Trash Stash: December 2016

Final Trash Stash for 2016!
Fairly routine empties except for one item: I finished a perfume! 😮


Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser – C$26 for 150ml
Detailed review here. This tube lasted me 5 months which makes the price of this quite fair.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Yes

Laura Mercier Foundation Primer Mineral – $43 for 50ml
This made my favourites list earlier in the year – it’s a lightweight gel-cream primer that creates a smooth base for foundation. This tube lasted me a whole year – I won it in a giveaway from the UK and I tried looking for the same version at Sephora but theirs doesn’t say “Mineral” on it. Laura Mercier offers 7 different types of primers so it’s possible that it’s discontinued.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Maybe
Shiseido Bio-Performance Super Corrective Serum – $100 for 30ml
I’ve been using this nightly as a my under eye serum for a while and even though it’s nice (lots of silicone), I don’t think it does much in terms of improvements. I’m going to switch to something else (I recently got the Sukin eye serum) to see how a less expensive option fares. This bottle lasted me exactly 18 months, since my last bottle appeared in my June 2015 Trash Stash!
Stash worthiness: 7/10     Repurchase: Maybe

Sibu Sea Buckthorn Hydrating Serum – $40 for 30ml
I’ve had this bottle unopened in my stash for a while now and finally pulled it out to use in late November. I’ve read a lot of rave reviews on this product and that’s why I bought it – for me, it leaves a sticky film and smells like old ginger mixed with a wet dog. It was hydrating enough but nothing outstanding. I also went through the bottle quite quickly – this only lasted me about 4 weeks.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No
C.O. Bigelow Supreme 2X Lip Shine in Vanillamint – $8 for 14g
I love these for overnight use! I’ve not found anything better than these – high or low end. This Vanillamint is my favourite scent out of the ones I’ve tried.
Stash worthiness: 10/10     Repurchase: Yes

Mary Kay Timewise Targeted-Action Eye Revitalizer – $45 for 10ml
This is my last bottle of this! It’s an eye roller mechanism that dispenses a milky serum. It doesn’t do much but I like using this on my lids nightly to help keep them depuffed. And of course it’s discontinued!  I’ve bought a couple of eye roller type of products from Avon and Body Shop in hopes of finding a worthy successor! Fingers crossed.
Stash worthiness: 7/10     Repurchase:  No (discontinued)

Body Care

Nova Scotia Fisherman Sea Salt soap – $7.95
This made my last favourites list – it smelled great and was soothing on the skin. (above photo from the favourites post)
Stash worthiness: 8/10     Repurchase: Yes

Hair Care

Ion Curl Solutions Curl Texturizing Spray – $8 for 237ml
I use this in conjunction with the Curl Keeper when I want very defined waves. If I spritz too much of this, my hair will get a bit crunchy, so I have to be careful to not go overboard. This is Sally Beauty Supply’s own brand of hair products so can only be purchased through them.
Stash worthiness: 8/10     Repurchase: Yes


L’Oreal Bare Naturale Mascara – $11.50 for 4.8ml (discontinued)
My favourite discontinued mascara. I’ve been rationing my remaining supply of this. Review of this here. I have just 1 more unopened one in my stash. I’ve managed to put off the inevitable until this year!
Stash worthiness: 10/10     Repurchase:  😥

Essence I ♥ Extreme Mascara – $5 for 10ml
I wanted to like this. The wand is a bit unwieldy but with practice, I managed to stop getting mascara all over my lids. The formula is great – tiny bit clumpy but provides good volume and length. And the mascara lasts amazingly well on my lashes without smudging or flaking even with my watery eyes (this isn’t marketed as waterproof but it certainly feels like it). But why did I not like it? It somehow leeches moisture from my eyes and makes my eyeballs so dry and itchy I had to buy some lubricating eyedrops to get through the day.  What a shame because the performance was quite good and it’s so affordable too.  I think if you don’t suffer from sensitivity to waterproof mascaras, this would be an excellent mascara!
Stash worthiness: 5/10     Repurchase: No
Essence Get Big Lashes Triple Black Mascara – $5 for 10ml
I was wary to try this one after the experience I had with the I ♥ Extreme version.  Thankfully, I had no issues like it, but I did not find this mascara to build up any volume – in fact, I had issues getting the mascara from the wand onto my lashes. It just wouldn’t apply. I looked like I barely had any mascara on when I used this.
Stash worthiness: 3/10     Repurchase: No
K-Palette 1-Day Tattoo Real Lasting Eyeliner 24h WP in Deep Brown – $20 for 0.6ml
This is an amazingly long wearing liner, as is typical of Japanese liquid liners. It has a brush tip, rather than felt tip – I much prefer brush tip as I find they apply the product more smoothly. The only issue I had with this liner was that it seemed to get used up / dry out faster than what I experienced with other Japanese liners. This pen lasted me about 6 months whereas I’ve had ones last me more than a year (especially the KissMe Heroine Make Eyeliner).
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Yes

