflake* (currently in use with “Snow Day” scent”) 2013 | Snowman 2014
Butterfly 2015 | Conch* 2015
Pineapple 2015 | Fishy 2015

I have unopened back-ups of the ones indicated with an asterisk.  I stopped buying the plugs for a little while since BBW didn’t release many light up ones, until recently when the Spring 2015 collection came out – I fell in love with the aquatic designs, and many of them were night lights!  These are still available at your local BBW if you’re interested in getting them.  I wish BBW  would release ALL of their designs with the night light function!
If you’re seeking out the night lights, make sure the wrapper indicates them as such.  They also cost a little more than the regular ones, $10.50 vs $9.00 CAD each (the price has been jacked up recently – I just checked the price on my back-up Owl plug in from 2012 and it was only $8.00!)  It also used to be that the fragrance plug would be included in the Wallflower fragrance bulb sales (ie 6 for $24) but in the past couple of years they’ve been excluded.

That was probably more than you ever wanted to know about BBW Wallflowers plugs!  Not sure if any of you out there have an obsession for them as I do?  I’ll be posting about my BBW Foaming Hand Soaps later this week. Until then, what are your favourite items from BBW?

26 thoughts on “Bath & Body Works Wallflowers stash

    1. We didn’t have Bath & Body Works in Canada until a few years ago! I hear that they’re opening stores in Asia now. So who knows, maybe they will eventually come to the UK! But in the mean time, yes stock up when you visit the US this summer! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m not a fan of candles mainly because I’m convinced they will light my house on fire even if I’m taking every safety precaution. I’m going to have to look into getting the some of these wallflower plug ins!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wallflowers used to be the thing at my place until someone thought it was a great idea to plug one in upside down (not me, haha!). I think I still have a bulb or two of cucumber melon and raspberry somewhere. I too am a fan of their foaming hand soap. It’s a must to jump on, especially when they have a good sale on them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I never knew that these existed because I never go into B&BW! Love your animated gif. And the pineapple wallflower. I might have to go get one or two of these for the bathroom, because my current nightlights in there are pretty crap (thanks, Can Tire).

    I am more of a candle person, though! *running away with a tiny amount of your oxygen*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha my pre-BBW night light was from the dollar store!
      Yes the pineapple one is fun, they’re still available at BBW. I never used to go into BBW but there’s one close to work so I always get suckered in. I’m still not a fan of their body products or body fragrances – I don’t think the quality is that good.
      What kind of candles do you like… you, you oxygen thief! (it’s so irrational, I know)


      1. Yes, I don’t go in for the same reason, not a fan of the body/fragrance stuff there. I usually just pick up random candles from Winners and HomeSense. I got a Nest (or something by Nest, anyway) candle at one of them once and it’s nice! I do like Pacifica candles, too.

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  4. I have been searching for the pineapples nightlight wallflower fragrance plug #1037181, do you know how I could purchase at least one or two of these. They have been out of stock. Thank you.

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