February 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy Accountability

February is a No-Buy month for me! I mentioned in my January accountability post that if all goes well this month, I’d have nothing to show. Well, February went well but I do have 3 things to show:
I didn’t buy any of these items myself, I swear! 😇

My friend went and bought this for me on Valentine’s Day. ❤
• The Body Shop Cocoa Body Butter

She was with me when we learned that the Cocoa line was being discontinued by TBS. She really loves this body butter so got 3 of them in their buy 2 get 1 free deal and she gave me her “free” one and refused to take any money for it.  I bought her some discount Valentine’s Day candy on February 15th in return! 😛

Close up of Give Me Space on the right.

• OPI in Vampsterdam (2012 Holland collection)
• OPI Give Me Space (2015 Starlight collection)

More nail polishes! But I also did not buy these! They were a belated Christmas present from another friend who I don’t get to see often! 😀 Thank you!

And that’s it for February. Was it easy to be back in the No-Buy state of mind? Yes and no. I had accumulated so much during Hauluary that it just wasn’t practical to buy anything more. But, there were lots of enticing things – let’s look at some Temptations from last month that piqued my interest – and why I don’t “need” them just yet:

Sofina Primavista Long Keep UV Base


This post by Joyce reminded me about this primer that I could not find when I was in Japan.
Why I don’t need this right now: I actually am in the market for a new primer since I finished up my Laura Mercier one back in December. But I’ve been using samples from my stash – who knew I had so many primer samples?

Etude House Double Lasting Foundation
I had never heard of this foundation until I saw it on SandyXO’s blog – a quick search online shows that it’s very well reviewed. It’s meant to be similar to the famous Estee Lauder Double Wear but this feels lighter weight and it’s also cheaper.
Why I don’t need this right now: I recently bought 6 new foundations: FACE Atelier Ultra Foundation [here], Holika Holika Aqua Petit Jelly BB Cream [here], H&M Beauty All-Day Liquid Foundation, Revlon Colorstay Whipped Creme Makeup, Maybelline SuperStay Better Skin Foundation, and MAC MatchMaster Foundation [all shown here]… so I need to either toss some of my old ones or use up what I have before I can entertain another foundation! But I’m rather proud to say that in 2017 I’ve already finished 3 foundations: Vincent Longo Water Canvas Foundation and The Body Shop Fresh Nude Foundation (in January), and Guerlain Lingerie de Peau BB Cream (in February). 🙂

LORAC Pro Palette
It’s not a new release but Nicole of Pretty Ruff Life reminded me that I’ve had this palette on my wish list for ages.  I’m an eye shadow palette skeptic but I feel like this palette could possibly be The One?
Why I don’t need this right now: I have a backlog of eye shadow palettes to work through including: Maybelline The Nudes [from here], Shu Uemura Blushing Beige [hauled here], Lancome Auda[City] in Paris Eyeshadow Palette [here], BH Cosmetics palette [here], NYX Avant Pop Palette [here], Pupa Pupart palette [here], Viseart Neutral Matte [here], Too Faced Peanut Butter and Jelly Palette [here], CoverGirl TruNaked Palettes, Milani Everyday Eyes Eyeshadow Palette [here], Sleek and Makeup Revolution from the recent UK swap [here], TheBalm Meet Matt(e) Trimony and Balm Appetit Palettes from HauteLook [here] … never mind the Japanese ones I got!  I have a lot of palettes for someone who isn’t a fan of palettes, huh? o_O

BITE Beauty Lip Lab


Have you SEEN Cat’s post on the BITE Beauty lab?!! She treated herself for her birthday. ❤
Why I don’t need this right now: I might just have to treat myself for my birthday too… in 4 more months! XD Plus, I’d like to take a crack at purging a bunch of lip products between now and July to get a better sense of what colour I’d want to create.

Farmacy Green Clean Makeup Meltaway Cleansing Balm
I saw this on Cat’s IG and blog post – can you sense a trend here? That Cat, she’s dangerous! 😉
Why I don’t need this right now: I’ve been on a cleanser kick lately and in my stash I still have the following unopened: EVE LOM Cleanser (hauled during Black Friday), Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel (hauled before Christmas), not to mention the Shu Uemura Clarifying Cleansing Oil (hauled during the Fall Sephora VIB sale in the cute limited edition Murakami print bottle). I’m set for cleansers for a while!

Consonant Annual Skin Care Swap Event
I was very tempted to trade in something from my pile of emtpies to get 50% off a skincare item from Consonant Skincare. It’s a no-brainer, right?
Why I don’t need this right now: I’ve got enough skincare to last me at least 6 months – if not full-sized items, my pile of samples is probably enough to tide me over as well. 😉

Cadillacquer Nail polish


I’ve not heard of this brand of nail polishes before but this post by Ashley over at Short Nail Swatcher introduced me to it.  Just look at those colours! The brand is from Switzerland and even has a blog on WordPress.
Why I don’t need this right now:  Hahaha, I don’t even need to write down why. XD

How did you do in terms of spending last month? What items have caught your eye lately?

