Korean Beauty Haul: Holika Holika, Etude House, Clio

I’m slowly climbing out of the mountain of boxes and bags containing beauty products from post-holiday clearance hauls. So begins Hauluary 2017. XD
First up, my Korean beauty hauls from 2 places: Holika Holika and Ibbi Beauty.

Holika Holika
I discovered an actual Holika Holika bricks and mortar store so I bought a few things. I’m sure I overpaid for all of these but it was fun to shop in person and test these products rather than shopping online.
Aqua Petit Jelly BB Cream in #2 Aqua Natural – I’ve heard such great things about this. It even comes with its own blending sponge!
Gudetama Lazy & Easy All Kill Sheet Cleansing Tissue & All-in-one Mask Sheet – just look at him! 😆  Holika Holika has a whole Gudetama collection with lots of fun stuff including makeup.
Gudetama Lazy & Easy All Kill Cleanser Oil to Foam – I was also pleased the SA was so knowledgeable about this product that she was able to advise me it’s olive oil-based! It’s a cleansing oil that emulsifies into a foam – very different from any cleansing oil that I’ve tried.
Make-up Starter – I didn’t know what this was when I bought it but after some online research I now know that it’s a single-use primer pad to be used before makeup.
False lashes – not really sure when I’d wear these but they looked pretty natural and they were less than $5
Magic Pole Eyeliner 2X in 02 Brown – I was overcome by the holographic packaging. I don’t want to pre-judge but I think this might turn out to be a gimmick with that ball at the end of the felt tip – there’s no way I’d get a fine line with that. But c’mon, it’s a Magic Pole! XD

• Aloe 99% Soothing Gel x2
• Smooth Egg Skin Peeling Gel
• Skin & Good Cera Ultra Emulsion x2

Ibbi Beauty
I’ve never ordered from this site but I saw that they were having a 20% off site-wide sale in celebration of… the impeachment of the South Korean President! 😆 That’s the funniest reason for having a sale that I’ve ever seen so I jumped on it.  I picked up:
Etude House 0.2 Therapy Air Mask in Hyaluronic Acid, Snail, Green Tea, Honey, Pearl, Rose etc etc. In total, I stocked up on 15 of these masks. They’re my new favourite sheet masks!
A’Pieu Tangle Jelly Mask in Mango (x1), Grape (x1)- these intrigued me because they’re supposed to be stretchy clear masks (kind of like hydrogels?). And I’m super psyched about the grape mask. I love grape flavoured stuff.
Etude House Dr. Mascara Fixer Volume Up Curl Fix x4 – my HG mascara base
Clio Waterproof Brush Liner in Kill Brown – I’ve heard this raved about online and it’s quite inexpensive too.  It came with a free little bottle of makeup remover.

• It’s Skin Clinical Solution AC Cleansing Foam
• It’s Skin Power 10 Formula WH Effector x2
• A’Pieu Pure Medic Purity Lotion
• It’s Skin Mangowhite Cleansing Foam

Have you tried any of these Korean beauty items? I’m excited to try them especially the Aqua Petit Jelly BB Cream and the Clio liner!

91 thoughts on “Korean Beauty Haul: Holika Holika, Etude House, Clio

  1. Great haul, so many sheet masks! I do love sheet masks and Korean ones have such a great selection. I love how many gudetama things there are at the moment. I did a bit of an order on an eBay store and got the oil to foam cleanser so interesting to see what you think of it as I have a while to wait for it I think.

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    1. You’ll likely get to use that cleansing oil before me since I’ve got a few to use up before I open that one! 😛 So I’ll be interested to hear what YOU think of it! I’m trying to get myself on a regimen of using a sheet mask at least once a week – so far I’ve been good.


  2. The first thing I noticed in the group shot was the Magic Pole! Amazing name, LOL.
    There are so many things that look good in this haul!
    I don’t know why, but the last picture on the Gudetama sheet mask packaging where he’s holding up the sheet mask up kills me. The cleansing oil sounds really unique though – would love to see a review of this!
    The Aqua Petit Jelly BB Cream sounds interesting too – my knowledge about Korean makeup brands is limited, so this is the first time I’ve heard of it! The Jelly masks sound good too…basically anything with “Jelly” in the name sounds good to me!

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    1. I know – MAGIC POLE. I mean, can you imagine Maybelline coming out with a product like that?! 😆
      And yesss, Gudetama holding the sheet mask is my favourite! XD He looks so pathetic.
      Jelly is my weakness too. I pretty much like anything with a jelly texture… I think it stems from childhood! 😛
      I’ve been trying to get more up to speed on Korean beauty the past couple of years. I’m much more well-versed with Japanese makeup. There are similarities but lots of differences. For instance, BB cream is huge is Korea but in Japan it’s not really a thing – they much prefer compact powder foundation.

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      1. I feel like that name would get a LOT of complaints in ‘Murica…hah!
        Hmm, I never thought about it that way, but excellent point about an interest in jelly products stemming from childhood! Plus, it’s just cool to think about putting JELLY on your face/body!
        I know even less about Japanese makeup, but I HAVE noticed the BB cream thing! I always thought that Korean/Japanese makeup were very similar, but I started noticing that very few Japanese brands came out with BB creams.

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        1. I used to eat Jello on a weekly basis! Green and orange were my favourite flavours!!! 😀
          Koreans like a glow to their skin, hence the BB thing. Japanese like matte face, so they go for the compact foundation. I still haven’t figured out Chinese beauty… I think they prefer a matte face too but I see them taking after Korean beauty with the gradient / stained lips. I wonder if there are some emerging Chinese beauty brands? I’d love to know…


    1. Isn’t it funny? 😆
      The mascara fixer is my jam – will never be without it! Until something else catches my eye but I doubt it, since it’s so inexpensive too. (I hope they never discontinue it… oh no, I just said it out loud so that means they’ll discontinue it!)

