Trash Stash 2016 Summary

I started this tradition last year and I’ll continue as long as I keep up with my empties.  This is what 12 months’ worth of empties looks like:
😮  And since I have last year’s Trash Stash stats, I can also do some year over year comparisons!

This post took a lot of time to put together – but I’m not complaining here. The nerd in me relishes in compiling all of the stats on a spreadsheet:
😛  I should note that there were 2 months that I skipped this year due to vacation (May and September), so those empties were grouped into the following months – this skewed the monthly totals slightly.  So for those combined months, I just divided them in half to arrive at monthly averages.

Stats of my 2016 Trash Stash:

• I finished 280 products, of which 66 were sample sized, and 214 were full sized.  This is an improvement of 62% over 2015 when I finished 173 items! 😀

• On average, I finished 23.3 products per month (sample and full sized)

• The average rating I gave to all the products was 7.8 out of 10, which is exactly the same as my 2015 rating! 😮


• Skincare again was the main product type I finished up (45%) then body / hair products (30%) and then makeup (25%). The breakdown of these items shifted from 2015 – makeup increased and body / hair decreased.

• Mascaras make up the bulk of my makeup empties: I tossed out 30 mascaras, mascara base, mascara top coats in 2016!

• I stated that I would repurchase 47% or what I used up, with 36% that I would not. I said “maybe” to 17% of the products.

• I only gave one product a 1/10 rating and that honour goes to Mary Kay Lash Primer. It uncurled my lashes and I used it once and tossed it!  On the other hand, I gave 38 products a 10/10 rating!

If you’ve missed any of my Trash Stash posts from 2016, here they all are:

January 2016

February 2016

March 2016

April 2016

May & June 2016

July 2016

August 2016

September & October 2016

November 2016

December 2016

Let’s see if I can hit 365 empties for 2017 – literally one empty product per day. Do you think that’s doable? 😆

73 thoughts on “Trash Stash 2016 Summary

    1. A lot of them are old favourites like the L’Oreal Bare Naturale mascara that is discontinued! Or the Curl Keeper that I use all the time. Hmm Body Shop Vitamin E toner. Actually, they’re all the most boring basic things!


  1. 38 Products out of 280 with a 10/10 rating isn’t bad at all!
    I’m debating doing a roundup but given I did one in that massive empties which were basically the whole year I’m undecided whether it’s just overkill or not!
    Have prepped a spreadsheet for another post and I do kind of want to do another ha.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This post is insane!!! I love seeing people’s trash lol but could never go through that many products in one year! I feel like I hardly even go through forty in twelve months! I def want to see how many I could collect though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think trash / empties are much more informative than just a review of something that has been used a few times. Plus, I just need to use up a whole bunch of stuff I have opened in my stash – I feel very accomplished! 😀 You should keep track for this year!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Holy moly!
    This was actually a really interesting post to read, haha. I enjoyed the year-over-year comparison, as it uncovered some pretty interesting trends. How awesome that you finished even more products this year! Also interesting that you used the same % of skincare both years, but used up more makeup this year (win!)
    I think it would be CRAZY if you could use up 365 products in 2017! Time to start layering product over product over product…lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well I was thinking I could use a sheet mask every day. And really dig into my samples too! I can use up sample in a few days. 😛
      It was interesting to see that I managed to finish more makeup! Total win. Thanks for all your support in looking at my garbage on a monthly basis! 😆

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The makeup I’m currently using is housed inside my closet in the spare bedroom. The unopened / new items are in the closet in the master bedroom. The empties are in a Sephora bag by the kitchen / recycling area. I don’t keep my whole year’s empties – just month by month and then I toss them after I photograph them.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. 11 stars for this post! I love the stats. Believe it or not, I thought of doing a 2016 empties post – but then I thought it wouldn’t really make sense because I only started to do emtpties posts in spring last year. Anyway, the important thing is that you analysed your beauty garbage in every possible way and that’s genius.

    I think you can empty 365 products in 2017 – if you can include face masks and samples! Have you emptied anything so far this month? I’ve emptied four products this week – and I’ll finish three more within the next 2 to 3 days. Oh, and I’m implementing a 1 in / 3 out policy. I asked my husband to keep track of what comes in and what goes out – he said he’s happy to help! This is going to be interesting… 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 😀 It might still be worth while to do a summary of empties in 2016. That way, you have a baseline for comparison for this year. I admit, I don’t think I was all that serious about empties in the beginning of 2015 but I ramped up my efforts mid-year.