78 thoughts on “February 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy Accountability

  1. AWWWW you are so sweet xo
    I AM DANGEROUS … Lol xo
    i was wondering where U WAZZZZZZZZ
    i was waiting to take a shower … Lol’
    ok ur ok xo
    i come back when i am not smelly cat Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are VERY dangerous! And after seeing your swatches of the custom BITE lipsticks, I’m itching to go get one made!
      I was here all along, just delayed this cuz busy Monday morning.
      No smelly Cat… 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. no smelly Cat .
        lovely YSL CAT today
        i love this post so much
        i can make you a little tester of green clean if u wanna give it a whirl
        i prob see you in 2018 ?
        HA XO love xoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

  2. More nail polishes! I just got out of my No-Buy and already purchased few goodies.. I might have to devote some time to write a post about them.. I still havent shared my Philippine Haul (hahahaha I know what you’re thinking😜) I’ll try to share them before the end of the month! It can be another Throwback post!!!🤣🤣🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG, share your Philippine haul already! I’m dying to see! 😛
      Yes, throwback to LAST YEAR ahaha!
      You had a lot of temptations during your No-Buy huh? So many good deals and new launches!

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      1. Yes! Glad they weren’t Limited Edition and was able to catch up on some of those that I really want to try. And yup!! TBT it is! 😂😂

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  3. Hey, nice job on your Feb no buy!! *applauses* Those two OPI polishes are soooo beautiful.
    I can’t believe how many palettes in your collection you have yet to try! And for someone who’s not into palettes, I think you’ve surpassed me in # of palettes owned, LOL.
    Do you mind if I steal your idea of talking about your temptations for the month in my Feb low buy post, with credit to you, of course! I have been comparing nail swatches of ILNP nail polishes ALL MONTH, ever since you posted about getting them on Nail Polish Canada 😛 I also need those Cadillacquer polishes in my life!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, thank you! 😀
      I know, I can’t believe I have so many palettes either. I honestly think I’m DONE for palettes for this year, as much as I want that Lorac Pro – it’s not LE so no rush.
      Of COURSE you can “steal” this idea! There’s no trademark! 😛
      I think once you get interested in indie nail polish brands, there’s no going back… I think of OPI and Essie as so pedestrian now… 😆


  4. You were really good! Congrats! Haha
    That foundation is definitely going on my wish list, just from a quick search it looks really good! And Yes to the Lorac palette! I can promise you will love it!
    Will you be posting about your declutters?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is the danger of reading blogs – I never heard of that foundation and now I want it. You never heard of that foundation and because I mentioned, now YOU want it! It never ends! 😆
      Yes I will be decluttering every quarter this year so watch out for one at the end of March. I’ve been setting aside items I no longer use anymore. 🙂

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  5. I think February is my haul month, I didn’t get much in January but I did some major shopping last month, most of it clothes but some beauty. Whenever I see nail varnish I always want them all! Lol, though those cadilacquer ones are so pretty and a bit different to any I have, I really need to stop looking or I’ll end up buying some! I like the idea of the temptations post, it’s great to see things people want but didn’t get for whatever reason as well as ones they did, might help remind me j don’t need that 10th purple nail varnish!

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    1. Nail polishes are the biggest weakness for me because to me, they never go bad. I know a lot of beauty bloggers have weakness for lipsticks but to me they expire so quickly, I can’t justify having too many of them around.
      The whole temptations notion is to keep myself in check! Technically I don’t need to buy any makeup for a long LONG time (except to replace expired items) but that would be very sad! :/

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Same for me. I have a few lipsticks and only got into them last year really, but nail varnishes last for years. I do have to have a sort out every so often and see if anyone wants them as I tend to get dupes and still keep the ones I don’t like because of the formula so they go once a year. Hehe, I know what you mean with not needing makeup, I may have a thing for eyeshadow palettes and probably have more than enough for the next ten years but makeup is just so fun to buy and play with and see what’s new as the formulas keep improving and changing all the time.


  6. You did well to not buy anything! Feels pretty good when you hold off in a way doesn’t it? Hard though😂 I’ve got enough stuff to last me a lifetime, so I’m definitely on a no buy x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s true, a delay in buying stuff does make it feel more “worthy”. Impulse shopping does often feel empty and I do have a bit of buyer’s remorse. 😛
      Let’s be truthful. we ALL have enough makeup to last SEVERAL lifetimes! XD 😉

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  7. Lovely gifts and I love cocoa butter as it smells so gorgeous and its sweet fragrance lingers around all day long and some of the musings from other bloggers is mind catchy too. That Lorac pallete looks at its best.

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    1. Yes, that Cocoa body butter scent is SO strong! I applied some on my hands and I could smell it all day – wow. Reading other blogs is so dangerous. Don’t you get tempted by everything you see? 😛

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  8. And here I was thinking I was behaved for only buying three things last month!!