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  3. I love the packaging on these things! I am curious to hear how you get on with that cleansing oil and the BB cream. The Korean beauty scene is yet to hit South Africa like a storm as it has with the rest of the world but I am rather intrigued by it. They seem to have such interesting, innovative products.

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    1. I hope that Korean beauty will come to South Africa! It’s a whole way of thinking about skincare and makeup. I’m not 100% converted to Korean beauty but I like incorporating it into my routine. I think it’s great that there’s a cross pollination of ideas all over the globe. What are hot makeup trends / products over in South Africa at the moment? Where do your influences come from – Europe?

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      1. You can never go wrong with variety though. 🙂

        Most South Africans are very simplistic with make-up from what I have been exposed to. As far as the beauty community in South Africa is concerned though (The people who follow the trends) Instagram make-up is still very popular so I suppose we take our cues from America.

        The people who don’t follow the trends here tend to be all for basically just wearing a foundation with a trusty mascara and maybe some eyeliner. In fact, very often people don’t wear make-up at all here. That’s Cape Town, at least. I think with being right by the sea Capetonians tend to be quite laid-back in a way. I love it. 😀

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        1. That makes sense – I think most coastal places are much more relaxed and people tend to not care about looks as much. Why bother when the wind and salt will just wreck everything anyway! 😛

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    1. I’ve quite enjoyed the Korean Beauty products I’ve tried so far. I really appreciate that they’re not too expensive and even if the packaging look “childish”, the product inside generally are good quality.

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  4. I couldnt concentrate on the description and all because I was so drawn to the design and pictures of the products! Korean brands (packaging) are so much fun! The sheet masks sounds really good.

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    1. Didn’t realize until you mentioned it! Hmm. I never used to like yellow. I was always a purple gal. Yellow is the opposite of purple on the colour wheel! 😮 What do you make of THAT?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think GREAT CHANGE is within you Dear Robin …………. Jedi … I feel that You are exploring a new “dimension” of yourself – Yellow is the SUN – Gold – Inner strength …
        if you need a whole chakra reading please call

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        1. I’ve not tried Innisfree sheet masks so I hope you’ll review them! 😀 I’m not too familiar with Innifree as a brand overall. For Korean beauty brands, I mainly know Face Shop, Etude House, and Holika Holika!

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    1. I’m excited to try those Jelly masks – I hope they live up to my expectations. 😛 I’ve mainly tried BB creams from Korean brands but I’m looking to try more, especially now that they seem to be more available here (actual FaceShop and Holika Holika stores!)

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  5. OOOOoooo~~ How’s that Gudetama cleansing oil? Thick as hell?

    That holika holika BB looks so cute~~~ I didn’t see it when I was in their store. Damn it >_<

    Those Jelly mask are PERFECTLY packed for travels!!! Scrubs and masks are just so hard to pack for traveling *sigh*. I have to try those~~~

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    1. The Gudetama cleansing oil is not thick, it’s kind of runny (based on me tilting it in the bottle and this review) but I’m interested in the foaming quality!

      Yes. Your skin needs TLC when you’re travelling! I’m always thinking about how to maintain my skin regimen when I’m travelling – it’s a challenge!

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    1. I tortured myself and went online to see what the prices of those Holika Holika items would be… some were about 25% less than what I paid. 😮 Ah well.

      Are you into Korean beauty / skincare? I’m slowly starting to try more. Like most people, I started out with BB creams first (Skin79 brand). Now I’m branching out to skincare and makeup. The brand Face Shop now have stores in a lot of the shopping malls here in Toronto – it’s gotten more mainstream and accessible.


      1. Omg I loved the Skin79 bb cream! I long used mine up (the pink one). I’m into Korean beauty/skincare yes, but not as experienced because of lack of access unless I buy online which isn’t very often or go abroad.

        I recently got some K-beauty masks though from a retail store here in the UK (TK Maxx) for quite a good price actually. Funnily enough, I checked the prices of them online and they were much more expensive, some were even double of what I paid lol o.O although I believe it was a US online shop or something and not its official pricing.


        1. Yes, that’s the same Skin79 BB cream that I love! I used to use it exclusively but then I decided to branch out and try different ones. I still have a soft spot for that one though.

          Good score on those Korean masks! I always like being able to buy in person than shopping online… that instant gratification.

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  6. I’m so proud of myself for making my way through my own pile of boxes just last night. I can now walk freely around my room lol. Everything looks so pretty. The packaging is all just so cute. The lashes stand out more to me. They really do look more natural. Nice haul!

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    1. I’ve worn false lashes all of 3 times in my life! 😆 But I would like to try these ones since they’re not pricey. Who knows, maybe they’ll be super comfy.


    1. Sheet masks are a great pick me up! I don’t think they do a LOT for the skin, unless maybe if you use them every single day (but it would have the same benefit as using a serum daily).

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  7. A sale in celebration of the impeachment of the South Korean President? Hahahaha! But hey, any reason for a sale is a good reason!

    I’m really impressed with your shopping and hoarding skills. I mean it. If you’d ask me to store all your Hauluary stuff, I’d cry. It’s so good that you have a guest bedroom!

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    1. I just saw this comment from 4 months ago! 😳
      Haha, yes, I am lucky to have a guest bedroom and an entire closet devoted to my stash! 😉 I have been working through a lot of my skincare and I plan to destash lots of makeup this year.

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