Black Friday Haul 2016

As is the tradition, every Black Friday, I try to reason with myself to not get too excited about the deals because they’re usually not THAT great, but then it all goes out the door once I’m actually at the mall!
Can you believe that I bought all this in the span of just one hour at the mall? 😮 Have you ever seen those shopping spree prizes where kids get to run through Toys R Us and grab as many toys as possible within 5 minutes? I wish they had that for Sephora. 😆


This was the main reason why I trekked over to the mall for 7am. I wanted to be one of the first ones to get my hands on the limited quantity Black Friday sets. The truth is, I wasn’t even that interested in any of the sets when I saw the promotional images online but when I was surrounded by other people grabbing the sets, I got so caught up in the frenzy that I ended up with some sets too.  And the even sillier thing is that once I got into the office and showed my coworkers my loot, I realized that I didn’t want some of the sets – I ended up selling 4 sets to them! 😆  I sold them the Tarte sets (2x), the Philosophy set, and the MUFE palette.  This is what I ended up keeping:
The Murad items were smaller than I expected, whereas the Philosophy ones were bigger than expected!
The Buxom set ($15) was one item that I was even remotely interested when I saw the offerings from Sephora this year. It was a great value and I’m glad I grabbed one (I probably should have grabbed 2, I bet my coworkers would have bought it off me too – I made no profit on my re-selling, just so you know! 😆 ).
The MUFE palette is really just eye candy, and the bright colours will never actually used on my face (also, apparently the hot pink and bright purple are blushes). But hey, it was only C$29! (Value of $156 and originally priced at $52) My mantra is, it’s not what you spend, it’s what you save that matters! 😆 (funnily enough, it’s the complete opposite to my SO’s mantra! 😛 )

Then, I saw some people post online that the Becca Blushed with Light blush trio palette was marked down at 50% so after work I went to another Sephora location and was surprised to find it there! I thought they’d be all gone by then especially since it was after 5pm by that point.
This cost only $21.50. 😮  Or conversely, I saved $21.50 on this!!! 😉

I also redeemed 500 points for this Algenist set:
I’ve never tried Algenist skincare before and it’s quite expensive so these are good to test out.


I decided to take a peek at what they had and the first counter I ran into was Bobbi Brown, which had a table of various products marked at 30% off. I ended up with the Face Touch Up Stick (#2 Sand) and the Tinted Eye Brightener (#6 Porcelain Peach). They came out to C$25 each.
I also picked up the EVE LOM Cleanser. It wasn’t on sale but since I was there anyway, I picked it up.
Then, I wandered past the MAC counter and saw a 40% off display – turns out it was full of recent limited edition collections including items from the Star Trek collection. I was a bit miffed to see the Trip the Light Fantastic Powder in Highly Illogical there for 40% off when I got it full price (but granted, I used a gift card toward the purchase, but still!) I ended up with:
Trip the Light Fantastic Powder in Luna Luster ($23.10) and Pigment in Tan ($6)

Then, because I’d spent over $50 on beauty products, I received a mystery loot bag that was advertised to contain 15 items. It actually wasn’t too shabby:
This was a hasty photo I took at work, just before I gave away about half of the items in the loot bag (my coworker is a perfume and hair care junkie so she got a bunch of stuff). I also really like the design of the loot bag itself!

I have to say, the SAs at Nordstrom are AMAZING. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is but they just have a pleasant way with the customers and I never feel pressured. Whatever they’re doing, it’s working on me!  Side note: I got recognized by another SA while I was cashing out (she hugged me, just like the other SA did 😆 ) – she now works at the Sulwhasoo counter and she provided me a few samples to try. Plus, I booked a mini facial with her so I can learn more about the brand! 😉


The SA at Nordstrom advised that the stand-alone MAC store carried more 40% off items so I decided to investigate. I came away with more stuff I really did NOT need:
Gleamtones Powder from the Vibe Tribe collection $23.10
Nail polishes from the Star Trek collection: Enterprise (silver), Holladeck (gold), Skin of Evil (yellow green glitter) at $9.90 each. Why did I buy that yellow green speckled nail polish?!  I have no self control. 😕

And speaking of no self control, I also did some damage in the form of an online order from Beauty Bay. They were having awesome Black Friday deals and I managed to snag some great items from Anna Sui, Illamasqua, Ellis Faas, Face Atelier, Oskia… I will post my haul when it arrives in the mail!