    I looove OPI Vampsterdam… I really need to wear it again soon! It’s such a pretty shade!

    And yes, you NEED the Lorac Pro Palette! Their formula is to die for. I think I’m going to pick up the Pro 3 next time I’m at Ulta (I’m thinking probably July). I really wish Lorac was available in Canada!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Buying only 3 things is still great! Don’t sell yourself short!

      I’m going to write to Shoppers again to ask if they can bring Lorac back to Canada. They seem to love having exclusive brands like Bourjois and Essence – why not Lorac too!

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  9. Congrats on your self-control! You have me curious about that Farmacy Cleansing balm, but I’m determined to finish at least 1 cleanser before I buy any more. Actually, that’s my goal for every skincare product I currently have. That should keep me honest for at least a couple months – except for the VIB sale.
    I’ve been wanting the Lorac pro palette too, but haven’t been to the US in a couple years. Though I may be going to Vegas this fall – we’ll see. 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Is it terrible that I’m already thinking about what I’m going to buy for the Sephora VIB sale even though I don’t NEED anything? Not a thing at ALL…

      I keep saying I’ll just bite the bullet and order the Lorac Pro palette online but I think of the thrill is visiting the store and buying it in person. And shopping in Ulta!

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    1. You need to make a trip to Toronto! For ages I held a grudge toward Bite for not having a lap in Toronto when they’re a TORONTO brand! So happy they finally have one here now!


  10. I feel you on the nail polish front! I wish a picture of my untried pile would pop up in my brain every time I’m about to purchase some more because it is HORRENDOUS.

    Somehow I missed that the cocoa line is being discontinued by The Body Shop *gasp* guess I need to stock up!

    You did so well in February! Does it help to keep track of the things that tempt you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha maybe you should take a photo of your pile of untried polishes and put it on your phone. You can look at it when you’re out shopping! 😛

      I was quite shocked about the Cocoa line being discontinued. The Honey line is also being discontinued. I was advised that an Almond line will be introduced to “replace” them. I like almond but why can’t they co-exist?

      I do feel keeping track of things that tempt me helps because I need to remind myself of what I already own. I have a good memory in general but somehow I forget all the stash of unused makeup I have! 😉 I call it selective memory…

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      1. It does seem weird to have cocoa replaced with almond 😛 but I will admit, while I was buying a couple tubs of the cocoa body butter I also got a small tub of the new almond and honey scent because I’m curious!


    1. Can’t wait to wear it. It looked so pretty when I held it up to the light – I’d imagine that I would just stare at my nails all day and get nothing done. 😛


  11. Well done for avoiding temptation this month! I had a brilliant plan of holding off on spending this month too since I went a little crazy doing some clothing shopping but my beloved Clinique Extreme High Impact mascara was getting dry so I needed a new mascara to replace it. I am currently giving L’Oreal’s False Lash Wings mascara a test run. On top of that, a friend introduced me to this website called Wish (I don’t know if you know it) and everything is so affordable so I fell victim to shopping again. There are far too many temptations out there!

    Etude House seems to be a very well reviewed brand in general. I am rather intrigued by it.

    Great post!

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    1. Well, I think if you’re replacing an item then it doesn’t count as unnecessary spending – you’re just replenishing what you need. That’s my view anyway. Oh I’ve tried that L’Oreal False Lash Wings mascara and I liked it, surprisingly. I hope it works well for you.

      I’ve not heard of Wish and I’ll attempt to push that knowledge out of my brain now! 😛

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      1. So far, I am liking it too. I have actually liked most of the L’Oreal mascaras I have tried other than the Volume Million.
        Haha my apologies. 🙈😂 Believe me, it’s a slippery slope. 😂


  12. Well done for finishing 3 foundations this year! I love this type of post where you justify not buying something simply because you don’t need it right now! I also want to try that Etude House foundation too, I heard it’s great too 🙂

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  13. I have been wanting to go to the Bite Beauty lab. I definitely want to visit NYC again and this time, I’m stopping by the Bite Beauty Lab. Not sure when but making my own lipstick is right up my alley. Also, the Etude foundation looks good but yes, I have a few foundations I need to use up first.

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    1. Yes, you must go next time you’re in NYC. Think of it as an experience. And a souvenir of your visit! 😉 I think aside from a custom blended foundation, there’s really no other customizable makeup item and being the creator of your own makeup would the ultimate thrill for a beauty addict! And naming the shade too would be fun. 😀

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  14. How excited are you to use the body butter? Have you tried it yet? I got mine at Christmas but still haven’t used it yet, I will be starting it in the next few days though! The OPIs are so pretty! 😀

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    1. I haven’t starting using the body butter yet. I’m going to use a few other body moisturizers I have in my stash first. Enjoy yours! I haven’t seen the new Almond line they said is going to replace this one – I’m curious about it.

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