New to Me: Teeez Cosmetics

I heard about Teeez Cosmetics being available at Hudson’s Bay from Jodi of A Brash Attitude a couple of weeks ago. Then I happen to walk by the Beauty Underground section in the Bay downtown and saw the new counter that has been set up (sadly, it replaced the Anna Sui counter! 😦 AS is still available at select Beauty Boutiques at Shoppers though). Although the counter is quite sparse looking right now, the eye catching packaging of the Teeez Cosmetics products more than makes up for it. I had a nice chat with the SA and I ended up getting these items:
Aren’t they so fun? When I first saw the packaging, I thought they looked like a mix of Urban Decay and Benefit Cosmetics.

Teeez Cosmetics originated from the Netherlands. Apparently this is one of those brands that got wider distribution through monthly subscription boxes – when I googled Teeez Cosmetics, I get results for Ipsy and Glossybox. It’s quite innovative and takes its cues from fashion. Teeez releases 4 collections a year – the core product items remain consistent but the colours are updated for each collection. The current collection is called “Sugar Rush“. And of course, the most unique part of the products is the colourful artwork adorning the packaging – these are designed by art students, according to the SA. Here’s what I picked up in more detail:

Spectrum of Stars Eyeshadows in Vanilla Sunbeam and Smokey Rose ($24 each)
I was immediately drawn to these eye shadows. All of them are duochrome finishes! And the formula has a cushy feel and smoothness like a cream product, but they’re powder products. Some of the shades are quite “out there” for me but these 2 look wearable yet interesting. The packaging is also very unique – they’re in ping pong sized golden orbs! 😛

Beautiful Eyes Flat Stiff Brush ($26)
I’m a total moth to flame to makeup brushes and what really drew me into this – besides the colourful handle – was the awesome shape and the shorter than normal handle length (I put it side by side with the MAC 239SH, and they’re nearly identical!). This will surely stand out in the sea of black-handled makeup brushes in my collection!

Chain of Stones Nail Lacquer in Melted Copper ($15)
My resolve to not buy any nail polish has completely faded this month… this polish is beautiful! It’s a metallic copper with a scatter holographic shimmer. Hmmmmg. 😮 They also had a purple version called Amazing Amethyst – depending on how much I like the formula, I may pick that shade up too!

Whenever I visit a makeup counter of a brand that I’m not familiar with, I always ask these questions of the SA:
1) What are your bestsellers?
2) What are your own personal favourite items from this line?
Often, the answers to those 2 questions are quite different. I really enjoy recommendations from the SAs since they use these products day in day out. The SA showed me these items as her favourites:
Sealed with a Kiss Lipduo – a matte lipstick on one end and a matching liquid lip lacquer on the other
Glitter Gossip Lash and Liner – features a hybrid mascara wand with an eyeliner brush tip
I’m quite intrigued by the lipstick / gloss combo, actually! The glitter mascara topper / liner isn’t really my style, but I think it’s an innovative concept.

I’m looking forward to playing with these items and I’ll report back on my thoughts in a future post. This haul only cost me $9; I had $80 worth of Hudson’s Bay Reward points to redeem so I only paid $9 plus taxes. 😀  In Canada, Teeez Cosmetics is available exclusively at Hudson’s Bay. Have you tried anything from Teeez?

56 thoughts on “New to Me: Teeez Cosmetics

  1. Ahh when I did my brush collection that exact teez brush was in mine but mine didn’t have a name on the handle, courtesy of an old glossybox ! That polish looks gorgeous – I down think we can get this brand here but I will have to look as I’d be curious to see if they have any other interesting holo shades

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh and did you like the brush?! I suspect I’ll love it – it feels really firm and has the perfect shape. 😀
      I only spotted 2 holographic shades in their current polish line up but they change the colours every season so I wouldn’t be surprised they will have more in the future!
      I saw an Irish beauty site that sells Teeez and they seem to be clearing their products – lots of out of stock but perhaps you can find something you like:

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love everything you picked up! I have a matte lipstick (I think) from them that I received in my Luxe box and I love the packaging and the lipstick is pretty good too! I’ll be looking forward to your reviews to see if what I should be picking up from them!