The Body Shop

TBS didn’t have great Black Friday deals, but I had a coupon for 50% off any one item and I spotted this mask duo.
It has a value of $56 but was selling for $38. With the coupon it came to $19 but because I have a “Love Your Body” membership, I got another 10% off.

Contains the Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask and the British Rose Fresh Plumping Mask.

So I got these 2 full sized masks for $17.10! 😀


And I did end up buying that glass bobble necklace from COS:
It was not on sale and I had no expectations that it would be, but I bought it since I was in the mood to buy stuff anyway!
Lastly, I bought a pair of running shoes from Puma, and a pair of yoga / lounge pants at Eddie Bauer.

Did you end up getting anything on Black Friday?

91 thoughts on “Black Friday Haul 2016

    1. Where did you get the work out pants from? I thought about buying Lululemon pants but now people are saying the quality has gone down the toilet! I only paid $25 for the pants from Eddie Bauer so I figured why not… compared to $100 at Lululemon!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have never owned a Lulu pair, I found it to be way overpriced.. I got dragged into IG sensation 😀 – Nero Apparel (it was used to call Cargo), it ships from UK, look different and apparently has a great quality. Will put them to test and see, I hope the wont disappoint 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes I’m more of a morning person than night person! 😀 I’m a LITTLE bit worried about the EVE LOM because of the botanical oils but if Vogue calls it the best cleanser in the world, then I gotta try it!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. yeah you can trust Vogue ………
            Visually this is the most stunning haul ….
            i hate to be a cheezball …..
            no i don’t ….
            but there is an aesthetic here ……..
            i dunno what it is . yet ………..
            xo #lovelovelove


  1. I also went shopping on the Beauty Bay but didn’t go wild, only spent £30 and £6 of that was on something for my sister! I almost bought something from Anna Sui but I couldn’t see something I really wanted so decided to skip it!
    I couldn’t find any MAC details anywhere – shame as I was looking for something from the trolls collection that was LE and is now out of stock everywhere here 😦
    I’ve also spotted that mask duo – we haven’t had an offer here recently but I am keeping my eye out for a sale or coupon I can use it for – they’re the two I’m most interested in trying from the new line!
    Other than that I only bought a few dresses hopefully for my Christmas party at work this week and a wedding reception on Saturday, providing they arrive on time and fit!

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    1. I went a tiny bit wild on Beauty Bay. For some reason I decided to browse it on Thursday night so everything was still available. I went back to check on Friday and most of the items I ordered were out of stock. I was having an Anna Sui moment because I’d just learned that they were exiting out of all of the stores around here… that means I won’t have access to the brand aside form online! 😦
      Which Troll items were you looking for? They have tons online on the Canadian site… I was tempted to place an order for the Beauty Powder (it’s only $13 now!). Oh crap I just looked online and they’re having a 25% off sale… ahhhh.
      Are the Sephora Black Friday deals available online for you to order as well?
      I wasn’t in any mood to shop for clothes, but there were some great deals to be had! Glad you found some dresses! Hmm I am still in the market for a red dress.


      1. I was looking for the transparent teal reflects glitter it used to be permanent and manny mua was wearing it when I met him and it was mesmerising – I didn’t realize it had switched to being limited edition so didn’t rush to find it, now it’s gone! I have seen it on eBay for about retail so I’m thinking of getting it from there instead
        We never have Mac sales here so gutting, I’m going to have my makeup done for my work Christmas party here as my city finally has a Mac store – can you actually believe I’m saying that ha, behind the times – I am nervous now because of hippy lips experience, but don’t have time to go home and get ready so I’m going to have to roll with what ever they put on my face
        There were some items from Sephora I was tempted by but I wasn’t tempted to spend $75 which makes the cost of shipping bearable so I opted out. I have ordered a red dress but I’m not a big red wearer, the clothes are all bleh colours this year I wanted a pretty jewel toned dress but it seems like the options are black or red this year.