Nail care

Deborah Lippmann 2 Second Nail Primer – $19 for 15ml
I received this as a gift at least 4 years ago. It is basically alcohol in a nail polish bottle. It’s supposed to prep your nails so that nail polishes adhere to it better. What it really does is gets rid of any oil residue using alcohol. I use it on and off but I don’t see a huge difference either way. I might refill the bottle with rubbing alcohol.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No


The Face Shop Double-Headed Cotton Swabs – $3 for 300pcs
I bought these because they have such small heads compared to the Q-Tip brand ones (Face Shop top, Q-Tip bottom):
I also find it less linty compared to Q-Tip. I used the Face Shop swabs to clean up mascara smudges when I’m doing my makeup. I bought these before I read about how the Japanese cotton swabs are supposed to be great. The Face Shop is a Korean company, these ones are made in China though.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Yes

TheFaceShop konjac sponge – $4 each
My HG konjac sponge and now it seems the Face Shop has regular supply of them so I don’t have to fret about stocking up.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Yes


Stella by Stella McCartney eau de parfum – $59 for 30ml
And here it is: I’m finally saying goodbye to this perfume! It was my second item of my half-assed “PUFU”, which is basically Project Pan but less regimented. I did an update last year but this perfume seemed like it would never finish, but it finally did just before Christmas! 😀 I heard from fivezero that they reformulated this with different ingredients so I’m unsure if I will repurchase it – I will have to do a wear test of the new version.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Maybe

Sample / Travel Size

Skeyndor Power Hyaluronic Intensive Moisturising Emulsion – this has a faint metallic scent to it, for some reason. It had a nice light texture and my skin looked plumped but the smell was off-putting.

Chantecaille Magnolia, Jasmine and Lily Healing Emulsion – this is supposed to help calm redness but it does nothing. And it smells like ink and mushrooms.  I have another sample tube of this somewhere which I’ll likely just toss. The full size 50ml of this costs $120 USD!

Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Firm for eye and lip area – this is nice for the under eye area – it acted like a serum / primer before I used my eye cream. It also smelled nice, like raspberries. I would consider purchasing the full size.

Mary Kay Amber Body Lotion – not a fan of this smell. Used it up on my feet!

Have you tried any of these items? Did you finish up anything in December? I’ll be doing a summary of my Trash Stash for all of 2016 soon! 🙂

72 thoughts on “Trash Stash: December 2016

    1. Yes, it’s really strange! INK… like those bottles of ink for calligraphy. And no slight against mushrooms because they’re one of my favourite foods but it was off putting in a face cream!

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  1. I love your desciptions of scents! 😀

    Too bad the Essence mascaras are rubbish. And too too you only have one of your favourite mascaras left. I hope you can find a dupe!

    About cotton buds – I always buy the ones for babies – they’re much cheaper (they cost a third of the regular drugstore own brand ‘cosmetic’ cotton buds, and they’re almost lint-free).

    And congrats on finishing a perfume! Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmm I’ve not looked at baby cotton buds – I shall have to look into them! I recently picked up MUJI ones and omg those are like the size of pen refill! 😮

      I still haven’t found a suitable successor to the L’Oreal mascara… sigh. I’m resigned to the fact that none exist!

      Finishing a perfume feels like such an accomplishment… like finishing a marathon! 😆

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  2. I so want to try Japanese makeup whenever I read your thoughts on the products. I know the eyeliner dried out faster but it still sounds great. Maybe a good excuse for me to visit Japan to hit the stores and more😉☺ You finished a lot of products, I need to get back into doing my empties. I’ve missed doing them over the past few months x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you’d love Japan! I remember you went to that Hyper Japan show – you looked so cute! 🙂
      Japanese liners are fantastic – they really have it down to a science! I plan on trying some Korean ones to see how they fare.

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  3. Ooohh I have that Stella perfume (got it as a Christmas gift last year… I mean 2015). I don’t use it much but it’s one of my faves. I love rose scent.

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  4. Another great empties! You finished a lot of makeup this month, and it always feels GREAT to finish a perfume!
    Omgah, that Shiseido serum is $100?! I have a bunch of samples from GWP of it, but I didn’t realize that the full size is that expensive!
    Hmm, I have a $15 coupon to use at Kiehl’s in Jan…perhaps I should buy the Ultra Facial Cleanser! I’ve really been enjoying the Ultra Facial Moisturizer that I bought during Black Friday.
    Where do you purchase the C.O. Bigelow lip balms? The Jack Black is getting expensive, and if there’s something out there that’s cheaper and I could possibly like more, than I’m all for it!
    I like your mascara wand shots! I can never get mine to look so clear.