      Yes I definitely count face masks and samples! I’ve got a lot of single-use samples that I should use up. That will up the stats for sure! 😉 Yes, I’ve emptied a few things already… if my goal is one a day, I pretty much need to be tossing a product in my empties bag daily! Haha, your 1 in 3 out policy is very ambitious. Good that you have assistance! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Stashy, I’ve decided to a 2016 empties summary. Yes, I’ll link back to your post. 🙂

        My post is not going to have any cool features but I’ve already counted everything and I’ve got the pics sorted out. The post won’t be up this week because this week’s posts are (almost) done, but I’ll do the summary the week after. Thanks for the inspiration!

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  5. I am in total awe of how you statistically compute your usage of products! It’s amazingly organized and something I could never even attempt for fear of what I would find. Haha. Your results are great, considering how many full size products were involved. My new year resolution is to be more like you! 😀
    Much Love & Best Blog Wishes for 2017

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The trick was to keep track on the spreadsheet all through the year instead of leaving it until the end. I hope you can achieve your goal of finishing up more products! Not sure if you want to be more like me though! 😆
      Thanks for the well wishes Kristy! ❤

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      1. I have started about 5 spreadsheets and then get busy and loose track. Organization and scheduling is where I need to start. Oh and maybe not exactly like you but definitely the organizing and sarcasm parts 😜. Seriously, this post just inspired me!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Do it! Make it a habit so you can keep accountable. I used to be really bad about not using things up before I started new things (especially skincare). And often, there was nothing wrong with the stuff I neglected… and then they’d go bad, which is such a waste!

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  6. Wow! I just love how you whipped out the spread sheet and charts. I thought I was the only person who did those kinds of things. Although, not for empties. I see so many people doing empties posts and wonder what’s wrong with me and my 5 measly empty containers for the year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I also keep a makeup inventory spreadsheet! 😛
      I used to be really bad with opening up new products before I finish one (especially skincare) but I’ve been a lot more diligent now. I’m still not there with makeup though… I’m trying to do the same for foundation and concealers (so tough though!)


    1. Thank you! It doesn’t matter how many empties you have, tracking it does make it feel like such a sense of accomplishment! Especially if you can see progress year over year. 🙂

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    1. I don’t like keeping mascaras for more than a month or 2… and it’s probably not good for you to keep a mascara for longer than 6 months max! I usually have 2 or 3 mascaras in rotation as well. Also, if I hate a mascara, I will just toss it out – no point to continue using something I dislike.


      1. ahh I try to use it sparingly because it’s really expensive, even if it’s awful. Thank you for letting me know about old mascara, I haven’t died yet at least so that’s good but I’m glad you told me

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        1. Nah, you won’t die. It’s more of a guideline than absolute rule. As long as you’re being sanitary. But I think a year is pushing it. Treat yourself to a new mascara! 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Bahaha are you a bean counter by trade (I can’t remember?)? Your love of spreadsheets reminds me of my husband – he makes spreadsheets for “fun” too. Your stats are really interesting to read though! I’d say I should do this to but one of my goals for 2017 is to set more realistic goals for myself….lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nope I’m not a bean counter by trade but I do use spreadsheets a lot! 😉 My SO is the Finance guy and YES he makes spreadsheets for fun (well I do too).
      Haha, yes, setting realistic goals is a GOOD thing. The ability to achieve goals helps to keep motivated.


  8. Ahhh this is really cool to see! How do you use so many products in a year though?? Now I feel like I’m using my products wayyyyy past their expiration dates. @_@ I have been using mostly the same makeup that I’ve been using since 3 or 4 years ago. I should probably start tracking when I start using products.


    1. I try to focus just on what I have opened (especially with skincare and body care) instead of opening new things all the time. It’s sometimes a challenge because I want to try so many of the new launches!
      For makeup, I do like to note down when I purchased them so I can see how long I have been using sometime. This is more important for liquid / cream products like foundation and lip products. I highly recommend to start tracking! Here’s my spreadsheet that you can download to use:

      My Cosmetics Inventory Spreadsheet


      1. Thanks so much for explaining! ❤ Do you have a list of how long you're supposed to use each product before you should let it go/throw it away? I'm sure liquids go bad more quickly than powders, but I have no idea about the length of time. (I've probably been using all my products WAY too long haha XD;;;) Thanks so much for the link 😀


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