        1. The Reflects Transparent Teal Glitter is listed as permanent for us:

          But if find it for retail online, I guess it’d end up being cheaper than if bought it, and then ship it to you!
          I have to chuckle because like I said on the podcast, we have an ABUNDANCE of MAC stores here. There are 2 just down the street where I live, and probably 5 stores / counters near my work! 😆 I’m sorry to keep rubbing that in your face. I’ve had a couple of makeovers at MAC and it all depends on who you get!
          Yeah, I avoided any place that had unreasonably high limited for free shipping, or if the shipping fee was outrageous. I toyed with getting the Anastasia Beverly Hills eye shadow singles off the US site because they are 60% off but shipping to Canada is $17.75? That’s highway robbery.


          1. WTF, why is it not online or in stores here – I’ve caved and bought the one I saw on ebay, hopefully it’s real and my eyes don’t fall out ha.
            My closest home city where I work has always been a bit slow when it comes to getting new stores, we’ve not even had a counter in any department stores, I opened last monday – so hopefully the artists are settled in and know what they’re doing! London you can’t walk 2 minutes without seeing one.
            I think it’s a flat rate of $6/7 ish if you spend over $75, but when you add on import tax on top you’d soon end up at the $100 mark to qualify for a decent rate – without spending $75 the shipping is about $17, so a $10 bargain soon becomes expensive.
            Hope your Beauty Bay stuff arrives soon, I placed my order sunday and it arrived yesterday – I’m not sure how they get orders out the door so quickly there, especially when I placed an order on a Sunday!

            Liked by 1 person

  2. What a haul! I used all my willpower not to buy stuff this weekend and Cyber Monday. I was tempted by the limited edition Mac selection on the HBC site… I missed out on the Philosophy Take the Day off cleanser at 50% off at both SDM and HBC – Sold out by the time I got around to it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you should have told me – I would have gone to snatch the Philosophy for you! I was one of the first ones at all the stores so I have my pick of everything! I don’t like that Philosophy cleanser so that’s why it wasn’t even on my radar…


    1. I tried my hardest to find SOMETHING – anything – to buy at Saje because of the 20% off sale but I didn’t NEED anything so I walked out empty handed! Crazy huh! I’m glad you got more diffuser blends!

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      1. I ended up ordering 4 blends, 2 lip balms, and the holiday pocket pharmacy kit. I’ve been using my diffuser all the time – moving it between my workspace in the day, and the bedroom at night. I’ll probably end up buying a second one after Christmas.

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  3. Woo that is a super haul! Love that you sold off stuff you didn’t want already! LOL. Hey, deals for everybody! I love the bubble necklace 😀

    I hauled…a lot. But all online. It’s awesome/crap having Black Friday around my birthday.

    I did manage to pass on all the d/c MAC stuff, except 1 lipglass. I think it’s from the Trolls collection. Have you joined up with the MAC Select thing yet? They have 25% off if you do (+ ebates), for the next several days. My wallet is in deep doody already.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just saw the 25% off at MAC. O.M.G. I am part of the MAC Select program… ahhhh.

      I can’t wait to see all your haulage! Black Friday + birthday – perfect storm for indulging!


  4. Holy moly! Huge and awesome haul. I can see why you need a no-buy for at least part of 2017…lol. But I guess it looks like you spent more money than you actually did, since you used gift cards!

    LOL, I was surprised when I saw the MUFE palette in your haul, so it makes sense that you sold it off! I also wanted it for the sake of taking advantage of the sale, but I knew I would never use it. I guess I’m in the same camp as your SO!

    I had no idea that that Becca blush trio was on sale!! So envious you got it…it looks so beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I got so caught up on the deals LOL.

      I really REALLY had no business getting that MUFE palette! No no, I actually picked up TWO of them, and I sold one off. I’m keeping this one. 😛 When I was grabbing the items, in the back of my mind I thought I could give them as gifts or return them if I don’t end up needing them. But you know how that goes right? I end up keeping them for myself! 😛

      I had no idea about the Becca trio until I saw Instagram! A blessing and a curse… 😉

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      1. I get it, the second you walk into the mall amidst all of the people shopping like crazy, you catch the fever too!
        Teehee, so will we be seeing you sport blue eye shadow and purple blush soon? I also thought of the whole giving them as gifts thing, but thought better of it, because I had a sneaking suspicion that I would just end up keeping it.
        No, definitely a blessing! Only $21…plus you were already over your low-buy budget anyways, so #YOLO. hahaha.