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    1. I was surprised to see that they jacked up the price of that Shiseido serum! Last time I posted about it, the price was $96 which doesn’t sound as bad! 😉 But yeah… it’s not worth it really. I just kept buying it and using it out of habit.

      I think that Kiehl’s cleanser would be a good choice to use your coupon toward! I’d say my favourite skincare from Kiehl’s has been that cleanser, the Ultra Facial Moisturizer (it’s my top pick for moisturizer for 2016! That’s just a sneak peek at my list… which I’m planning to post next week), and the Midnight Recovery Eye.

      Bath & Body Works carries the C.O. Bigelow line! They’re usually located near the check out area in bins.
      They’re $8 each or buy 2 get 1 free. Make sure it says 2X on the tube! They sell a bunch of different types and the 2X is the best. They also have one called “My Favourite Night Balm” which is good too.

      Hmm the trick with those detailed close up shot is to let the macros focus do its thing. I used to just do it manually but the auto focus helps.

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      1. I will definitely have to check out the cleanser then, if you liked it just as much as the Ultra Facial Moisturizer and Midnight Recovery Eye Cream. I love those two, too!
        Wow, I can’t believe I’ve never noticed that – I tend to walk right past the bins. Thanks for pointing out the 2X!
        Haha, thank you for the camera tips! I can’t recall, but I think I might always do a plain white background instead of the mascara tube, so the macro setting wouldn’t work in that scenario. I’ll have to try it with a mascara tube in the background the next time I do a mascara wand shot!

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    1. I spritz it just once and I’m go to go for the whole day, it’s really potent. Plus, I have a few other perfumes on the go. I mainly wear the Stella one during the cooler months. 🙂

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  5. Old Ginger mixed with wet dog….that sounds so appealing, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t repurchase it?!?! How did you actually finish that up? lol

    I tried that Essence I ❤ Extreme Volume Mascara and I DESPISED it – it smudged so bad on me. I'm currently trying another one out from them that isn't half bad though. I haven't had much luck with their mascaras otherwise.

    Congrats on the perfume empty! I always feel so accomplished when that happens. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I held my breath when I used that serum and then I just got desensitized to it!

      Oh too bad you hated that Essence mascara. I’m unsure if I’ll try any more from them… they are super inexpensive though.

      I can’t recall the last time I finished a whole bottle of perfume! I use perfume very sparingly – just 1 or 2 spritzes and that’s it. I don’t touch up during the day. So it takes me forever.


  6. Once again a list full of products I have never tried…except the C.O. Bigelow Supreme…but I had the spearmint. And only because you sent it to me 🙂 I’ve been using that in the evenings as well 🙂
    Good on you for finishing a perfume. It takes me ages to finish a bottle because I keep them all in rotation.

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    1. I’m glad you’re using the C.O. Bigelow lip balm!
      Yes it takes me years to finish a perfume. I try to limit myself to 4 or 5 in rotation since I don’t want them to go bad!

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  7. Loved reading this because I’ve honestly never tried any of these products (except the Nova Scotia Fisherman Soap, haha) Good to know whether some items are worth a try or not.

    I pass by the Kiehls counter and wonder if any of it is any good. It looks so fun, especially their holiday packaging.

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    1. I started out using Kiehl’s hair products and some lip balms. This year was when I really started using their face skincare and I really like them! So far my favourites have been: Ultra Facial Moisturizer, Ultra Facial Cleanser, and Midnight Recovery Eye cream. But there are misses, as with any brand. I do love their holiday packaging and collaborations – if you see any on clearance or a try-me size, give them a go! Also, they’re really good with providing samples. I always ask for serums or eye cream as samples!

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    1. I was surprised the Kiehl’s cleanser was so good – and really not that expensive. I was introduced to that sea salt soap by a fellow blogger – that’s the beauty of blogging, having fellow blogger recommend amazing things!

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  8. Looks like you’ve already tried seaberry (or seabuckthorn) because Sibu is in your trash stash. It sounds like it didn’t work for you.

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  9. I had the Kiehls face wash too. I thought it didn’t do anything for my skin feeling more clean. I agree with you that it lasted forever. I got so bored with it and wash wishing it to finish *LOL* That Fisherman soap has me intrigued since the favourite post 😀 Why did it score 1 point less than the Kiehls?

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    1. It’s my blog and I can score any product any way I want! 😆 Honestly, I just think the Kiehl’s cleanser was outstanding, whereas the Fisherman soap was great, but not significantly better than other body soaps I’ve used – I liked it mainly for the scent. 😛

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