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    1. Oh cool, I’m glad you like what you’ve gotten from them. I will be testing out the eye shadows tomorrow. They applied it on me at the counter and I was really impressed – pigmented and didn’t fade / crease.

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  3. Ooh that is a fun haul! The packaging is adorable and really eye-catching. I have a Teeez lipstick that I got from a Luxe Box this winter, and it’s really nice.

    I’ve been checking out their stuff on the Bay’s website, and have one of the nail polishes in my shopping cart – but I think I’ll wait for your review 😀 That is a stunning shade! I think it might be the same shade I have in my cart…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was pleased to see that everything was made in Europe from this brand – except for the brush, turns out it’s made in China! In general the packaging is nice but feels a touch cheap (like, the cap of the nail polish is actually a sticker) but I guess it makes sense since they change up their designs seasonally.
      So funny that you may possibly have this shade in your cart! 😛 I will try this polish soon!

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    1. Yes, I was happy to see a new brand at the Bay – too bad they replaced the Anna Sui counter though. I guess it wasn’t performing too well. Can’t wait to try everything.

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      1. Thats very true! Anna Sui has some really great stuff (I love the lipsticks) and the coolest packaging. Lucky shoppers still carry it in the stores for now so you can still stock up! :p


    1. Well I earned those points from buying a buttload of stuff back in January! And we bought luggage there so that’s why I had points! I will try out that nail polish sooooon.


      1. That’s how it goes. Give some get some! At least you were smart enough to take advantage of the rewards. We have a similar set up at our Macy’s here and every time my hubby needs new work clothes I use the rewards for makeup 😛

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    1. And even some of the less colourful packaging – they’ve got a gunmetal colour to them that makes them look just like UD packaging. I hope they perform well.


    1. I love that mascara / liner concept! I’m tempted to buy it even though it’s not really my style (they’re glitter top coats) but I’m so curious! Have a great week too!

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  4. This is crazy cool! The packaging is totally awesome to begin with and the fact that students have a huge design input is amazing. I also love how unique the eye shadow and nail polish colors are. I’ll definitely put this on my wishlist. Thanks for sharing 🙂

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    1. I hope you’re able to find them. I really like the philosophy behind the brand and the design of the packaging. In this day and age, it’s hard to catch consumers’ attention and this brand managed to!

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    1. I will definitely do a review on the eye shadows! I was immediately drawn to them when I saw the display. They felt so nice swatched too.


  5. Really interesting brand with unique packaging and products! The packaging reminds me of a rocker version of Benefit lol.
    I looked up swatches of the eyeshadows and oh my gosh, Smokey Rose looks incredible! The packaging seems a little excessive for a single shadow though, yes/no? It’s hard to tell in pictures.
    Melted Copper looks really pretty…good choice! The holo in the purple shade is jaw-dropping, haha.
    The hybrid eyelash/liner product is awesome! I’d be down with it if it were just plain black instead of glitter colours.
    Can’t wait to check this counter out 😀

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    1. I’m wearing Smoky Rose today and OMG, it looks like I’m wearing 3 colours on my lids when I’ve got ONE. I luurrve it. Oh yes, the packaging on those is totally excessive! They don’t even fit in my Muji drawers dammit. I know one day I will contemplate depotting them out of those orbs. I mean, probably 60% of the sphere is just air and plastic!
      Yeah that mascara liner, the black glitter one is really pretty and probably “wearable” but I don’t think I’m willing to spend $17 for play makeup. Or maybe I’m willing to… depending on my mood 😆

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      1. now I REALLY need to check out the Teeez counter, if only for Smoky Rose! Such a waste of packaging but also such a waste to depot…the packaging is so unique!
        I’m surprised no one has copied the mascara liner idea! Or maybe they have and I’ve just never heard of it haha.

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        1. I’ve thought about that mascara / liner idea in my head (because I often get liner on my lashes) but never thought it would be possible. When the SA showed me that product, I was like, HEY, someone hacked my brain! 😛

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    1. Yes, they’re helpful questions – I figured they would be able to provide insight into the line quickly by answering those 2 questions. Their picks are usually things that the average person might not know about. 🙂

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