  5. Omgsh love!!! Totally jealous over here!!! Wow!!! What an amazing haul!! You got some amazing stuff!! I totally had my eye on that MUFE palette!! That was a total steal. I can’t wait to see your review on it and reviews on all the products!!! Enjoy!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I really had no business getting that MUFE palette but it was so well reviewed online and when I saw it in person – it’s a FULL SIZE palette – it really drew me in. And now that I learned the pink and purple are actually technically blushes, well, that just sounds like additional FUN! 😀

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  6. OMG I love your icon. It literally made me laugh out loud. I don’t have self control either. I bought six palettes. SIX. In addition to some skincare, perfume and other makeup bits. Oh well… they’re the gifts that keep on giving, haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha six palettes. You are out of control! I can’t wait to see what you got though… and what deals you found!
      Glad you enjoyed the icon, lol! I remember wondering if anyone would even notice it except that it was green instead of taupe.


  7. Dang girl! You know what I got for Black Friday? Bobby pins (on sale 2 packs for $1 at Walgreens) , a Wet N Wild holiday set on sale 50% off (also at Walgreens), cat treats & toilet paper. 😂

    But then my boyfriend got me an iPad Mini (Walmart still had ones from their Black Friday ad in stock on Sunday). I’d been asking for one for the last 5 years.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bobby pins?! And TP. LOL 😆 Why didn’t you post it on IG?

      I saw that your bf got you the iPad Mini – that’s super wicked! Were there any fights over it at Walmart?! My SO has an iPad Mini and I find it kind of weird to use. It’s good to watch videos or scroll through stuff but I can’t type on it.


      1. We didn’t go out Black Friday morning. He had to work & I wanted to sleep. I’m too old for that camping out all night crap. I did it a couple times in the past. It’s exhausting. I discovered online they still had some in stock at a couple stores near me so we went out Sunday afternoon & scored it at the first Walmart we visited. We just had to wait for someone to get one out of a locked case for us. I think no one realized they had any left. Target had sold out online & in stores. Most Walmarts in Tampa were sold out but I’m on the other side of the bay & a handful still had some.

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  8. Ooooh, this is an awesome haul! You got up early and you were rewarded with all those beauty products. And it’s great that you could sell the sets you didn’t really love. I always think ‘I could sell this’ but I never do…

    If you ever use the green and yellow speckled Star Trek polish, I’d love to see photos!

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      1. I feel like I don’t have as many blushes as I’d like lol though I’m sure I have plenty lol. I have really been enjoying the Tarte ones.


  9. The last few years, I have also taken advantage of this Black Friday sales, even though we didn’t really have anything like that here in Australia. Until. this year, a lot of the chain stores and departments decided to join in the Black Friday sales online and some in stores.

    I didn’t go crazy this time around as I had already broken my no buy ban this year and had purchased the majority of what I wanted earlier on. I did however, picked up the Jaclyn Hill x Becca Champagne Collection face palette. I’m just now going to save up for my Asian trip next year.

    Great haul!!You’ve got some amazing deals and products on there, like the Philosophy and Mac powders!! ❤ 🙂


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    1. Yeah Black Friday isn’t a real thing in Canada either but in the past 4-5 years it’s gotten bigger due to the influence from the US.
      That’s good you’re saving your money for a trip – Asia, how exciting! There’ll be LOTS of beauty items to purchase there. 😉


  10. OMG, the Black Friday madness at the local Sephora was crazy!!! People were lined up right to the entrance to checkout!!! It is, as it is, kinda a tight space to walk around and then being crowded; I was shocked!

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  11. Love the haul! I can relate. There are these beauty warehouse sales that I visit without anything on my list. I get there and see the mayhem, and that somehow spurs me into action. Also got in in the Black Friday, but online. Got some Tarte, MAC, and Bobbi Brown stuff that I can’t wait to start trying. ❤ I have to admit that I start saving up from August, so that I can go crazy on Black Friday.

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