The mighty Konjac sponge

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the Konjac sponge by now.  I first learned about it online last year and was curious to try it.  While browsing at TheFaceShop, I came across their version, retailing for $5 so I decided to give it a go.  Never did I think that I would come to love it, and in honour of Earth Day today, I thought I’d share with you a little more information on this little natural beauty wonder.

Quick FAQs on the Konjac sponge:
• originally popularized in Japan
• made from fibres of the Konjac potato (Konnyaku) plant (this site provides more detailed information about how they convert the plant into the sponge)
• 100% natural and biodegradable, and are typically vegan and crueltry free (depending on the company)
• provides gentle exfoliation
• naturally slightly alkaline which helps to neutralize slightly acidic sebum / dirt

Some companies offer different types of Konjac sponges: ones with charcoal, green tea, red clay, bamboo, etc.  I don’t find a big difference between the various types and I usually buy the plain white kind.

This is what the Konjac sponge looks like when it’s dried vs when it’s rehydrated (it grows in size quite a bit):
The dried out sponge is very lightweight and airy – like sterofoam.  I run the sponge under water for about 30 seconds and squeeze it a little to allow the water to get inside.  The rehydrated sponge is very porous, fluffy and soft – the texture is a bit rubbery and bouncy.

I used to use this little silicone disc from Sephora to wash my face:
And while it worked fine, I enjoyed the gentle exfoliation I get from the Konjac sponge better.  Now I use my Konjac sponge every morning to wash my face in the shower – I pour a little of my face wash on the sponge and let it get sudsy and wash my face in circular motions.  I prefer using the flat side to wash my face – the domed side sits perfectly in my palm.  I then rinse my face and the sponge thoroughly.
The sponge should be allowed to dry thoroughly each night so that it doesn’t harbour bacteria.  All of the Konjac sponges I’ve used have a cotton cord looped through so it can be hung easily.  It is recommended that the sponge is replaced every month (I sometimes push it to every two months and have not had any problems).

L to R: FaceShop, Missha, Mira

I currently have 3 unopened Konjac sponges in my stash – I went back to TheFaceShop to stock up and they were sold out “indefinitely” so I had to resort to alternative channels: the Missha one I got from an online Korean shop ($5) and the charcoal one is from Winners ($7).  You shouldn’t have to pay more than $10 for a quality Konjac sponge – I refuse to pay $19 for the Boscia one from Sephora!  A tip given to me by TheFaceShop is to keep the unopened Konjac sponges in the fridge which will help them keep fresh longer.  My bf knows not to eat the face sponges in the fridge. 🙂

Have you tried the Konjac sponge?  What do you use to wash your face?

35 thoughts on “The mighty Konjac sponge

  1. I got one as well but haven’t used it in a while. That’s a good point though, it does help create more suds with my face wash. I’ll have to start using it again! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been interested in trying it, but I have always only seen it at Sephora and like you, I refuse to pay $19. Thanks for the letting us know where you can buy it, I will be going to my Winners after work looking for one!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I use the EcoTools sponge and I’m not sure if I see any noticeable difference between it and a washcloth. I’m not sure if the EcoTools is a dud or I’m just expecting too much after reading so many rave reviews of konjac sponges.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve never been a fan of wet washcloths in the shower, I find it gross for some reason. I’m sure in terms of exfoliation, a washcloth is probably just as good if not better than this sponge – I do like that the Konjac sponge is very gentle, and I use a fresh one after a month or so.


    1. See, I can’t jump on the Clarisonic bandwagon since my skin doesn’t tolerate too much manual exfoliation. This sponge is probably the level I can use on a daily basis. I know people rave about the softer sensitive head and whatnot, but I just can’t even risk it. And aren’t those replacement heads pricey?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Understandable. The device itself costs about $100 for its cheapest model, but the brush heads can be replaced every 3 months and are $25 each. It took me a really long time before I finally invested in one because of the price tag.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I’m glad I introduced you to something new, then! I hope you’re able to find this – I think it’s becoming more mainstream now so it should be more readily available. 🙂


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